听电影学英语-姐姐的守护者 06(在线收听

  [00:38.72]KATE: This is it. 就是这样
  [00:40.52]l know l'm going to die now. 我知道我快死了
  [00:47.08]l suppose l've always known that. 我想我一直知道这件事
  [00:51.56]l just never knew when. 就是不知道什么时候
  [00:60.56]And l'm okay with it. Really. 我不介意这事,真的
  [01:04.24]l don't mind my disease killing me. 我不介意死于疾病
  [01:11.84]But it's killing my family too. 但是它也在破坏我的家庭
  [01:19.28]While everyone was so worried about my blood counts... 当所有人对我的血量关心之至时
  [01:23.76]...they barely even noticed that Jesse was dyslexic. 无人注意到Jesse的诵读困难
  [01:27.92]Look at this place. You see all these kids around here? 看那片地方,看见那边的孩子了吗?
  [01:30.88]They got a football team. this Olympic-style swimming pool. 他们组了了足球队,这个奥运风格的游泳池
  [01:36.16]- Horses. - They got horses. - 马 - 他们有马
  [01:39.08]Massive playground here. Look at that Tarzan rope into a lake. 这儿有大操场,看看这个荡着绳子跳进了湖里的泰山
  [01:43.72]There's kids everywhere. You're gonna have a great time there. 那儿到处都有孩子,你会在那儿度过一段好时光
  [01:49.60]What? 怎么样?
  [01:50.20]Come on. you know this is gonna be like a vacation for you. 好啦,你知道这会和一次旅行一样的
  [01:54.64]l'll try harder. 我会更努力的
  [01:57.64]lt's not about that. 与这无关
  [01:59.44]Hey. Iook at me. 嘿,看着我
  [02:04.20]You know how sometimes when you see things. they are a little mixed up? 你知道为何有时你看东西时,会有点混淆?
  [02:08.36]This place is special because they have teachers there... 这个地方很特殊因为这儿有教师
  [02:10.56]...that will show you how to straighten it out. 会教你如何矫正
  [02:15.56]- Okay. - And l can't do that. - 好的 - 我不能做这个
  [02:17.12]Okay. 好的
  [02:20.64]You're gonna get so good at math. 你在数学上做得这么好
  [02:22.88]- lt's gonna be a year. that's it. all right? - Just till your grades are up. - 它会持续一年,就这样,是不? - 等你成绩上升
  [02:27.36]lf you don't like it. you come right home. 如果你不喜欢,那就回家
  [02:30.84]- Okay. - All right. - 好的 - 好的
  [02:40.20]KATE: l'm sorry, Jesse. 对不起,Jesse
  [02:43.40]l'm sorry l took all the attention when you were the one who needed it the most. 我很抱歉当你最需要注意时我却吸引了所有目光
  [03:01.48]Dad. l know l took your first love from you. 爸爸,我知道我带走了你最初的爱
  [03:08.40]l only hope that one day, you get her bach. 我只希望你有一天能拿回去
  [03:17.36]Mom, you gave up everything for me. 妈妈,你为我放弃了一切
  [03:20.64]Your work, your marriage, your entire life... 工作,婚姻,你的整个人生
  [03:25.64]...iust to fight my battles for me every single day. 仅仅是为我的每一天而战
  [03:30.28]l'm sorry you couldn't win. 我很抱歉你没法赢
  [03:35.68]And to my baby sis. who was always so very little... 还有我的小妹,你一直都那么小
  [03:44.92]...l'm sorry l let them hurt you. 我很抱歉我让他们伤害了你
  [03:49.16]l'm sorry l didn't take care of you. 我很抱歉我没有照顾你
  [03:53.16]lt was supposed to be the other way around. 这儿应当是另一种方式
  [03:58.32]- Hey. - Hi. - 嘿 - 嗨
  [04:00.12]l got you something. 我给你带了点东西
  [04:08.88]- ls that me? - Mm-hm. - 那是我? - 嗯
  [04:11.24]l'm not done with it. but.... 我还没有完成,但是
  [04:27.56]...-De Salvo? l thought she was on leave. - She was. she's back. - De Salvo?我以为她在休假 - 她以前在,现在回来了
  [04:31.40]Your Honor. clearly Miss Morangez is afraid for her life. 法官阁下,很明显Morangez小姐生活的很恐惧
  [04:35.32]At this time. the plaintiff requests a continuation on the restraining order. 在这种情形下,原告要求延长限制令
  [04:38.28]BAILIFF: Stand. please. 请起立
  [04:41.28]DE SALVO: Mr. Morangez. by order of this court... Morangez先生,根据本法庭的命令
  [04:43.16]...you are no longer allowed within 1000 yards... 你不能再靠近
  [04:48.84]...of Mrs. Morangez or her residence. Morangez女士或她的住宅一千码之内的地方
  [04:51.60]You understand how far a thousand yards is? 你知道以一千码是多少吧?
  [04:56.80]CAMPBELL: Judge De Salyo had a very public nervous breakdown... 众所周知,De Salyo法官自从她十二岁的女儿
  [04:58.64]...after her 1 2-year-old daughter was killed by a drunk driver. 被一个醉酒驾驶的司机撞死之后就神经衰弱了
