听电影学英语-肖申克的救赎 15(在线收听

  [00:36.68]Do you hear that? 安迪  什么声音?
  [01:47.24]Dufresne! 杜弗伦
  [01:50.04]Andy, let me out! 安迪  放我出去
  [01:56.08]Andy 安迪
  [01:59.68]I have no idea to this day what those two Italian ladies were singing about. 我从未搞懂她们唱什么
  [02:05.64]Truth is, I don't want to know. 其实我也不想弄懂
  [02:06.36]Some things are best left unsaid. 此时无言胜有言
  [02:12.68]I like to think it was something so beautiful 她们唱出
  [02:15.40]it can't be expressed in words 难以言传的美
  [02:18.76]and makes your heart ache because of it. 美的令你心碎
  [02:22.04]I tell you, those voices soared 歌声直窜云端
  [02:24.12]higher and farther than anybody in a gray place dares to dream. 超越失意囚徒的梦想
  [02:30.12]It was like a beautiful bird flapped into our drab cage 宛如小鸟飞入牢房
  [02:32.40]and made those walls dissolve away. 使石墙消失无踪
  [02:36.24]And for the briefest of moments 就在这一瞬间
  [02:39.84]every last man at Shawshank felt free. 肖申克众囚仿佛重获自由
  [02:44.12]It pissed the warden off something awful. 典狱长可发飚了
  [02:51.64]Open it up! 开门呀
  [02:54.92]Dufresne, open this door! 杜弗伦  开门
  [02:59.20]Turn that off! 关掉
  [03:08.28]I am warning you. Turn that off! 我警告你  关掉
  [03:23.48]Dufresne 杜弗伦
  [03:29.04]You're mine now. 敬酒不吃吃罚酒
  [03:37.92]Andy got two weeks in the hole for that little stunt. 安迪被罚囚两周
  [03:39.68]On your feet. 站起来
  [03:44.76]-Hey, look who's here.  -Maestro! -看谁来了  -大指挥家
  [03:46.44]You couldn't play something good, huh? Like Hank Williams? 你没别的可放吗?  比如汉克·威廉斯的歌
  [03:50.48]They broke the door down before I could take requests. 来不及接受点歌就被逮了
  [03:53.48]-Was it worth two weeks?  -Easiest time I ever did. -关两周值得吗?  -我最舒服的两周
  [03:57.84]-No such thing as easy time in the hole. -A week in the hole is like a year. -屁话  独囚最难熬了  -在里面度日如年呀
  [04:03.44]-Damn straight.  -I had Mr. Mozart to keep me company. -最难熬了  -有莫札特陪我
  [04:05.44]So they let you tote that record player down there, huh? 他们准你带电唱机?
  [04:12.08]It was in here. 在脑中
  [04:14.88]In here. 在心底
  [04:15.36]That's the beauty of music. They 音乐之美
  [04:18.56]can't get that from you. 是夺不走的
  [04:24.04]Haven't you ever felt that way about music? 你没体会过吗?
  [04:28.76]Well, I played a mean harmonica as a younger man. 我年轻时吹口琴
  [04:33.44]Lost interest in it, though. 没兴致了
  [04:35.04]Didn't make much sense in here. 在牢里也没意义
  [04:36.76]Here's where it makes the most sense. 就是在这里才有意义
  [04:37.92]You need it so you don't forget. 有音乐才不会忘记
  [04:42.48]Forget? 忘记什么?
  [04:42.72]Forget that there are 世上
  [04:46.96]places 有些地方
  [04:48.68]in the world that aren't made out of stone. 是石墙关不住的
  [04:53.04]There's something 在人的
  [04:54.40]inside 内心
  [04:55.04]that they can't get to 有他们
  [04:57.72]that they can't touch. 管不到的东西
  [04:59.32]That's yours. 是完全属于你的
