听电影学英语-日落之前 12(在线收听

  [00:02.94]Well, I guess this is goodbye. 好了,我想要说再见了
  [00:04.42]-You better give me your-- -No, no. -你最好给我你的-- -不
  [00:05.62]Why don't we just give you a ride home? 为什么不让我载你回家呢?
  [00:09.22]-Well, I can take the Metro. I'm fine. -No, l-- -不,我可以坐地铁的 -不,我--
  [00:10.22]My flight's not until 1 0. I'll be arriving two hours early. 我的飞机是10点, 我还会有两个小时的空闲
  [00:13.66]This way we can keep talking. 这样我们可以继续谈
  [00:17.06]-Monsieur, can--? -It's not on the way. -先生,我们可以--? -不顺路的
  [00:33.58]You told him where you are and all that? 你告诉她你住哪里了么?
  [00:35.98]Yeah. 是
  [00:40.74]-He knows where he's going? -Yes. -他知道路怎么走? -是
  [00:42.30]Glad somebody does. 还好有人知道
  [00:44.58]-But this is better than the Metro, right? -Definitely. -但这总比地铁强吧? -当然
  [00:49.74]I was thinking, for me it's better I don't romanticize things as much anymore. 我在想, 我还是不要把事情想的太浪漫
  [00:56.02]I was suffering so much all the time. 我一直在受苦
  [00:58.14]I still have lots of dreams, but they're not in regard to my love life. 我还是有很多梦想, 但是都不属于我的生活
  [01:01.10]It doesn't make me sad, it's just the way it is. 这不会让我伤心, 但是就是这样
  [01:05.38]Is that why you're in a relationship with somebody who's never around? 这就是为什么你总是同不在身边的人交往?
  [01:07.58]Yes, obviously I can't deal with the day-to-day life of a relationship. 很明显我不善于天天厮守
  [01:11.86]Yeah, we have this exciting time together... 对, 此刻我们相逢...
  [01:14.94]...and he leaves and I miss him, but at least I'm not dying inside. ...他离开了,我可以想他 不至于就此心死
  [01:17.10]When someone's always around me, I'm suffocating. 当有人总是在你身边, 你会感觉窒息
  [01:21.66]No, wait, you just said that you need to love and be loved. 等等, 你刚才不是还说你需要爱与被爱么
  [01:24.90]Yeah, but when I do, it quickly makes me nauseous. 对,但是真的这样的时候又会让我恶心
  [01:27.94]It's a disaster. 真是灾难
  [01:28.46]I mean, I'm really happy only when I'm on my own. 我是想说我只有感觉属于自己的时候会开心
  [01:30.82]Even being alone, it's better than sitting next to a lover and feeling lonely. 即使孤单一人, 也比在一个情人旁边然而感觉孤单要好
  [01:37.98]It's not so easy for me to be a romantic. 我不是那种浪漫主义者
  [01:40.38]You start off that way, and after you've been screwed over a few times... 你那样的开始,然后在经历几次以后...
  [01:43.06]...you forget about your delusional ideas and you take what comes into your life. ...你忘记了那些错觉, 然后重新回到生活
  [01:48.10]That's not even true. I haven't been screwed over... 那不对, 我也没有这样经历过...
  [01:49.74]...I've just had too many blah relationships. ...我有过太多这样乏味的爱情了
  [01:54.02]They weren't mean, they cared for me... 他们不是有意的, 他们关心我...
  [01:56.06]...but there were no real connection or excitement. ...但是却没有真正的激情
  [01:58.86]At least, not from my side. 起码在我立场来说没有
  [02:02.06]God, I'm sorry, is it really that bad? 天,真的这么糟么?
  [02:04.42]It's not, right? 不是这样,对么?
  [02:05.62]You know, it's not even that. I was.... 真的不是这样....
  [02:11.38]I was fine until I read your fucking book. 我一直到读完你书才感觉好些了
  [02:14.06]It stirred shit up, you know? 它让我激动?
  [02:16.18]It reminded me how genuinely romantic I was... 它提醒我还有浪漫的存在...
  [02:18.42]...how I had so much hope in things... ...事事多有希望...
  [02:21.74]...and now it's like I don't believe in anything that relates to love. ...现在好象我不相信任何同爱相关的事
  [02:24.58]I don't feel things for people anymore. 我也不在再为他人想什么
  [02:28.10]In a way, I put all my romanticism into that one night... 总之是我的全部浪漫激情都在那一夜...
  [02:31.46]...and I was never able to feel all this again. ...我现在已经没有办法重新体验了
  [02:33.14]Like, somehow this night took things away from me... 好象那一夜夺走了一切...
