听电影学英语-辛普森一家 14(在线收听

  [00:08.94]Oh, hi, Midge. 嗨,玛芝
  [00:11.10]Moe, what happened? 荷马,到底怎么回事?
  [00:14.30]With the town seaIed off from the rest of the worId, things got a IittIe nutty here. 圆盖将这里与世隔绝 所以情况有点复杂困惑
  [00:17.98]Why are you dressed Iike that? 你干嘛穿成这样?
  [00:21.30]WeII, I don't Iike to brag, but I am now the emperor of SpringfieId. 我不想自吹自擂,不过… 我现在是斯普林菲尔德的新君主
  [00:24.82]No, you're not! 不,你不是!
  [00:25.02]Yes, I am! 我就是!
  [00:30.02]Okay. HaiI, emperor. 好吧,君主万岁
  [00:32.18]Attention, Springfield, 斯普林菲尔德,请注意
  [00:34.54]Your government realized that putting you inside this dome was a terrible mistake, 政府意识到把你们笼罩于此是个弥天大错
  [00:39.90]Therefore, we're commencing with Operation Soaring Eagle, 所以我们将采取"翔鹰"计划
  [00:45.06]Which involves killing you all, 其中包括将你们全部歼灭
  [00:54.30]As I speak, we're lowering a small but powerful bomb into your midst, 我讲话的同时,一个看似微小 却威力无比的炸弹已经启动
  [01:07.18]Despite everything, I miss your father. 尽管过去发生的不愉快 但我好想念你爸爸
  [01:11.86]Me too. 我也是
  [01:13.34]His big, fat ass couId shieId us aII. 这时候他的大屁股能把我们都遮住
  [01:21.38]Ten-hut! 立正!
  [01:22.58]At ease. I'm GeneraI Marriott Suites. . . 稍息, 我是马力·斯维奇将军…
  [01:28.58]. . .and I have an urgent note from the president. …我有总统的紧急通知
  [01:29.94]It says to reIease this town immediateIy. 上面说,立即释放此地
  [01:32.26]Why is it written on a Ieaf? 为什么会写在叶子上?
  [01:42.38](1、击倒警卫) (2、爬过大漏坑)
  [01:43.46](3、拯救城市) (4、返还门卫工作服)
  [01:58.38]Perfect. 太好了 (强力胶)
  [02:00.22]Now Homer Simpson's gonna show he has cojones! 荷马·辛普森这回要叫 你们看看我也是有种的人!
  [02:23.82]Not now, sweetie. Doomsday is famiIy time. 现在不行,亲爱的 世界末日要和家人共度
  [02:24.14]Mom, I've gotta go find CoIin. 妈,我要去找科林
  [02:37.54]Who'd be dumb enough to stay behind whiIe we escape with our Iives? 谁会傻到不顾自己的性命呢?
  [02:43.54]My time to shine. 我终于有了用武之地
  [02:45.38]Hey, Mr. Big TV Man, Iookie here! 嘿,大屏幕人,看我这儿
  [02:50.90]What do you want? 你想干什么?
  [02:52.90]Look what I can do with my thumb. 看看我能拿拇指变什么花样
  [02:56.94]You wanna know how I do it? 想知道我是怎么做到的吗?
  [02:59.46]Four generations of inbreeding? 家族世世代代的传授?
  [03:17.02]I can smeII fresh air. 我都能闻到新鲜空气了!
  [03:18.70]I can hear birds. 我听到了鸟鸣声!
  [03:21.70]I taste freedom. 我品尝到了自由的味道!
  [03:22.70]Excuse me! Watch out! Coming through! 请原谅!小心!让开!
  [03:32.90]I was tricked by an idiot, 我被傻子给蒙了
  [03:36.58]Hey, I know how you feeI. I was beat in tic-tac-toe by a chicken. 我理解你现在的感受 我以前也被鸡给骗过
  [03:41.94]Goodbye, 再见了
  [03:46.98]Homer do good? 我表现得怎么样?
  [03:47.98]ActuaIIy, you doomed us aII. Again. Nice knowing you, Homer. 你把我们的命都给搭进去了 很荣幸认识你,荷马
  [03:53.50]But I. . . . 但是我…
  [03:56.34]I can't do anything right. 我做什么都是错的!
  [04:03.86]Get out of here! 滚开!
  [04:11.74]I've spent my entire Iife doing nothing but coIIecting comic books. 我这辈子除了收集漫画外,一事无成
  [04:16.42]And now there's onIy time to say: 现在到了生命的尽头,我只想说…
  [04:18.94]Life weII spent! 这太充实了!
  [04:25.30]Okay, boys. When you meet Jesus, be sure to caII him Mr. Christ. 好了,孩子们,要是见到耶稣 一定记着要称他"耶稣先生"
  [04:29.98]WiII Buddha be there too? 佛祖也会在那儿吗?
  [04:31.98]No. 不
  [04:34.66]-Hey, FIanders.   -Bart. - 嘿,佛兰德斯   - 巴特
  [04:36.98]How good to see you. And how terribIe you're here. 见到你真高兴,你在这儿可真糟
  [04:42.02]Thanks. 谢谢
  [04:43.34]Listen. I was just wondering if. . . 听着,我在想…
  [04:47.02]. . .before I died. . . …我死前…
  [04:50.38]. . .I couId pretend I had a father who. . . …可以假装成有个…
  [04:54.74]. . .cared for me. …关心我的爸爸
  [04:56.74]Come here, son. 过来,孩子
  [04:57.74]There's aIways room for one more in the FIanders cIan. 佛兰德斯永远欢迎你
