听电影学英语-楚门的世界 09(在线收听

  [00:01.32]Wish me luck. 祝我好运
  [00:03.28]l'll cross my fingers for you. 我会为你祷告
  [00:49.92]Excuse me. May l help you? 对不起,你需要什么?
  [00:52.52]l'm looking for my wife, Nurse Burbank. lt's very important. 我有急事找我太太伯班 她是这里的护士
  [00:57.60]That's not possible. She's in pre-op. 恐怕不行,她正准备做手术
  [00:59.48]Sure ...
  [01:01.64]okay, fine. Can you pass along a message? -好吧,请你转告她 -好的
  [01:08.16]l had to go to Fiji. l'll call when l get there. 就说我要去斐济 抵达后我会打电话给她
  [01:11.12]- When you get to Fiji? - You got it. -等你到了斐济? -没错
  [01:13.00]- Fine. l'll tell her. - Thank you so much. -好,我会转告她 -谢谢
  [01:45.12]Sorry. -抱歉 -不要紧
  [01:49.48]Let me help you with that. 我来帮你
  [01:54.64]He's here. 他来了
  [01:59.12]i know,  我知道
  [01:59.32]Scalpel. 手术刀
  [02:09.84]l'm now making my primary incision, - 我要在右膝上方做初步切割
  [02:11.64]- just above the right knee. 割得恰到好处
  [02:20.72]- Nicely done. - Unless you're family ... 真不错
  [02:21.40]This isn't Going to be pretty. 没什么好看的,除非你是家属
  [02:25.96]- lt's just a beautiful job. - l'll let someone else tidy up. 太好了,干净利落
  [02:31.36]I'll just let someone else Tidy up here. 让别人收拾吧
  [02:58.36]- l'm sorry to keep you. - That's okay. -抱歉让你久等 -没关系
  [03:02.16]- l'd like a flight to Fiji. 我想订一张到斐济的机票
  [03:03.36]- How can l help? 我能效劳吗?
  [03:07.12]- When would you like to leave? 哪天出发?
  [03:10.80]- Today. 今天
  [03:29.36]l'm sorry. l don't have anything for at least a month. 抱歉,起码要一个月后 才会有位子
  [03:33.76]lt's the busy season. -一个月? -现在是旺季
  [03:38.12]Do you want to book the flight? 你要订吗?
  [03:42.00]l'll make other arrangements. 没关系,我再想办法
  [03:47.88]Last call for Chicago! All aboard! 前往芝加哥乘客请上车
  [04:00.72]Thank you. 谢谢你
  [04:03.88]Windy City, here we come. 风城,我来了
  [04:12.84]Hello ...
  [04:17.68]sisters. 修女
  [04:18.92]- Mom, isn't that you know you? - Face the front. -妈妈,他不是… -别转头
  [04:47.72]Everybody off, we've got a problem. 发生故障,大家请下车