  [02:37.94]...and I expressed them to you, and you took them with you. ...我给了你 然后你带走了
  [02:39.22]It made me feel cold, like love wasn't for me. 这让我感觉心寒, 仿佛爱不属于我

  [02:41.50]I don't believe that. I don't believe that. 我不相信,不信
  [02:45.50]You know what? Reality and love are almost contradictory for me. 你知道什么? 现实和爱情对我来说是对立的
  [02:51.14]It's funny, every single of my exes, they're now married. 说来搞笑, 我交往过的男人都结婚了
  [02:54.02]Men go out with me, we break up, and then they get married. 我们交往,分手, 然后他们结婚
  [02:57.30]And later they call me to thank me for teaching them what love is... 然后打电话感谢我, 说我让他们知道什么是真爱...
  [03:00.10]...and that I taught them to care and respect women. ...我让他们学会了理解和尊重女人
  [03:04.66]-I think I'm one of those. -I want to kill them! -我想我也是他们中的一个了 -我要杀了他们!
  [03:06.06]Why didn't they ask me? I would have said no, but they could have asked! 为什么他们不向我求婚,也许我会拒绝? 但他们为什么不试试呢!
  [03:09.26]I know it's my fault because I never felt it was the right man. 我想这是我的错 因为我一直感觉没有找对男人
  [03:13.30]Never. But what does it mean, the right man, the love of your life? 没有找到我的一生挚爱,这又意味什么呢
  [03:17.78]The concept is absurd. We can only be complete with another person. 这是个荒唐的概念, 只有同另一个人一起才是完美
  [03:19.94]-It's evil, right? -Can I talk? -很邪恶,对吧? -我可以说么?
  [03:24.18]I guess I've been heartbroken too many times and then I recovered. 我想我已经心碎太多次了, 然后我伤愈了
  [03:26.46]So now, you know, from the starts, I make no effort. 所以现在你知道了, 从开始我就没有结果
  [03:28.70]-I know it's not gonna work out. -You can't do that. -我知道不会有结果 -你不能那样
  [03:31.70]You can't live trying to avoid pain... 你不能躲避疼痛去生活...
  [03:33.98]-...at the expense-- -Those are words. 就是这些话
  [03:35.86]I've gotta get away from you. 我要离开你
  [03:39.54]-Stop the car, I wanna get out. -No, don't-- -停车,我要下车 -不,不要--
  [03:39.86]-Keep talking. -It's being around you. -继续谈 -都在你身边的
  [03:42.02]Don't touch me, you know. I want to get on a cab. 不要碰我,我去打的
  [03:47.42]No, don't. No, no, keep going. 不,不,继续好了
  [03:51.70]Listen, I'm just so happy-- Thank you, just keep going. 听着,我很乐意-- 继续开
  [03:54.78]All right. 好
  [03:57.94]Look, I'm just so happy, all right, to be with you. 听着,我很开心可以同你在一起
  [04:01.54]I am. I'm so glad you didn't forget about me, okay? 我很高兴你没有忘记我?
  [04:03.82]No, I didn't. And it pisses me off, okay? 不,我没有,这让我很生气?
  [04:09.46]You come here to Paris, all romantic, and married. 你到巴黎, 一身浪漫,已婚男子
  [04:12.78]Okay? Screw you. 去你的
  [04:12.98]Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to get you. 不要误会, 我不是要缠着你
  [04:17.14]I mean, all I need is a married man. 我是说,我需要一个结婚的男人
  [04:20.54]There's been so much water under the bridge, it's not even about you. 往事如烟,但都与你无关
  [04:22.58]It's about that moment in time that's forever gone. 那一刻已经永远过去了
  [04:27.26]You say that, but you didn't even remember having sex, so.... 你这么说, 可你都不记得我们还有性, 那么....
  [04:27.54]Of course I remembered. 我当然记得
  [04:31.54]-You did? -Yes. -是么? -是
  [04:35.94]-Women pretend things like that. -They do? -女人总是矜持 -是么?
  [04:38.22]What was I supposed to say? That I remember the wine in the park... 我本打算说? 我记得公园里的酒...
  [04:42.78]...and us looking up at the stars fading away as the sun came up? ...我们望着星星离去,太阳升起?
  [04:48.46]We had sex twice, you idiot! 我们做爱了两次!
  [04:52.54]All right, you know what, I'm just happy to see you. 你知道,我很高兴再见到你
  [04:56.58]Even if you've become an angry, manic-depressive activist... 即使你变成了一个坏脾气的激进份子...
  [04:58.86]...I still like you, I still enjoy being around you. ...我依然喜欢同你在一起
