听电影学英语-拜见岳父大人 12(在线收听

  [00:00.14]So, things are going real well for you, aren't they, k evo?你干得很不错,凯文?
  [00:04.14]Things have been going so great lately. 最近非常好
  [00:09.34]I got in early on some wireless IPOs and the stuff just skyrocketed. 我买了些无线电新上市股 后来价格猛长
  [00:14.86]I'm in healthcare. 医护界
  [00:17.86]So you know what I mean. There's lots to be made with the biotech stuff. 那么你明白我在说什么
  [00:20.34]I don't have to tell you that. How's your portfolio? 生物科技股很好赚 你的股票投资怎么样?
  [00:25.62]I'd say strong... 大概不错...
  [00:30.78]Yeah, strike while the iron's hot. Now's the time. 一定要趁热打铁 现在正是时候
  [00:35.46]Greg's a male nurse. 阿基是男护士
  [00:36.38]That's right. Thank you, Jack. 是的,谢谢你,杰克
  [00:38.22]Wow. That's great, to give something back like that. 那很好,回馈社会不错嘛
  [00:41.02]I'd love to do some volunteer work. 我也想找点时间做义工
  [00:45.02]The other day, I saw this dog, he had, like, a gimp, he couldn't... 有天我见到一只狗,它不能...
  [00:50.38]It made me feel terrible. I wished I could do something. 我很难过,希望我能做点什么
  [00:51.86]Well, I get paid, but also it feels, you know, good, 我是领薪水的 不过也觉得很好
  [00:56.34]so it's kind of, everybody wins. 是一个...双赢的局面
  [00:57.22]What do you...? You're a Wall Street trader, an investment guy? 你是...在华尔街做投资的吧?
  [01:03.38]I don't like to be painted with that brush. Yes, that's my job... 我不想被贴上那样的标签 对,那是我的职业
  [01:05.86]Do we have time? Ok, I wanna show you what I'm really interested in. 我们还有时间吗? 你们看看我真正的兴趣
  [01:12.02]Come on, let's go. 来,我们走
  [01:18.02]Wow! Looks like somebody got an "A" in wood shop. 似乎有人木工当得很不错
  [01:20.70]Yeah, it's atways been kind of a hobby. 对,那一直是我的嗜好
  [01:22.78]I whittled that out of beechwood. 那是我用山毛榉削出来的
  [01:26.26]It's beautiful. So, what got you into carpentering? 很漂亮 你怎么会喜欢木工呢?
  [01:30.94]Carpentry? I guess I'd have to say Jesus. 你是说木工? 我得说是因为耶稣
  [01:33.22]He was a carpenter and I figured 他是一个木匠,我想如果...
  [01:34.98]if you're gonna follow in someone's footsteps, who better than Christ? 要以一个人为楷模 谁会比他更好呢?
  [01:44.26]Greg's Jewish. 阿基是犹太人
  [01:47.46]- Are you? - Yeah. - 是吗? - 是的
  [01:53.46]Ha! Right. 是啊
  [01:59.46]I'm gonna head to the pool, 我要去泳池了
  [02:01.34]but why don't you show Greg and Pam the gift? 你给勃比和黛碧看看礼物吧
  [02:03.62](Greg) You made a gift? (Pam ) Greg. - 他做了个礼物? - 阿基
  [02:07.74]I just put a fresh coat of lacquer on this, so bear with me with the fumes. 我刚上了层新漆 所以请忍耐一下气味
  [02:14.18]Wow! k ev! 哇!凯文!
  [02:16.06]- Isn't that something? - That's incredible! - 不错吧? - 太棒了!谢谢
  [02:20.26]Roses. Deb's favorite! 黛碧最喜欢的玫瑰!
  [02:22.82]- Yes, right. - The little holes are for candles? - 好美,对 - 小洞是放蜡烛的
  [02:26.58]Yes. Later, they'll collect rainfall and make a tiny birdbath. 然后可以盛雨水给小鸟洗澡
  [02:29.50]That's great. 太好了
  [02:31.98]It's beautiful. What is it? 很美,这是什么?
  [02:32.54]It's an altar. Or you might call it a chuppah? 这是个祭坛,或称之为婚帐
  [02:41.22]Isn't that sweet? Wow. 很温馨,是吧?
  [02:41.82]I'll take it to the Byrnes' and tomorrow Robert and Deborah 我明天会把它运到白家 勃比和黛碧
  [02:46.70]will meet beneath it to become man and wife. 就可以在下面举行婚礼了
  [02:48.14]And later, when they purchase a home, maybe it'll grace their garden. 将来他们买了房子 可以装饰花园
  [02:53.02]Well, that's my... sappy, romantic idea. 这只是我... 感性浪漫的想法而已
  [03:00.46]It must have taken forever to build. 你一定花了很长时间
  [03:02.58]Not too bad. About 70 hours, which isn't bad, 不太长,大约七十个小时吧
  [03:06.26]considering I carved it by hand from one piece of wood. 是从一块整木头手工雕出来的
  [03:13.30](Jack) 'Hey, k evo! 12:15. Time to start the barbecue.' 凯文,十二点一刻了 该烧烤了
  [03:15.38]Ok, Mr. B. I better get back to playing host. 好,白先生 我还是回去扮演主人吧
  [03:21.98]I'm gonna pass on the swimming. 这次我不游了
  [03:24.02]You can't! 不行!
  [03:27.14]I don't even have a suit. 我没有泳裤
  [03:29.14](Jack) 'Pamcake, Pop's got your suit out here.' 白梅,快来,你的泳衣在这儿
  [03:33.22]- Coming, Dad. - You gotta get going. - 来了,爸爸 - 你先去吧
  [03:35.30]Gosh, she's great. Congratulations. 她真美,恭喜你
  [03:38.34]Thank you. And by the way, she had the nicest things to say about you. 谢谢,顺带提一下 她说了你不少好话
  [03:44.02]Really? 真的?
  [03:45.10]- Yeah. - Hm. 真的
  [03:48.22]Gosh, yeah, we had some good times together. 对,我俩曾经很开心
  [03:52.78]Whoo, she is a tomcat! 她真的很棒!
  [03:58.86]Whew! So, let me hook you up with some trunks, Gregor. 我去给你找条泳裤吧
  [04:04.42]- I'm not gonna swim... - I'm not taking no for an answer. - 我不... - 不,不准拒绝我
  [04:07.58](k evin ) Cold buffet's on the left, wine and champagne on the right. 凉菜在左边,酒和香槟在右边
  [04:25.18]Yeah, that'd be grea... 好,这真...
  [04:27.66]Hey, there he is! Get out here. 嗨,他来了,出来呀
  [04:30.54]G-man, we got salmon, we got swordfish. What'll it be? 阿基,要吃三文鱼还是剑鱼?
  [04:33.54]Uh...how about a little of both... 两样都少来点儿...
  [04:36.30]k-dog... I'm pretty hungry. 凯狗,我很饿
  [04:40.70]I think they call that the munchies. 有某些癖好的人很容易饿
  [04:46.98](Bob ) Let's go. Come on, k ev. Serve it up! 来,凯文,发球!
  [04:57.62]Damn! 他妈的!
  [04:59.10]Come on, team. He's got nothing! 好,大家努力,他们没什么
  [05:00.86]Service! 发球!
