听电影学英语-初恋50次 01(在线收听

  [00:51.32]So tell me. How was Hawaii? 夏威夷好玩吗?
  [00:53.76]- It was unbelievable. - Oh, yeah? -太赞了 -是吗?
  [00:57.68]- Well, what happened? - I met this guy. -有艳遇啦? -我遇到一个男人
  [00:59.52]It was the best week of my life. 那是我此生最美的一周
  [01:04.56]It was just a little vacation romance. 一段浪漫的假期
  [01:07.72]But he was so sweet. 他好温柔
  [01:09.88]He took me to all these cool local places. 他带我到好多好玩的地方
  [01:10.88]We went scuba diving... 我们去潜水...
  [01:14.76]- Snorkeling. - Mountain climbing. -浮潜 -爬山
  [01:15.28]We went cliff diving. 悬崖跳水
  [01:20.96]Well, we got a little drunk. 我们喝醉了
  [01:24.12]- He gave me... - A back rub. -他帮我... -擦背
  [01:26.12]- in the rain. 在雨中
  [01:26.28]We slow danced... 我们深情拥舞...
  [01:29.40]But it wasn't just about the sex. 这不只是性而已
  [01:30.56]He pounded me like a mallard duck. 我俩没有别的关系 我们俩的关系只是性的关系
  [01:35.64]It ended kind of weird, though. 不过结束的有点怪
  [01:38.04]When I asked for his number, he said he's... 我跟他要电话,他却说他...
  [01:38.80]- Married. - Gay. -结婚了 -是同志
  [01:41.52]- Entering the priesthood. - He doesn't believe in phones. -正要投身宗教事业 -他不喜欢用电话
  [01:43.88]He just kind of ran away. 他就这样走了
  [01:46.16]You know, it was just a little fling, but... 这只是段露水姻缘...
  [01:50.84]I won't forget my week... 但我永远忘不了他...
  [01:51.52]- with Henry Roth. 罗亨利
  [01:54.76]- Henry Roth. - Harry. -罗亨利 -小利利
  [01:57.24]Harry Paratesticles. 硬汉亨利
  [01:59.20]- Henry Roth. - Henry Roth. -罗亨利 -罗亨利
  [02:02.16]- Henry Roth. - Henry Roth. -罗亨利 -罗亨利
  [02:02.60]Henry Roth, why didn't you tell me you were a secret agent? 亨利,为何不早说你是密探?
  [02:07.24]I prefer intelligence operative, and I couldn't tell you until I knew you. “情报员”比较好听 我不能随便跟你透露
  [02:11.60]Well, can I call you when I land? 我回去能打电话给你吗?
  [02:14.12]You can call me, but I' II be in Peru. I said that a little loud. 行,但到时我已经在秘鲁了 我太大声了
  [02:17.08]Come on, that's a 187, code blue. We got the wolf sleeping at night. 总部,状况 野狼骑走,整夜狂飙
  [02:21.64]He's slipping his arm in the drawer and out comes the cookie jar. All clear. 他从山林来越过原野 跨过小溪向前行,完毕
  [02:27.60]Got it? 明白?
  [02:29.84]Well, maybe when you get back from Peru. 也许等你从秘鲁回来再打
  [02:32.72]- I don't think that's an option, Lisa. - Linda. -我想那是不可能的,莉莎 -是琳达
  [02:36.56]I know. I changed your name for your protection. 我知道,我这是为了保护你
  [02:40.64]We have to go our separate ways now. 我们得分手了
  [02:43.64]Well, goodbye. 再见了
  [02:45.32]Got it! Moving out! 收到,马上来
  [02:50.28]- What the hell is your problem? - Just keep going, I' II give you $20. -你搞什么啊? -继续骑,我给你二十块钱
  [02:54.68]- You got it. How's your balls? - Killing me. Hit it. -没问题,你的蛋没破吧? -我痛毙了,全速前进
  [03:14.92]Easy, Honah Lee. 轻一点,大法师
  [03:16.92]Hey, I' m a person, not a seal 我是人,不是海豹
  [03:19.00]Well, I am a vet, not a doctor. So just hold still, or I won't give you a treat. 我是兽医,我专医动物 别乱动,再动就不帮你医了
  [03:26.68]I know, it's okay. You see that, kids? 痛吧,孩子们看好了
  [03:28.84]You see what happens when you play with sharks? 跟鲨鱼玩就会有这种下场
  [03:32.64]Now, why you gotta spread those lies? Sharks are like dogs. 你别散播谣言 鲨鱼跟小狗一样
  [03:35.32]They only bite when you touch their private parts. 乱碰他小弟弟,他就会咬你
  [03:39.20]That's a good title for my documentary. 我的纪录片可以用这标题
  [03:41.88]Sharks: They Only Bite When You Touch Their Private Parts. 鲨鱼,碰他小弟就咬死你
  [03:46.84]Or you could call it, Sharks: They Tried to Eat My Kidney. 不然就用 “爱吃腰子的鲨鱼”
  [03:49.92]All right, enough already. You too, Willie. 别笑了,你也一样,小威
  [03:56.32]All of you. 你们全都一样
  [03:58.36]He just cast a spell on us. 他对我们下咒
  [04:00.56]All right. Put this on four times a day for two weeks. 一天换药四次,持续两周
  [04:03.84]- You can handle that. - What's wrong with that turtle? -你自己可以换 -那只海龟怎么了?
  [04:07.12]Lung problems because he smoked too much turtle weed... 他的肺生病了 因为他抽太多大麻了...
  [04:10.00]...which is bad for you. Right, Ula? 你也一样别抽了
  [04:12.92]What? I don't smoke weed. 干嘛?我又不抽大麻
  [04:13.20]Hey, Honah Lee? How's that hot wahine nympho from Ohio? 大情圣,那个下港来的花痴妹呢?
  [04:19.48]Great. I dropped her off at the airport this morning. 我今早在机场跟她分手了
  [04:21.96]Come on, I need some details. 拜托,说清楚一点
  [04:22.76]You get some booby, some assy, a pull on your poi-poi? Come on. 你摸过、爽过了?
  [04:27.12]Daddy, what's a nympho? 阿爸,花痴是什么?
  [04:28.80]Oh. The nympho is the state bird of Ohio. 花痴是花枝的一种
  [04:34.68]You're the state idiot of Hawaii. 你还是大乌贼咧
  [04:36.04]Here you go. Bite the fish, chew the fish, love the fish. Enjoy. 没错,小威 要大口吃鱼也要爱鱼
  [04:40.92]- You crack me up, kamaaina. - Oh, yeah? -你真爱搞笑,大情圣 -是吗?
  [04:43.80]- One of these days... - Yeah? -总有一天... -干嘛?
  [04:44.08]...you'll show one of those tourists such a good time... 你会让来渡假的美女难以忘怀...
  [04:49.96]...she'll wanna stay on the island. 她就会想留在这岛上
  [04:51.24]...and why is your foot on my pillow? 还把你的脏脚踏在我枕头上
  [04:51.80]Why do you say mean things like that... 你干嘛说这么恐怖的话?
  [04:56.92]I don't want your ass on it, either. Get up! Get up! 屁股也不行,起来!
  [04:58.12]It could happen. 这很有可能
