听电影学英语-风雨哈佛路 05(在线收听

  [00:08.58](monologue) buzzed in, locked in.  It was like visiting my mother. only I was in the crazy house now. 门铃声,反锁声,就像去探望我的妈咪。只是现在是我在疯人院
  [00:57.10](monologue) and I didn't get out in 24 hours, I didn't get out in 24 days. No one wanted me. They just left me there. 24小时内我没有出去,24天内也没有出去。没人愿意收留我,我被遗弃了
  [01:15.22]Why don't you go to school? 为什么不去学校?
  [01:18.34]That's the big problem we've got here. 这是个很严重的问题
  [01:19.06]Why don't you go? 为什么你不去?
  [01:32.78]From what I can see, you've got a discipline problem. 在我看来,你有纪律上的问题
  [02:55.74]Liz? 丽思?
  [02:57.94]Hi, pops 嗨 爷爷
  [02:59.66]You get your mother. 你应该去找你妈妈
  [03:01.26]Jean, come out here. She's here. 基恩,出来。她在这
  [03:09.78]I'm leaving for school, but I wanna see you first. 我得去学校了,但我想先见你
  [03:13.10]Don't screw this up. We're doing ok. 别搞砸了,我们很好
  [03:14.06]Thanks, Lisa. 谢谢,丽萨
  [03:16.34]and don't expect too much. She's dying. 也不要期望太多,她快不行了
  [03:30.06]mom 妈
  [03:30.10]Lizzy! 丽思
  [03:46.94](monologue) When I think of my life. This is the time I like to think of. 当我回想我的生活时,这段日子是我记忆最深刻的
  [03:49.86](monologue) When I got back. When mother's mind was clear. There was no cocaine. so her schizophrenic seemed about to working. 我回来了,我的母亲精神愉悦,没有毒品,精神分裂也没有发作
  [03:58.78](monologue) and we go to the cafe, and sit, and talk, and eat hamburgers. 我们去了咖啡厅,坐下来闲聊,还有吃汉堡
  [04:03.02](monologue) We were together.  Even with her bad eyes, I think she could see me.  Well, she could see my outline.  我们呆在一起,虽然她的视力不好,但我认为她能看清我,至少能看见我的轮廓
  [04:11.82](monologue) and for a while, I had my mother again. 那段时间,我的母亲回来了
  [04:14.02]and we went to park. Yeah, I remember. We used to side down that hill, remember?  you put down that old card borad  we pretend it was slide. 我们去过公园,我记得的。我们还拿旧纸板当垫子从山上滑下来
  [04:21.34]You remember that? 你有印象啊?
  [04:21.66]How about the tickle monster. 记得那个怪兽吗?
  [04:25.50]Well, we screemed and laughed about that one. 是啊,我们当时尖叫了半天
  [04:30.02]I was a good mom, wasn't I? 我过去是个好妈妈,不是吗?
  [04:35.46]Wasn't I? 不是吗?
  [04:37.22]Yeah, mom, sure, you were fine. 是啊,妈妈,你那时很好
  [04:43.02]well, I'm real glad we were all together, you know.  you and me and Lisa 我真正开心的是我和你在一起了,还有丽萨
  [04:50.42]What if dad went off drugs too. Wouldn't it be great? 如果爸爸能戒掉毒品,那不是更好吗?
  [04:51.78]Maybe we could even go back to the university avenue. 也许我们还能回到大学路
  [04:58.54]Yeah... , your dad.  He's in a shelter right now.  I'm afraid that he lost the apartment. He can not even order the rend, so... 你爸爸现在在收容所,恐怕他没有公寓了。没钱交房租,所以…
