AP 2011-03-20(在线收听

1. Japan's defense ministry has decided against dumping water from helicopters onto the most badly damaged reactors at a nuclear plant, saying radiation levels are too high. But emergency workers who were pulled out of the site when radiation levels soared today are being sent back in.


2. Police have fired tear gas against protesters burning tires outside a US consulate in Pakistan. They demonstrated after the release of a CIA contractor who killed two Pakistani men. A lawyer says more than $2 million was paid to the families of the victims.


3. Muhammad Ali is asking Iran to release two American walkers held since 2009 on spy charges. Ali released to the Associated Press a letter he wrote to the supreme leader asking for their compassionate release.


4. And the official cake for the wedding of Britain's Prince William and Kate Middleton hasn't been released. But bakers are already unveiling their own visions for the royal nuptials.
