听电影学英语-致命伴旅 04(在线收听

  [00:09.76]Musician? 音乐家?
  [00:15.01]Bartender? 调酒师?
  [00:21.98]I give up. 我放弃了
  [00:24.48]Math, I teach maths. 数学老师
  [00:28.69]I would not have guessed that. 我肯定猜不到
  [00:31.99]I'd imagine you're a cool math teacher, though? 是个很酷的数学老师吧?
  [00:34.95]Still a math teacher. 那也只是个数学老师
  [00:50.72]Can I take your picture? - Sure - 能给你拍个照吗? - 行
  [01:16.95]Urgent Message From: Unit 17 To: John Acheson 紧急邮件 来自:17组 至:John Acheson
  [01:40.47]Could this be Pierce? - We're still working on that - 这是Pierce吗? - 我们还在查
  [01:47.36]Well, I only have the sketches to go by, so... 我们只能参照速写...
  [01:52.49]Ectomorpheus, same basic phenotype 偏瘦 体型基本相同
  [01:58.24]Bottom line, could be him - I knew we couldn't leave her - 很可能是他 - 我就知道我们少不了她
  [02:01.58]Run a worldwide blind check on that face, Bet you ten quid there's no match 全球数据库扫描这张脸 我打赌没有契合配对
  [02:05.87]Okay, but what case number do you want to book it under? 登记在哪个案子下呢?
  [02:10.75]Just run it - Do you really think it's Pierce? - 只管扫描 - 你真觉得这就是Pierce吗?
  [02:14.59]Run it. 查就是了
  [02:24.77]Get me Italian Interpol. 转意大利国际刑警
  [02:39.16]I have a strange feeling that those two people over there are watching us 我总觉得那边两个人在监视我们
  [02:53.80]Do you know something? I think you're right 其实吧 我也这么觉得唉
  [02:58.68]Really? 真的?
  [03:05.52]You're paranoid, math teacher 老师 您有妄想症哦
  [03:18.41]Memorize this face 记住这张脸
  [03:20.53]The train arrives in 10 minutes Stop him when he descends. 这趟火车10分钟内抵达 一下车就拦住他
  [03:42.80]So, what are you doing all alone in the city of lovers? 你为何独自来这个情人城转悠?
  [03:48.19]Is there no one in your life? 没有爱人吗?
  [03:52.31]There was. - What happened? - 曾有过 - 发生了什么?
  [04:02.45]She left me. - I'm sorry to hear that, Frank - 她离开了我 - 真遗憾 抱歉 Frank
  [04:20.88]"Arrival at train station Venicia Santa Lucia in 10 minutes. End of the line" "十分钟后将到达终点 威尼斯的圣卢西亚火车站"
  [04:27.18]Guess I should go get my suitcase and stuff. 我得去拿行李了
  [04:33.65]Goodbye - Goodbye, thank you. - 再见 - 再见 谢谢
