听电影学英语-姐姐的守护者 07(在线收听

  [00:01.12]She had taken a six-month leave of absence... 她缺席了六个月
  [00:04.32]...to deal with her grief... 来安抚自己的悲痛
  [00:06.52]...and this was the first time l'd seen her back in court. 这是她重回法庭后,我第一次看见她
  [00:10.32]DE SALVO: You're going to jail. 你就会进监狱
  [00:11.56]- Okay. next case. please. MAN: Thank you. Your Honor. - Ok,下个案子 - 谢谢你,法官阁下
  [00:16.08]BAILIFF: Four-eight-five-seven-two. 48572号
  [00:17.84]l'd like to see counsel in my chambers. please. 我想在我的房间里见见律师
  [00:24.68]DE SALVO: Good afternoon. SARA: Good afternoon. - 下午好 - 下午好
  [00:27.56]What's with the dog? 这狗是做什么的?
  [00:30.68]He's a service dog. Your Honor. 他是只服务犬,法官阁下
  [00:30.96]DE SALVO: Well. please make sure he behaves himself. 好吧,请确保他表现检点
  [00:33.76]- l just had these carpets cleaned. CAMPBELL: Yes. ma'am. - 我刚打扫过地毯 - 是,夫人
  [00:35.32]Good to see you. Sara. l wasn't aware you were practicing. 见到你很高兴,Sara 我没有意识到你也是干律师这行的
  [00:37.64]l wasn't planning to. Your Honor. but the complainant is my daughter. 我没有计划过这事,法官阁下,但是原告是我的女儿
  [00:43.88]What's this about. counselor? 这个案子是关于什么的,律师?
  [00:46.36]...be medically emancipated from her parents. 可以从她的父母那儿得到医学自由
  [00:46.88]Mrs. Fitzgerald's youngest child wishes to... Fitzgerald夫人的小女儿希望
  [00:48.28]There's no legal definition of medical emancipation... 在加利福尼亚州
  [00:52.84]...not in the state of California. 并没有有关医学自由的法律解释
  [00:54.04]lt's one of those New Age terms that Mr. Alexander has latched onto. 这是Alexander先生自己定义的新条款吧
  [00:58.28]Yes. l'm well aware of Mr. Alexander's reputation. 是的,我很清楚Alexander先生的名声
  [00:60.40]He once tried to sue God in my courtroom. 他曾经在我的法庭上打算起诉上帝
  [01:02.96]Did sue. Your Honor. 已经起诉了,法官阁下
  [01:05.04]Jerome Dylan v. the Diocese of California. Jerome Dylan起诉加利福尼亚州主教
  [01:05.48]- And l won that one. - l remember. So? - 而且我赢了 - 我记得,所以呢?
  [01:10.12]An 1 1 -year-old can't be emancipated. at least not legally. 十一岁的孩子不能是自由的,最起码在法律上不是
  [01:10.16]So Mr. Alexander wants you to change the law. 所以Alexander先生希望你更改法律
  [01:15.68]She loves her parents and wants to live at home. 她爱她的父母,愿意住在家里
  [01:15.72]My client is not seeking to be emancipated. 我的当事人不是寻求完全的自由
  [01:19.68]She doesn't wanna be cut open anymore. 她只是不愿意再被切开了
  [01:21.28]Yes. l read the complaint. What is it exactly that you're after? 是的,我读了诉状,你究竟要寻求什么?
  [01:26.44]DE SALVO: All right. Very smart. 很对,很明智
  [01:26.64]Limited termination of parental rights. 限制性终止父母权利
  [01:31.28]Very creative. l assume you have precedent? 很有创造力,我想你有先例?
  [01:32.40]Yes. Planned Parenthood v. Danforth. 是的,计生联合会起诉Danforth一案
  [01:33.76]Mature minor doctrine: Smith v. Seibly. Agrello v. Florida. 成熟未成年人原则:Smith起诉Seibly一案 Agrello起诉Florida一案
  [01:39.28]And defense is moving for summary dismissal? 被告要求驳回诉讼?
