听电影学英语-超级奶爸 09(在线收听

  [00:02.90]And they say war is hell.  他们还说战争是地狱
  [00:04.54]* Whenever we go out The people always shout  * 我们出去的时候,人们总是在呐喊
  [00:07.70]* There goes Shane Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt  * 这就是雪恩 杰卡布 Jingleheimer Schmidt
  [00:12.38]* Dah dah dah dah dah  * 哒 哒 哒 哒 哒 哒
  [00:13.74]* Shane Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt  * 雪恩 杰卡布 Jingleheimer Schmidt
  [00:15.38]* His name is my name too *  * 他的名字也是我的名字 *
  [00:18.54]- (tires screech) - (girls scream)
  [00:23.10]Ah! I figured you'd come back for him.  啊! 我就知道你会回来的
  [00:26.30]Lulu, watch your brother. Inexcusable!  LuIu, 看好你弟弟 不可松懈!
  [00:29.18]- I've never Left a man behind. - Oh, relax.  我从来没有丢弃过任何人 哦,放松~
  [00:30.58]Once we found a kid in the ball pool when we opened in the morning.  有一次我们早上开门的时候在球池里找到一个孩子
  [00:35.50]Not cool! Uh, there is no freestyling in the ball pool!  不好! 呃, 球池里不能用自由式
  [00:35.62]Whoa! Whoa!  哇! 哇!
  [00:53.10]Should we send someone in after him?  我们要不要找人来帮他?
  [00:59.86]We're good.  我没问题
  [01:07.02]- (hip-hop music plays) - (yelling)
  [01:12.18](Lulu) Holy baloney.
  [01:16.82]Ooh! Someone's gonna get busted!  哦! 有人要倒霉了
  [01:20.74]- Who are these people? - What's wrong with this?  这些都是什么人? 怎么了?
  [01:22.14]- We need to talk. - Don't hate the player, hate the game.  我们得谈谈 不要恨玩游戏的人,要恨就恨这游戏
  [01:31.10](air squealing)
  [01:32.10]Beat it.  关掉
  [01:36.74](music stops)
  [01:38.06]Party's over!  聚会结束了!
  [01:39.26]Oh, my God, it's here.  老天啊! 他来了
  [01:43.46]You're all gonna clean this house spotless.  你们全都要把这里清理的一尘不染
  [01:43.74]No highway option. Now, get cleaning.  不许偷懒 给我干活去!
  [01:47.98]- I'm outta here! - (Zoe) Wait! Scott!  我得走了! 等等!Scott!
  [01:50.10](Scott) Move! Later!  躲开! 回头见!
  [01:59.22]Oh, no, you don't.  哦,这可不行
  [02:11.94]This is my favorite shirt.  这是我最喜欢的衬衣
  [02:27.54]Thank you.  谢谢你
  [02:56.90]Come on, Seth! You've been in there for an hour!  快点, 西斯! 你在那里已经一个小时了!
  [03:01.26]Thanks a lot, Lt. Loser! Now I'm gonna be the school joke.  非常感谢你, 失败少尉! 我现在成为学校的笑柄了
  [03:06.14]I don't know what I'll say to my friends.  我不知道要怎么跟我的朋友们解释了
  [03:06.34]You call those people your friends?  你管那些人叫朋友?
  [03:14.78]You have no respect for yourself!  你一点也不尊重你自己!
  [03:16.34]I do, too, respect myself!  我很尊重我自己
  [03:20.18]Company downstairs. That means you too.  全都到楼下集合 你也一样
  [03:20.94]You're not my dad.  你不是我爸爸
  [03:24.82]In case you haven't noticed,  也许你还没注意到这点
  [03:26.54]this family is going through a really hard time  这个家庭正在经历一段非常艰难的时期
  [03:28.62]and you're just making everything a lot worse.  而你却让所有事情变得更糟
  [03:30.30]You have no feelings.  你没有感情
  [03:32.86]We hate you and you hate us.  我们讨厌你 你也讨厌我们
  [03:36.06]So why don't you just Leave us alone?  你干吗不干脆走开
  [03:39.54]Don't worry. When your mom comes back, I'm gone.  不要担心 等你们妈妈回来我就会走的
  [03:44.30]- Now what? - Scott.  又怎么了 Scott.
  [03:48.98]Run! Take the babies! Go to your rooms!  跑! 带着孩子回到你们的房间
  [03:52.82](karate yells)
  [04:16.22]Shane! Come over here! Take one of these!  雪恩! 过来这边! 拿着这个!
  [04:16.58]Lulu!  LuIu!
  [04:20.86]- Get inside. Come on. - Hey! Hey! Wait!  进去 快点! 嘿! 嘿! 等一下!
