听电影学英语-爱是妥协 3(在线收听

  [00:05.52]So, Harry, what do you do? 哈利,你从事哪一行?
  [00:07.40]I'm an owner of a record company, among other things. 我是唱片公司的老板
  [00:09.76]-Which record company? -Drive-By Records. -哪一家? -街头唱片公司
  [00:14.84]Drive-By Records? 街头唱片公司?
  [00:16.92]Is that a joke? I mean, what is that? 你是在说笑吧? 说真的,那是什么?
  [00:20.32]It's a hip-hop label. 专门发行嘻哈音乐
  [00:21.28]Hip-hop? Oh, rap. Right, right. Well, that's interesting. 嘻哈?喔!是饶舌乐 真有意思
  [00:27.76]Let me see if I get where you're headed here. 你有何高见可说来听听
  [00:28.76]I'm sorry, but look, I hate rap. I do. I really do. 抱歉 我不喜欢饶舌乐,恨透了
  [00:32.96]It's just crude and violent for my taste... 粗俗又不合我的胃口
  [00:33.60]...not to mention just a tad misogynistic. 歌词对女人很不尊重
  [00:37.72]Hey, some people see rap as poetry. 有人觉得饶舌乐很有诗意
  [00:39.20]Yeah, but how many words can you rhyme with “bitch”? 拜托 有几个字能和“贱人”押韵?
  [00:42.36]Next, please. 下一位
  [00:46.56]How we doing? 还好吧?
  [00:48.56]Should have left when she tried to arrest me. 她报警时,我就应该闪人了
  [00:53.28]How's the new play? Are you getting happy with it? 剧本写得怎样?顺利吧?
  [00:58.08]You know the thing about me. 你最了解我的
  [00:58.48]I'm 90 percent hard work, 1 0 percent talent. 我是九成靠努力 一成靠天份
  [01:01.96]And so far, the talent part hasn't exactly kicked in yet. 但那一成,到现在还没使上劲
  [01:04.76]Right. Right. 好吧,好吧
  [01:05.72]-What's your play about? -About? -内容是什么? -内容?
  [01:10.84]I'm not exactly sure, which is a bit of a problem. 我不太确定,问题就在这儿
  [01:14.00]But so far, it's about a divorced woman, a writer. 目前是关于离婚的剧作家的故事
  [01:15.68]She's a high-strung, over-amped, controlling, know-it-all neurotic... 她既神经质又急躁 霸道又自以为是
  [01:20.76]...who's incredibly cute and lovable. 但可爱也讨人喜欢
  [01:27.84]It's a comedy. 这是个喜剧
  [01:28.88]So how did you two meet? 你们是怎么认识的?
  [01:30.16]At a wine auction at Christie's. 在葡萄酒拍卖会认识的
  [01:32.96]Harry was the big buyer of the night. 哈利是当晚的大买家
  [01:35.88]I kept raising my paddle just to get her to smile at me. 我一直出价,只为了搏她一笑
  [01:41.12]Before I knew it, I bought the entire collection. 我一不小心 就买下了全部的酒
  [01:44.40]Every known bottle of Chateau Margaux. 犸歌酒庄的所有名酒
  [01:47.28]After that, the least she could do... 之后,至少我们有美酒…
  [01:49.88]...was share a bottle with me. 能够把酒言欢
  [01:51.44]Ever been married, Harry? 你结过婚吗?
  [01:54.56]-No, I haven't. -Mom. -从没有结过婚 -妈
  [01:54.96]No. 没有
  [01:56.56]Wow. Now, why do you think that is? 为什么?
  [02:00.44]Well, some people just don't fit the mold, and so far, you know-- 有些人天生就不适合结婚 到目前为止…
  [02:02.72]Hey, if it ain't broke.... 没必要淌浑水
  [02:03.28]-Exactly. -Wait a second. -没错 -等等
  [02:05.16]Aren't you a famous bachelor? 你是那个黄金单身汉吧?
  [02:08.96]Well, I wouldn't say I'm famous. 没那么夸张啦
  [02:09.16]Yeah, didn't I read an article about you in New York magazine? 我看过纽约杂志有关你的报导
  [02:13.32]I guess some people find it interesting I've escaped the noose for so long. 有些人就是好奇 为何我多年来一直不结婚
  [02:18.12]That was the title, “The Escape Artist.” 标题是下“逃离婚姻的艺术家”
  [02:22.00]I read that article. That was you? 我看过那篇文章,就是你吗?
