听电影学英语-杯酒人生 20(在线收听

  [00:13.22]Listen, man, Cammi gets off in an hour, so I was thinking... 听着,兄弟 可米再一个小时就下班了
  [00:14.54]I'd just hang around, have a drink. 我想要留下来喝一杯
  [00:17.82]- You know, make sure she gets home safe. - (Laughs) 确定她能安全的到家
  [00:20.50]You're joking, right? 你是开玩笑的吧?
  [00:23.54]No. 不是
  [00:28.06]Un-fucking-believable. 难以置信
  [00:30.10]Can't we just go back to the motel and hang out... 我们不能就回旅馆休息?
  [00:34.22]get up early, play nine holes of golf... 早点起床 回家之前高尔夫打个九洞
  [00:37.90]before we head home?
  [00:43.42]Listen, man, you're my friend... 听着,兄弟
  [00:46.46]你是我的朋友 我知道你关心我
  [00:46.70]and I know you care about me.
  [00:49.98]I know you disapprove, and I respect that. 我知道你不同意 我也尊重那些
  [00:52.06]But there are some things that I have to do that you don't understand. 但是有些是我必须做的事 是你不懂的
  [00:59.14]You understand literature, movies, wine... 你懂文学、电影、葡萄酒
  [01:03.74]but you don't understand my plight. 但是你不懂我的困境
  [01:10.66]- (Pounding On Door) - (Miles Groans)
  [01:13.46](Pounding Continues)
  [01:16.82](Pounding Continues)
  [01:25.58]Yeah? (Sighs) 怎么了?
  [01:27.38]- Holy shit! Jesus Christ! - Fuck. Fuck. -天杀的 -妈的…
  [01:32.14]God, it's fucking freezing out there! -我的天啊 -天啊,外面冷死了
  [01:33.62]- God, yeah. - Vicodin. Where's the Vicodin? 天啊,是的
  [01:43.02]Oh. (Panting)
  [01:46.46]Here. 这里
  [01:48.46]Oh. Oh.
  [01:52.06]Fucking chick's married, man. -那个混蛋妞结婚了,兄弟 -什么?
  [01:56.30]Her husband works the night shift, and he comes home and catches me on the floor... 她的丈夫值夜班
  [02:00.50]Oh, Jesus Christ. Jesus. Jack! 我的老天爷,杰克
  [02:00.70]with my cock in his wife's ass. 回到家 抓到我和他太太在翻云覆雨
  [02:04.82]- And you walked all the way from Solvang? - No, ran. 你是从丹麦村走回来的?
  [02:09.54]Twisted my ankle too. 用跑的,还扭伤了脚踝
  [02:11.82]- That's five klicks, Jack. - Fuckin'-A right, it's five klicks. 那应该有五公里吧,杰克
  [02:16.02]At one point I had to cut through an ostrich farm. 真的是五公里 我还一度穿越鸵鸟牧场呢
  [02:16.86]- Those fuckers are mean. - (Giggling) 那些混蛋好坏
  [02:21.46](Laughing, Sighs)
  [02:25.82](Hysterical Giggling)
  [02:33.22]- Oh.! (Laughing) - We gotta go back.
  [02:36.98](Chuckles) What?
  [02:39.86]We gotta go back. I left my wallet. -什么? -我们得回去,我把皮夹留在那了
  [02:41.06]Credit cards, cash, my fucking I.D. 信用卡、现金、我的证件 我们得回去
  [02:43.34]- Everything. We gotta go back. - Big deal. It's fine.
