听电影学英语-国王的演讲 10(在线收听

  [00:18.11]What on earth was that?  你这是在干吗?
  [00:19.81]Poor Wallis. Now I’m trapped!  可怜的沃利斯 我被现在困住了
  [00:37.51]And in these last 25 crowded troubled glorious years  在过去艰辛荣耀的25年间
  [00:41.85]If there’s one thing that King George has taught  乔治国王教会了我们
  [00:45.78]It is the art of the leader with also a brother to his followers  一个领导者也能有兄弟般的亲切
  [00:50.78]As long as he lives he was the guiding star of a great nation  他在世时 曾是大英帝国的指路明灯
  [00:55.50]- Dad? - When he died,...  - 爸爸? - 他驾崩之时...
  [00:58.00]- ...the little children cried in the street - Time for a Shake,dad?  - 有孩子在街上哭泣 - 莎翁时间吗 爸爸?
  [01:01.66]- You sure? - Go on  - 你确定? - 是的
  [01:12.86]Put your thinking caps on.  把你们的小脑瓜都转起来
  [01:17.70]Bet its the Scottish Play.  我赌是"麦克白"
  [01:19.02]No,I bet it’s Othello. It’s always Othello.  不 我打赌是"奥赛罗" 总是"奥赛罗"
  [01:32.20]“Art thou afeard? Be not afeard”  你害怕吗? 别害怕
  [01:36.10]- Caliban! - Oh! For heaven’s sake..  - 卡利班! (出自"暴风雨")  - 哦! 拜托
  [01:39.44]that was a lucky guess!  侥幸猜到罢了!
  [01:41.00]Don’t listen to egghead. Go on,Dad.  别听他的 我们继续 爸爸
  [01:44.13]“the isle is full of noises,Sounds and sweet airs,that give delight,and hurt not.  这岛上充满了各种声音和悦耳的乐曲,使 人听了愉快,不会伤害人 (以下皆出自莎翁"暴风雨")
  [01:49.82]Sometimes a thousand twanging instruments Will hum about mine ears; and sometimes voices,  有时成千的叮叮咚咚的乐器 在我耳边鸣响 有时又使我沉沉睡去
  [01:54.02]That,if then I had waked after long sleep,Will make me sleep again:”  在我酣睡醒来的时候 听见了那种歌声
  [02:00.12]Alright,clever clogs,what comes next?  好吧 小天才 接下来是什么?
  [02:02.39]- “..and then,in dreaming,Me thought the clouds” - the clouds me thought  - 那时在梦中 便好像云朵 - 便好像云端里
  [02:05.93]“The clouds me thought would open,  便好像云端里开了门
  [02:07.82]And show riches Ready to drop upon me; that...”  无数珍宝要向我倾倒下来
  [02:10.08]...when I waked,I cried to dream again.”  当醒来之后 我简直哭了起来
  [02:12.46]It’s such a sad thought.  多悲伤的想法啊
  [02:16.95]My next patient must be a bit early. You better go lads,I’m sorry.  我下个病人一定早到了 抱歉 你们最好回避吧
  [02:21.43]Won’t be a moment,Clifford.  很快就来 克利福德
  [02:27.27]Bertie,  伯蒂
  [02:31.24]they told me not to expect you.  他们说您不来了
  [02:35.04]Sorry about your father.  请节哀顺变
  [02:38.18]I don’t wish to intrude..  我没有打扰你吧
  [02:39.97]No..Not at all,please come in  没...没有 请进
  [02:52.90]I’ve been practising. One hour a day.  我一直在练习 每天一小时
  [02:56.70]In spite of everything.  一直坚持着
  [02:59.20]What’s going on there?  你后背怎么了?
  [03:01.83]I was,sorry,mucking around with my kids.  抱歉 我在跟孩子们闹着玩呢
  [03:09.25]Do you feel like working today?  您今天想治疗吗?
  [03:16.68]A Curtis bi-plane.  柯蒂斯双翼飞机
  [03:18.03]I’ll put on some hot milk.  我去热点牛奶
  [03:20.04]Logue,I’d kill for something stronger.  罗格 我更想来点酒
  [03:30.02]I wasn’t there for my father’s death.  父亲去世时 我没在他身边
  [03:32.67]Still makes me sad.  太遗憾了
  [03:34.81]I can imagine so.  我能想象
  [03:38.28]- What did you father do?  - He was brewer.  - 你父亲是做什么的?  - 他是酿酒人
  [03:41.11]- Oh. - At least there was free beer.  - 哦 - 至少有免费啤酒喝
  [03:44.42]Here’s to the memory of your father.  这杯敬您的父亲
  [03:51.48]I was informed,after the fact,  后来我才...得知

  [03:55.82]my father’s …last words were:  父亲的...最后一句话是
  [04:02.30]“Bertie has more.. guts than the rest of his brothers.. put together.”  "伯蒂比他...所有兄弟加起来 ...都更有胆识"
  [04:11.58]He couldn’t say that to my face.  他没能当面对我说
  [04:18.44]My brother.  我的哥哥...
  [04:22.04]What about him?  他怎么了?
  [04:26.04]- Try singing it. - I’m sorry?  - 试着唱出来 - 什么?
  [04:30.09]What songs do you know?  你都知道哪些歌?
  [04:32.32]- Songs? - yes songs  - 歌? - 对
  [04:34.41]“Swanee River”  "故乡的亲人"
  [04:35.29]- I love that song. - Happens to be my favorite.  - 我喜欢那首歌 - 是我最喜欢的
  [04:37.94]- Sing me the chorus. - No. Certainly not.  - 唱出来 - 才不
  [04:45.18]I always.. wanted to build models.  我一直...想做模型
  [04:49.89]Father… wouldn’t allow it. He..  父亲...不允许 他...他...
  [04:55.08]collected stamps.  他...集邮
  [04:56.10]We had to collect stamps.  我们也得集邮
  [04:58.48]You can finish that off. If you sing.  唱出来就让你接着做
