听电影学英语-日落之前 09(在线收听

  [00:00.00]And how when they had been dating for a year she started telling him... 当他们交往一年后 她告诉他如何做可以让她更多快感...
  [00:03.22]...what he could do to please her more, and it freaked him out. 结果这把他吓坏了
  [00:06.90]-Why? -Totally. -为什么? -总的来说
  [00:09.82]Maybe she shouldn't have waited so long. 或许她不该等这么久
  [00:10.02]He thought it meant he was a bad lover.... 他会想自己不是一个好情人....
  [00:11.98]-After a year.... -But men are so easily offended. -过了一年.... -但人们总是很容易小心眼
  [00:16.10]-What, more than women? -Definitely on that subject. -不止女人? -在这个问题上是一样的
  [00:17.78]-You think so? -Yeah, yeah. -你觉得是么? -对
  [00:20.34]Well, maybe it's because, you know... 或许因为...
  [00:23.42]-...men are easier to-- To please. -To please? -...男人更容易得到快感吧 -快感?
  [00:25.50]-Well, I don't know. -Yeah, they are. They're definitely. -我也说不清楚 -对,确实如此
  [00:29.30]Anyway, this friend, she was telling me... 总之,这个朋友就告诉我...
  [00:32.50]...next time she dates a man, she's gonna make a little questionnaire... ...下次她交男朋友她要先做个调查...
  [00:35.86]-...about what they like and dislike-- -What, written down, or out loud? -...双方的喜好厌憎-- -记下来还是...?
  [00:41.42]Yeah, mostly written down. 多数是要记下
  [00:43.02]But it wouldn't be just yes or no. It would be a bit more complex than that. 但这不是“是”或“不是”这么简单 要比这个复杂
  [00:46.38]Like, for example, if the question is: "Are you into S & M? " 比如这样的问题: "你是否喜欢SM? "
  [00:49.06]The answer could be: "No, but a good spanking once in a while doesn't hurt." 答案可能是: "不,但偶尔打打屁股也可以增加情调"
  [00:54.06]Right, or like: "Do you like talking dirty in bed? " 或者比如: "你喜欢在床上说下流话么? "
  [00:57.54]-That kind of thing? -Yeah, but not just like any dirty talk. -比方说? -对,但也不是什么都能说
  [01:03.10]Just "What specific word would you like to hear? " 比方说"最喜欢听些什么话? "
  [01:04.26]-What, me? -Well, yeah. -我么? -对
  [01:07.26]For example what specific word would you like to hear? 比方说你特别喜欢听哪一类词?
  [01:09.58]I don't know. 我不知道
  [01:13.14]What do you feel about the word "pussy"? 对"猫眯(阴户)"这个词有什么感觉?
  [01:15.10]I love it. 我喜欢
  [01:18.62]Good. 好
  [01:20.10]It's amazing what perverts we've become in the past nine years. 这九年来你变得这么变态
  [01:23.66]At least now we don't have to pretend each new sexual experience... 起码现在我们不必假装...
  [01:25.54]...is, like, a life-altering event. ...每一次新的性经历都会改变生活
  [01:27.14]I know. By now, you've stuck it in so many places it's about to fall off. 我知道,至今为止你还一直流连各处
  [01:32.70]And I can't realistically expect you've become anything but a total ho. 我实际上不可能在期望你什么
  [01:36.30]-Yeah, thank you. -No, I'm s-- -谢谢 -不,我--
  [01:40.30]-That's true. What can you do? -What can you do? -那是真的,你可以做什么呢? -你能干什么呢?
  [01:43.98]So, what kind of songs do you write? I didn't know you did that. 那么你都写了哪些歌? 我可不知道你做这个的
  [01:47.34]-I don't know, just songs. -Like? -我不知道,就是歌呗 -比如像?
  [01:47.74]-What kind? -Yeah, sure. -哪些? -对,当然
  [01:48.70]Like, some are about, you know, people. 比如,恩,人
  [01:54.02]Relationships. One's about my cat. 人际关系,一首是有关我的猫的
  [01:55.38]-Sing one. -No, I can't. I don't have a guitar. -唱一首听听 -不,我不行。没有吉他不行
  [01:57.06]-Come on. A cappella. -No, no, no. -来吧,起个头就可以了 -不,不
  [01:57.98]I'm not singing a song without a guitar. You're nuts. 没有吉他我什么都唱不了,你疯了
  [02:03.66]Why not? 为什么不能?
  [02:06.10]-No, okay. Not now. No. -One. -不,好了,不是现在 -一
  [02:07.50]If not now, when? You want to meet here in six months with a guitar? 如果不是现在? 六个月后带上吉他重逢?
  [02:12.26]I'll fly all the way over here. 我会无论如何赶到的
  [02:12.90]-You may or may not make the Metro. -Okay, that's funny. -不管你来不来 -真有意思
  [02:17.38]-We've got to get back. -We'll be all right. -我们要回去了 -我们来得及
  [02:17.46]-You're gonna miss your flight. -All right. -你会误点的 -好的
  [02:20.14]We can walk down La Seine. It's nice. 我们可以从塞纳河下去 很浪漫

  [02:22.14]Okay. 好的
  [02:24.82]-So you're flying back to New York? -Yeah, yeah. -就是说你要飞回纽约? -是
  [02:29.14]So I read in that article that you're married with a kid. That's great. 我读过另一篇文章知道你结婚了,还有个孩子
  [02:33.66]Yeah, he's-- He's 4. 对,孩子4岁.
