听电影学英语-楚门的世界 05(在线收听

  [00:11.48]- Are you okay?. Excuse me. Hi. Hi. -没事吧? -抱歉
  [00:15.12]I'm so sorry I fell on you like that. It's ok. -真是对不起 -没关系
  [00:16.80]l've been such a klutz all day. -我今天笨手笨脚的 -没关系
  [00:21.80]l must have sprained this ankle. 我好像扭伤脚了
  [00:23.60]- l'm so sorry to fall on you. 真抱歉就这样跌在你身上
  [00:26.16]- Don't worry about it. 没关系,别放在心上
  [00:29.16]- l'm Meryl. - Hi, l'm Truman. -我是梅莉 -我是楚门
  [00:30.72]Hey. Nice to meet you. 很高兴认识你
  [01:58.60]- Truman, you've studied enough. 楚门,你也用功够了
  [01:59.08]- l've got to commit this to memory. 我得背熟
  [02:01.60]Come on, an ice-cold brewsky. 一起去喝杯冰啤酒
  [02:05.96]Come on. 来吧
  [02:06.60]You're gonna have to copy off me, so be careful. 别忘了,你还得抄我的考卷
  [02:09.64]I know it. 我知道
  [02:11.16]You're a beter person than l am. 你比我用功,待会见
  [02:15.52]- See you later. - Bye. 好
  [02:17.08]See you later, loser. 回头见,书呆子
  [03:20.04]Hi. 你好
  [03:24.80]- Konnichi-wa. - What? 什么?
  [03:29.68]- You take Japanese. 你在学日语
  [03:31.56]- oh, yes ... 对
  [03:36.64]Lauren, right? 你是罗兰
  [03:38.32]- lt's on the ... 上面写着
  [03:40.72]- Lauren, right. 没错,罗兰
  [03:43.16]- l'm Truman Burbank. - Yeah, l know. 我是楚门伯班 我知道
  [03:50.52]- l'm not allowed to talk to you. 他们不准我和你讲话
  [03:53.36]- Really?. 真的?
  [03:55.92]- l'm a pretty dangerous character. 这能理解,我是危险人物
  [03:59.68]- l'm sorry. lt's not up to me. 抱歉,我也没办法
  [04:03.24]Girls have got to be careful. 女生是要小心点
  [04:07.72]- You have a boyfriend, right? 你有男朋友?
  [04:09.32]- lt's not that. 不是这原因
  [04:10.44]Was it Meryl, the girl l was with? 是因为跟我在一起那女孩吗?
  [04:15.40]We're not ... We're just friends. 我们不…我们只是朋友
  [04:16.60]- lt's nothing like that. 不是这原因
  [04:18.96]- lt's how l look?. Not your type? 你不喜欢我的长相?
  [04:23.36]No. 也不是
  [04:26.12]I like your pin. 好帅的胸章
  [04:27.00]l was wondering that myself. 我也很好奇
  [04:32.92]Would you maybe, possibly sometime go out for some pizza? 你想跟我去吃披萨吗?
  [04:38.08]- Like, Friday?.  礼拜五?
  [04:41.72]Saturday?. - l can't. -礼拜六? -不行
  [04:42.52]Sunday, Monday, Tuesday?. 礼拜天?星期一?星期二?
  [04:48.92]- We have finals tomorrow. 明天是期末考
  [04:51.36]- Yeah, l know. 我知道
  [04:53.48]lf we don't go now, it won't happen. 现在不去,就没机会
  [04:55.76]Do you understand? 明白吗?
  [04:59.44]So what do you want to do? 怎么样?