  [02:47.62]Don't worry about it. We'll call now and we'll cancel your cards. 不是大事,不用担心 打电话就能把卡片取消
  [02:48.86]No, Miles, you don't understand. The wedding rings. 不,你不懂
  [02:51.58]The wedding rings are in my wallet. 结婚戒指,结婚戒指在我的皮夹里
  [02:53.58]Fine, they're in your wallet, and you left your wallet in some bar, okay? 没关系,婚戒在你的皮夹里
  [02:57.06]你不小心掉在酒吧里了 克莉丝汀会了解的
  [02:58.74]- Christine will understand. - She had to order them special. 不,那是她特别订制的 她找了好久
  [03:03.58]It took her forever to find 'em. 上面有海豚的设计图案 还刻着我们的名字
  [03:05.58]They've got this design of dolphins and our names engraved in Sanskrit.
  [03:07.66]We gotta go back, man. Christine will fucking crucify me, Miles. 我们需要回去 克莉丝汀会把我钉上十字架
  [03:13.34]No way, no way, no way. 不可能…
  [03:15.86]Please. Please! -拜托… -别想了
  [03:18.30]Forget it. Your wallet was stolen in some bar. 你的皮夹在酒吧中被偷了 常常会发生
  [03:19.78]- It happens every day. - No, we gotta go back and get my wallet, Miles. 我们要去取回我的皮夹,麦斯
  [03:23.06]I'm telling you, those rings are irreplaceable. 那两枚戒指无可取代
  [03:26.14]Look, I know I fucked up, okay? I know I fucked up. 我知道我搞砸了…
  [03:30.06]- But you've gotta help me. - Yeah. 但是你一定要帮我 你一定要帮我,麦斯
  [03:32.34]You've gotta help me, Miles, please.! Please.! 拜托,我不能失去克莉丝汀 麦斯
  [03:35.18]I can't lose Christine, Miles.
  [03:38.78]I just... I can't. I can't lose Christine. 我不能,我不能失去克莉丝汀
  [03:40.86]- Mm-hmm. - I know I fucked up. 我知道我搞砸了,我知道我做错了 可以吗?
  [03:44.06]I know I did a bad thing, all right? And I know I'm a bad person.
  [03:48.06]I know I am. But you gotta help me! You have to help me, Miles.
  [03:48.74]但是你要帮我 你一定要帮我,麦斯
  [03:51.22]Okay? Tell me you'll help me. 好吗?跟我说你会帮我 如果我失去克莉丝汀…
  [03:56.50]If I lose Christine, l-l-l...
  [03:58.98]I'm nothing. 我就什么都不是了
  [04:01.78]I just have... I'm nothing. 我就是…
  [04:03.94](Sobbing) God.
  [04:06.50]- (Miles) Did she tell you she was married? - Yeah. 她有跟你说她已婚吗?
  [04:07.62]So what the fuck were you thinking? -有 -你在想什么?
  [04:09.90]Wasn't supposed to be back till 6:00. Fucker rolls in at 5:00. 本来应该六点才回来 混蛋五点就到了
  [04:15.58](Miles) Cutting it a little close, don't you think? 时间安排得很紧湊 你不觉得吗?
  [04:19.14]- This is the block. - You sure? 就是这条街
  [04:19.74]Yeah. -你确定吗? -确定
  [04:26.22]That's it. That's it. 就是这里…就是那一间
  [04:28.22]That's the one right there.
  [04:30.50]- Yeah? - Yeah. -是吗? -是
  [04:33.30]Okay. 好
  [04:37.46]All right. Okay, so what's the plan? 很好
  [04:41.74]Uh, the plan is... -计划是你去 -我?
  [04:43.18]you go.
  [04:45.18]- Me? - 'Cause of my ankle. 因为我的脚踝还在痛
  [04:48.86]Still hurts. Just go explain the situation, Miles. 去把状况解释清楚,麦斯
  [04:52.14](Laughs) Explain the situation. Yes. 把状况解释清楚? “抱歉,这位先生”
  [04:53.94]"Excuse me, sir. My friend was the one balling your wife a couple of hours ago. “我的朋友几个钟头前 上了你的夫人”
  [04:59.42]"Really sorry. He seems to have left his wallet behind. “非常抱歉,他的皮夹掉在这了”
