听电影学英语-肖申克的救赎 09(在线收听

  [00:02.90]Only guilty man in Shawshank. 我是肖申克唯一的罪犯
  [01:04.22]Where's the canary? 歌女呢?
  [01:04.62]How did you know? 你怎么知道?
  [01:07.62]-How did I know what?  -So you don't know. -我知道什么?  -原来你不知道
  [01:08.62]Come. 来
  [01:14.30]This is where the canary is. 歌女在这里
  [01:18.38]Quite a surprise to hear a woman singing in my house, eh? 没想到她来寒舍献唱吧
  [01:24.78]That's quite a 的确
  [01:28.10]surprise. 没想到
  [01:32.38]Red 瑞德
  [01:33.98]Wait, wait. 等一下啦
  [01:35.74]Here she comes. 她上场了
  [01:36.82]I like this part when she does that shit with her hair. 我最迷她甩头发的骚样
  [01:40.10]I know. I've seen it three times this month. 这个月看过三场了
  [01:42.82]Gilda, are you decent? 姬旦  你衣着整齐吗?
  [01:45.46]Me? 我?
  [01:48.78]God, I love it. 我爱死了
  [01:55.54]I understand you're a man that knows how to get things. 听说阁下有求必应
  [01:59.58]I'm known to locate certain things from time to time. What do you want? 在下确非浪得虚名  你要什么?
  [02:03.30]-Rita Hayworth. -What? -丽塔·海华丝  -什么?
  [02:08.14]Can you get her? 弄得到吗?
  [02:10.22]So this is Johnny Farrel. I've heard a lot about you. 这位就是法罗呀  久仰
  [02:13.62]-Take a few weeks. -Weeks? -要几个星期  -几星期?
  [02:17.62]I don't have her stuffed down the front of my pants right now, sorry to say. 我又没把她压在下面
  [02:22.66]Relax. 安啦
  [02:23.54]But I'll get her. 反正弄得到
  [02:26.46]Thanks. 谢了
  [02:47.22]-Get out!  -I got to change reels! -出去  -我得放映呀
  [02:50.02]I said fuck off! 我叫你滚
  [02:58.62]Ain't you going to scream? 你不尖叫吗?
  [03:00.42]Let's get this over with. 咱们算算总帐
  [03:07.30]He broke my fucking nose! 他打破我鼻子
  [03:19.54]Now 现在
  [03:20.34]I'm going to open my fly 我要解拉链
  [03:24.10]and you'll swallow what I give you to swallow. 叫你含什么你就含
  [03:27.70]Then you'll swallow Rooster's.  You broke his nose. 先舔我  再舔公鸡  因为你害他流鼻血
  [03:29.94]He ought to have something to show for it. 你应该要道歉
  [03:33.26]You put it in my mouth, you lose it. 它进我的嘴  就跟你分家
  [03:35.54]No, you don't understand. 不  你没搞懂
  [03:38.30]Do that and I'll put all eight inches of this in your ear. 我会用钻子刺穿你耳朵
  [03:42.22]All right, but you should know that sudden, serious brain injury 好吧  但你应该知道  脑部遇袭
  [03:44.90]causes the victim to bite down hard. 会使人死劲咬
  [03:47.46]In fact, I hear the bite reflex is so strong 用力之大呀
  [03:49.66]they have to pry the victim's jaws open 得用铁撬
  [03:54.34]with a crowbar. 才扳得开
  [03:56.70]Where do you get this shit? 你怎么知道?
  [04:00.66]I read it. 书上写的
  [04:02.86]You know how to read, you ignorant fuck? 你识字吗  豆腐脑?
  [04:08.22]Honey! 亲爱的
  [04:11.34]You shouldn't! 你不该损我
  [04:13.98]Bogs didn't put anything in Andy's mouth. 包格斯没逼他吹喇叭
  [04:17.66]And neither did his friends. 其他两个也不敢
  [04:18.66]What they did do is beat him within an inch of his life. 他们把安迪打个半死
  [04:24.66]Andy spent a month in the infirmary. 在医务室里待了一个月
  [04:28.90]Bogs spent a week in the hole. 包格斯被罚独囚一周
  [04:34.30]Time's up, Bogs. 时间到
  [04:40.66]It's your world, boss. 遵命
  [04:45.42]Return to your cellblocks for evening count. 回牢房准备点名
  [04:48.42]All prisoners report for lock down. 全部回房去