  [02:38.34]-What's his name? -Henry. Little Hank. -他叫什么名字? -亨利,小汉克
  [02:38.82]-He's so much fun. -Oh, wow, I'm sure. -他很有意思 -我肯定
  [02:41.70]-Your wife, what does she do? -She teaches elementary school. -你太太,职业是? -她是小学老师
  [02:46.70]-Do you have kids? -Yes, two-- Shit! -你们有孩子么? -是的,两个。噢,该死!
  [02:48.66]-What? -I left them in the car! -什么? -我把他们丢在车里了!
  [02:49.22]With the windows up, six months ago! Think they're okay? 六个月前,窗门还关着! 想想他们还好吧?
  [02:51.54]No, I'm kidding. No, but I want to have kids someday. 不,我只是开玩笑 不,可我将来有一天真是要有孩子的
  [02:56.74]-I'm just not ready yet. -No? -我只是还没有准备好 -没有?
  [02:58.90]-I'm in a good relationship, though. -Oh yeah? That's good. -虽然我现在现在和他关系不错 -是么?这是好事
  [03:00.26]-What's he do? -He's a photojournalist. -他是干吗的? -他是摄影记者
  [03:03.34]He does war coverage. 他做有关战争报道
  [03:05.34]He's away a lot, which is good because I'm so busy. 他总是出差,不过也是好事 因为我也很忙
  [03:07.26]But isn't that dangerous? Aren't a lot of those guys getting killed these days? 但那样不是很危险么? 这些年头很多人都死于战乱的?
  [03:12.34]He promises me he doesn't take risks, but I often worry. 他答应过我不冒险, 但我有时也总是担心
  [03:16.98]He goes in this trance when he photographs something. 当他一摄影就会傻楞
  [03:18.78]-What do you mean? -Well, once we were in New Delhi... -怎么说? -记得有次在新德里...
  [03:20.78]...and we passed a bum on the-- ...我们经过贫民区--
  [03:24.62]-A bomb? -A bum. A homeless. -炸弹(bum谐音bomb)? -贫民区
  [03:25.22]All right, right. 好的
  [03:28.22]He looked like he needed help, but his first reaction was to photograph him. 有个人看起来很需要帮助, 可是他的第一反映是先拍照
  [03:32.22]He went really close to his face, fixing his collar... 他靠的很近,抓住领口...
  [03:35.26]...totally detached from the person. ...差点失散
  [03:36.86]But don't you have to be like that to be good at that job? 但难道为了做好工作就不得不那么做么?
  [03:39.58]Yeah, I mean, I'm not.... 我是说....
  [03:39.62]I'm not judging him. What he does is essential and incredible. 我不是评判他 他做的都是让人吃惊、不可思议的
  [03:43.82]All I'm saying is that I could never do it. 我这么说是因为我永远不会那么做
  [03:46.90]Let's get on that boat. Come on. 我们上那船吧
  [03:48.62]-No! -Come on, it'll be fun. -不! -来吧,很有意思的
  [03:48.66]-You don't have time! -They're about to take off. -你没有时间了! -他们就要走了
  [03:52.66]I've got 1 5 more minutes. Do you have a cell phone? 我还有15分钟呢 你有手机么?
  [03:53.94]-Yeah. -All right, I've got that driver's number. 好的,我有司机的号码
  [03:57.94]I can call him to pick us up at the next stop. 我可以让他在下个码头接我
  [04:01.26]I've never been on those boats. It's for tourists, it's embarrassing. 这些是旅游观光船, 说来尴尬,我也没坐过
  [04:02.58]Okay. All right. 好的,没事
  [04:09.50]No, I'll get it, I'll get it. 不,我来付
  [04:10.26]All right. All right, all right. 好的,好的,好
  [04:16.54]Thank you. 谢谢
  [04:19.54]-So are you in love with that guy? -What guy? -就是说你爱那个人了? -什么人?
  [04:19.90]-The war photographer. -Yes, of course. -战地摄影记者 -当然
  [04:27.46]So do you have that cell phone? 那么你有手机么?
  [04:30.94]Oh, yeah. 当然
  [04:32.66]-Okay, let's see.... -Okay. -让我们看看.... -好的
  [04:34.70]Tell him to pick you up at Quai Henri Quatre. 告诉他在Quai Henri Quatre(法语)接你
  [04:38.18]Oh, shit. Quai...? 该死. Quai...?
  [04:41.06]Henri Quatre. Quai Henri Quatre. Quai Henri Quatre.
  [04:43.94]Henri Quatre. 亨利四世站
  [04:46.74]What's wrong with you? No, do you want me to--? Henri Quatre. 你怎么回事? .
  [04:50.42]-Henry Four? -Yes! -亨利四世站? -是!
  [04:50.54]-Come on, why didn't you say so? -I'm sorry. Okay. -干吗不直接说呢? -对不起,好了吧
