
  A:Ok! I’m ready for my driving lesson! Should I start the car?
  B: Hold on there,Fittipaldi, first let’s go over things one more time.  Now before you even think of starting the car, make sure your seat is at a comfortable position and you can grip the steering  wheel firmly.  Next check your rear view mirrors to make sure you can see properly.
  A: We have been through this a million times! Let’s get going already! I’m ready!
  B: Fine, start the car.  now gently step on the clutch and shift to 1st gear. Good, now accelerate gently and let go of the clutch as you do it.  There we go, good!
  A: I’m doing it!  I’m driving!  This is awesome!  Let’s turn some music on!
  B: Keep your eyes on the road!  No music!  We are coming up to a red light, step on the brakes. What are you doing?  I said the brakes!  Look out for those people! Get off the sidewalk!
  A: Get out of my way! This is just like playing video games!
  B: It’s the police! Pull over!
  A: They’ll never take me alive!
  grip vt. 紧握,握牢
  The child gripped its mother's arm.
  steering wheel方向盘
  clutch n. 离合器
  sidewalk n. 人行道
  pull over 靠路边停车
  seatbelt n. 安全带
  speed limit 限速
  intersection n.道路交叉口,交点
  traffic light红绿灯, 交通信号灯
  yield sign让车标志
  B: Fittipaldi,先等下,我们再检查下。在你想发动车子前,要确保驾驶座位调到舒适的位置,且你能够紧握方向盘。下一步检查后视镜确保你能够看清。
