听电影学英语-爱是妥协 11(在线收听

  [00:01.44]Totally what I wanted. 和我想的一样
  [00:05.52]You ever miss being married? 你怀念婚姻生活吗?
  [00:09.48]-Bet you were great at it. -Sometimes. -你一定是个好妻子 -偶尔啦
  [00:12.88]At night. But not that much anymore. 夜深人静时,但好景不再了
  [00:14.28]Was one of us just saying something interesting? 刚才不是说到什么有趣的事吗?
  [00:16.92]You said you can't imagine what I think of you. 你说你很难想像我是怎么看你
  [00:21.80]-You don't have to answer that. -Okay. -你不必回答 -好吧
  [00:26.80]I mean, if you had an opinion, I'd be curious. 你有什么见解,我倒是会很好奇
  [00:30.08]Will you tell me first why you only miss being married at night? 你先说为何只在半夜 才会怀念婚姻生活?
  [00:32.92]The phone doesn't ring that much at night... 半夜电话很少响
  [00:34.04]...and the whole alone thing happens at night. 半夜才能独处
  [00:37.32]Sleeping by myself took getting used to, but I got the hang of it. 最初不习惯孤枕而眠 但我还是习惯了
  [00:42.60]You gotta sleep in the middle. 可以睡在床的中间
  [00:43.56]It's not healthy to have a side when no one has the other side. 另一半没人睡时 靠床边睡不太健康
  [00:48.24]Now I'm convinced that what I think about you is right. 现在我确定没看错你了
  [00:51.12]You're a tower of strength. 你的意志坚定
  [00:54.32]Try not to rate my answer. 别批评我的见解
  [00:57.40]-I'm sorry, okay? I'm sorry, but-- -You know what you're like? -抱歉,对不起,只是… -你知道你是怎样的人吗?
  [01:01.28]You're like one of those great portraits you see over a fireplace. 你就像壁炉上挂的划中人
  [01:06.24]Words have been invented to describe women like you. 有人想出很多字眼 来形容你这样的女人
  [01:09.04]Such as? 例如…
  [01:11.40]Flinty. 冷酷无情
  [01:12.32]And... 还有…
  [01:16.16]-So you think I'm inhuman? -No. I think you're formidable. -你觉得我没人性? -不是,我觉得你很了不起
  [01:16.52]...impervious. 不为所动
  [01:23.44]Cold, distant, like I'm frozen in some painting? 无情、冷漠 仿佛在划像中的人里?
  [01:25.64]Not at all. 不是啦
  [01:25.80]But I do think you use your strength to separate yourself from everyone. 但我觉得你太刻意疏离人群了
  [01:31.60]But it's thrilling when your defenses are down... 不过卸下了武装就很好
  [01:36.40]...and you're not isolated. 你其实并不孤僻
  [01:37.88]That, I believe, is your winning combo. Killer combo, actually. 我认为这是你成功的特质 与众不同的特质
  [01:46.20]You know, I can't decide if, God, do you hate me? 我不确定… 天哪,不知道你是讨厌我呢?
  [01:48.76]Or if you're the only person who ever really got me. 还是,只有你真的了解我
  [01:54.76]I don't hate you. 我不讨厌你
  [01:59.12]-You don't? -No. -真的吗? -真的
  [02:11.76]Mom? 妈?
  [02:15.36]-Surprise! -Well, hi! -吓一跳吧! -你好!
  [02:17.72]-Room service. -What are you doing here at this hour? -客房服务 -你这么晚跑来干嘛?
  [02:21.80]I had this big benefit. I went out with friends, then checked my messages... 我去参加募款餐会 后来和朋友出去时查了留言
  [02:24.08]...and I got this so sad phone call from Harry. 可怜的哈利打电话给我
  [02:28.44]So bored out here, so I figured I should come see how you're doing. 那里很无聊 所以就过来看看你们
  [02:32.04]Thank you so much for the gorgeous flowers, by the way. They're so huge. 对了,谢谢你送的花 好大一束啊
  [02:39.08]It's a pleasure. 我的荣幸
  [02:39.76]That is so sweet. You guys are making pancakes? 真好,你们在做煎饼?
  [02:42.88]You're in your P.J.s! I feel like I'm interrupting! 你们都穿睡衣 我好像打扰到你们了
  [02:45.24]Don't be silly. You know I never sleep. This one doesn't sleep either. 别胡说我睡的少 这家伙也不睡觉
  [02:52.24]Hello? 喂?
  [02:53.60]No, I'm here, babe. I made record time. 我到了,我飚的像飞的一样
  [02:58.68]Is everybody still there? 大家都还在吗?
  [03:00.64]Okay. 好吧
  [03:03.52]Yes. 对啊
  [03:05.76]Okay, bye. 好,拜啦
  [03:05.80]Since you're here, why don't you finish the pancakes and I'll get back to work. 既然你来了 你来做煎饼吧,我去写稿了
  [03:12.68]Mom, I just got here. By the way, Dad totally stood me up today. 妈,我才刚到耶 对了,爸今天放了我鸽子
  [03:18.68]We were supposed to have lunch and he never showed up. 我们约好要吃午饭,结果他没来
  [03:21.32]-Was he always like this? -I don't know. -他常这样吗? -不知道
  [03:23.12]That happens when a couple gets divorced. 离了婚就是这样
  [03:26.60]The kid inherits all the problems. Not that I'm a kid. 倒霉的都是小孩 虽然我不是小孩了
  [03:31.36]-How are you? How are you feeling? -Well-- -你还好吧?感觉怎样? -这个嘛…
  [03:43.72]So tell me. When can you go home? 告诉我你几时可以回家?
  [03:46.76]I really am gonna do a little work, so why don't you just finish this... 我要去写稿了 你去做煎饼
  [03:51.04]...and you two catch up. You know how to fix these. 陪他聊聊天 煎饼你也会做
  [03:54.84]You don't want pancakes anymore? 你不想吃煎饼了吗?
  [04:01.20]I don't. 不吃了
  [04:06.44]No. I don't. 不想吃了
  [04:17.12]I'm breaking up with Harry. 我要和哈利分手
  [04:21.76]-What do you mean? Why? -Because I met someone else. -什么意思?为什么? -我另结新欢了
  [04:23.48]-ln the two days you've been gone? -My life is crazy. -你才离开两天耶 -你知道我一向没定性
  [04:26.24]I meet a thousand new people every day. Besides, let's face it. 每天认识上千个人 而且,老实说
  [04:30.72]He's insanely too old for me. 他真的太老了
  [04:31.52]-I'd be nuts to keep this thing going. -True. -和他交往下去太扯了 -这倒是
  [04:35.20]But you know, he's.... 但他…
  [04:39.80]I know. He's soulful when you don't expect it. 我知道,他很有灵性
  [04:41.84]Oh, my God. It's unnerving! 天哪,真是个怪胎
  [04:45.84]Mom, listen. 妈,听我说
  [04:46.24]I was thinking, if you could handle this, you and Harry. 我在想,只要你可以接受 你和哈利…
  [04:52.72]I can't handle it, wouldn't want to handle it. 我无法接受,也不想接受
  [04:54.80]You're only saying that because you think that he and I have had sex. 你这么说是因为 你以为我和他上过床了
  [04:58.56]Lower your voice! 小声一点