  [02:22.48]Well, you were once engaged to someone really big. 你和一个名女人订过婚
  [02:27.68]-Who was it? Joan Collins? No. -No. -是谁?琼考琳丝?不是 -不是
  [02:28.72]-Okay. Carly Simon? -Somebody cool like that. -卡莉赛门? -像那一类的名女人
  [02:32.52]-No! Not Martha Stewart! -You could ask him. -不是,不是犸莎史都华 -直接问他就好了啊
  [02:32.84]-Someone like that. -Not Martha Stewart. -和她差不多 -不是犸莎史都华
  [02:37.00]No, this is more fun. 没关系,这样比较好玩
  [02:39.00]It's like I'm not here. 就当我是隐形人
  [02:39.28]Harry was once engaged to Diane Sawyer. 哈利和新闻主播黛安索耶 订过婚
  [02:44.24]-What? -Right. Diane Sawyer. I love her. -什么? -黛安索耶?我好喜欢她
  [02:47.64]-I'm impressed. -Yeah. -了不起 -对啊
  [02:48.20]Women your age love that about me. 你这种年纪的女人,都蛮哈我的
  [02:50.60]-You know what I mean. -Yes, I do. -你懂我的意思吧 -我懂
  [02:55.48]I mean, it's not a bad thing to say, “women your age.” 你这种年纪的女人,没什么不好
  [02:57.96]Oh, no. I'm sure it was a compliment. 对呀,你是在恭维我
  [03:01.24]It's just... 我只是…
  [03:01.36]-...an accurate observation. It's-- -So when was this? -实话实说 -几时的事?
  [03:06.12]-The engagement? -Long time ago. -订婚? -很久以前了
  [03:09.20]She was this adorable, lanky girl from Kentucky... 她很可爱 肯塔基州的长腿美眉
  [03:13.56]...with the greatest pair of legs I have ever seen. 没见过那么美的腿
  [03:15.36]Never understood her ending up on a job where she never showed them. 真不懂她怎么会选择这种 没机会秀美腿的行业
  [03:21.12]You can't be serious. 别闹了
  [03:22.84]I mean, she's Diane Sawyer. She goes into caves in Afghanistan... 她可是黛安索耶呢 她包着头巾…
  [03:25.12]...with a shmatte on her head. Who cares about her legs? 去阿富汗 谁在乎她的腿美不美?
  [03:29.28]You know what? 知道吗?
  [03:31.88]I hate to eat and run, but-- 我不喜欢吃饱了就走人,但…
  [03:32.84]-No! -No, wait. No. -别这样 -不,别走
  [03:35.36]Come on. This is really fascinating, what's going on at this table. 我们聊的话题正精采
  [03:37.64]Zoe teaches women's studies at Columbia. 柔怡在哥伦比亚大学教女性研究
  [03:40.72]-Okay. So this is gonna hurt. -No. -这下可好,难熬了 -不会
  [03:43.48]-Let's take you and Erica. -Zoe-- -就以你和爱莉卡为例 -柔怡
  [03:45.60]You've been around the block a few times. What are you, around 60? 你也有点岁数了吧? 六十岁了吧?
  [03:49.28]Sixty-three! 六十三岁
  [03:52.72]Fantastic! 好极了
  [03:53.52]Never married, which, as we know, if you were a woman, would be a curse. 没结过婚,你若是女人就完蛋了
  [03:56.72]You'd be an old maid, a spinster. 变成老姑婆、老处女
  [04:00.92]So instead of pitying you, they write articles about you. 但大家不但不同情你,反而赞扬你
  [04:01.48]Celebrate your never marrying. 歌颂你没结过婚
  [04:03.08]You're elusive and ungetable, a real catch. 捉摸不定的黄金单身汉
  [04:06.12]Then, there's my gorgeous sister here. 而我这位美丽的姐姐呢
  [04:09.16]-No, wait. What--? -Look, please-- -等一下… -听好,请…
  [04:10.52]No, this is interesting. Look at her. She is so accomplished. 别插嘴,这有意思 瞧瞧她,她成就非凡
  [04:15.68]Most successful female playwright since who? Lillian Hellman? 哪位女剧作家像她这么成功过? 只有莉莉安海尔曼吧!
  [04:18.68]She's over 50, divorced. She sits in night after night... 她五十几岁,离了婚 夜夜都独守空闺
  [04:21.84]...because available guys her age want something-- 因为他这年纪的单身汉…
  [04:26.52]Forgive me, but they want somebody that looks like Marin. 都想找像犸琳这种年轻女孩
  [04:27.04]The over-50 dating scene is geared towards men leaving older women out. 年过五十交不到男友 是因为男人不要老女人
  [04:33.48]And as a result, the women become more and more productive... 结果,女人的成就愈来愈大
  [04:37.40]...and therefore, more and more interesting. 于是更有趣了
  [04:38.04]Which, in turn, makes them even less desirable because as we know, men... 男人就更不要这种女人 因为男人…
  [04:43.64]...especially older men, are threatened and afraid... 尤其是老男人 都很害怕…
  [04:47.04]...of productive, interesting women. It is just so clear. 成就非凡又有趣的女人 太明显了嘛
  [04:50.32]Single older women as a demographic are as fucked a group as can exist. 根据统计 单身老女人总是被拒于门外
  [04:54.68]Oh, God! 天哪!
  [04:55.24]What are you, possessed? How could you say those things? 你走火入魔了吗? 居然说这种荒唐话
  [04:58.92]It seemed really obvious, the injustice. Thank God men die younger than us. 男女不平等嘛 幸好男人死的早