  [01:41.96]SARA: Yes. Today. if possible. 是的,就在今天,如果可能的话
  [01:42.64]Anna's too young to make a decision of this size on her own. Anna太小了,不能自己做出如此重大的决定
  [01:46.04]She doesn't understand what it is she wants. 她不懂她要的是什么
  [01:48.72]She's 1 1 years old. She changes her mind every five minutes. 她才十一岁大,五分钟就会变一次主意
  [01:50.16]You know how young girls can be. 你知道小女孩是什么样子
  [01:56.84]Oh. my God. l'm so sorry. l.... 噢,天啊,我很抱歉,我
  [02:03.20]The best interests of the child. Your Honor. 孩子的最高利益,法官阁下
  [02:03.32]Mr. Alexander? Alexander先生
  [02:08.00]All right. Well. l need to see Anna. Is she here? 是的,好,我要见见Anna,她在这儿吗?
  [02:09.96]SARA: Yes. but l was really hoping to keep her out of it. 是,但是我真的希望她不要涉及进来
  [02:13.96]Keep her out of it? Mrs. Fitzgerald. you just told me your daughter... 不要涉及她?Fitzgerald夫人,你刚刚告诉我
  [02:17.04]...doesn't fully understand what she wants. 你女儿不完全理解她要什么
  [02:18.72]lf you want a decision today... 如果你今天要裁决
  [02:21.68]...l need to find that out. Do you have a problem with that. counselor? 我就要弄明白 律师,你有异议吗?
  [02:23.40]- None whatsoever. - All right. Well. please send her in. - 一点也不 - 好的,把她带进来吧
  [02:30.24]CAMPBELL: Thank you. Your Honor. 多谢,法官阁下
  [02:32.56]And Sara? Sara?
  [02:35.12]l'm awfully sorry about Kate. Kate的事我感到十分抱歉
  [02:54.00]Thank you. 谢谢
  [02:56.20]Hi. 嗨
  [02:59.28]Hi. 嗨
  [03:03.96]You can sit down if you like. 想坐就坐吧
  [03:09.64]Want something to drink? 想喝点什么吗?
  [03:10.68]l've got... 我这儿有
  [03:14.28]...7UP. Dr. Pepper or apple juice. 七喜,乐倍,苹果汁
  [03:18.64]- 7UP. please. - 7UP. - 七喜,谢谢 - 七喜
  [03:23.12]Thank you. 谢谢
  [03:33.96]- So you know why you're here? - Yup. - 你知道你来这儿干什么吧? - 是
  [03:37.36]Pretty scary stuff. huh? 很可怕的事情,对吧?
  [03:40.12]Well. l don't really like everyone being mad at me. 好吧,我真的不喜欢每个人都对我这么着迷
  [03:43.04]l meant having to take care of your sister all the time. 我的意思是你得无时无刻的照顾你姐姐
  [03:45.32]No. l don't mind. l like it. 不,我不介意,我喜欢
  [03:50.20]You guys get along okay? 你们相处的好吗?
  [03:51.84]Of course. she's my sister. 当然啦,她是我姐姐
  [03:54.64]But all those operations. it's gotta be pretty crazy. right? 但是这些手术,它们相当疯狂,是吧?
  [04:01.12]No, flo, flo, stop, stop, stop. ANNA: Ohay, ohay. - 不,飞,飞,,飞,停,停,停 - 好啦好啦
  [04:04.08]Quietly. girls. This is a hospital. this is not a sorority. 安静点,女孩们.这儿是医院,不是女学生联谊会
  [04:07.96]- l need a urine sample. - But l don't have to go. - 我要一份尿样 - 可我不想尿尿
  [04:11.44]- Well. drink something. - And l'm not thirsty. - 好了,喝点东西 - 我又不渴
  [04:12.04]Listen to me. young lady. l don't like a lot of back talk. 听着,小女士 我不喜欢一大堆空谈
  [04:17.80]Drink. don't drink. l don't care. But you just better fill it. 喝不喝,我不介意,但是你最好装满它
  [04:24.64]- What a bitch. - Right? - 婊子 - 是吧?
  [04:27.56]l'll fill it. 我会装满它
  [04:30.16]- Nice and warm. - No. - 既漂亮又温暖 - 不
  [04:37.60]...-You ready? KATE: All set. - 准备好了? - 都好了
  [04:40.16]Oh. wait a minute. 噢,等等
  [04:44.76]Looks a little cloudy. l think l should filter it again. 看起来有点浑浊,我想得再过滤一下
  [04:51.88]Much better. What do you think? 好多了,你认为怎么样?
  [04:55.40]You are disgusting. 你真恶心
  [04:57.68]And so are you. 你也是
