听电影学英语-姐姐的守护者 09(在线收听

  [00:02.16]...not too long. 不会太久了
  [00:06.32]SARA: 'Not too long'? 不会太久?
  [00:07.52]Not too long what? 什么不会太久了?
  [00:09.36]- Will it hurt? CHANCE: No. - 疼吗? - 不
  [00:13.04]l'll make sure of that. 我会确保这点的
  [00:15.44]Listen. l don't wanna hear talk like that. okay. honey? 听着,我不想你再谈这个了,好么,宝贝?
  [00:19.12]You just stay strong enough for surgery. okay? 你只要好好养到可以手术,好吗?
  [00:23.28]Okay. Mom. 好的,妈妈
  [00:25.80]CHANCE: Sara. Iet's take a walk. Sara,出去谈谈
  [00:31.08]Let me introduce you to someone. 我来给你介绍个人
  [00:35.04]This is Miss Swearingen. our home health aide. 这是Swearingen小姐,我们的家庭健康助手
  [00:38.24]- Hi. how are you? - Good. how are you? - 嗨,你好吗? - 很好,你呢?
  [00:39.60]l'm good. thank you. 很好,谢谢你
  [00:42.32]Have you spoken to the Make-A-Wish people? 你愿不愿意和许愿计划的人谈谈?
  [00:45.28]What is this? 那是什么?
  [00:47.44]What is this. the 'quality of life' speech? 这是什么,生活质量演讲?
  [00:50.36]Mrs. Fitzgerald. you might want to consider taking Kate home. Fitzgerald夫人,你或许会考虑把Kate带回家
  [00:53.24]- No. - Making her comfortable... - 不 - 让她过得舒服
  [00:56.32]What? You think we should take Kate home to die? 什么意思,你想我们把Kate丢在家里等死?
  [00:56.52]...-...managing her pain. - No hospices. - 处理她的痛苦 - 不要提安养院
  [00:60.76]What do you want me to say. Sara? It's an option. 那你想让我说什么,Sara? 这是一种选择
  [01:03.08]Look. l know you don't listen to anybody. but it's our job to tell you. 听着,我知道你不会听进任何人 但是我的职责让我告诉你
  [01:06.56]Death is a normal process of life. You need to acknowledge that. 死亡是生命的正常过程 你必须认识到
  [01:09.80]- No. l don't. Who is this broad? - Have you spoken to Kate? - 不,我不这么认为,这个女人是谁? - 你和Kate谈过吗?
  [01:14.00]- You know what she wants? - l don't care what anybody wants. - 你知道她要什么吗? - 我才不管谁要什么
  [01:16.48]- We're doing the operation. - What operation. Sara? - 我们在做手术 - 什么手术,Sara?
  [01:20.20]You have an unwilling donor. 捐赠人又不愿意
  [01:21.84]The hospital won't even allow it anymore without a court order. 没有法院命令的话医院不会再继续了
  [01:25.84]Your daughter is dying. and you might want to spend... 你女儿正在死亡,也许你会愿意
  [01:25.92]You think we don't know what's going on here? 你以为我们不知道发生了什么?
  [01:30.60]...-...some quality time with her. - Lookit. sister--... - 花一些好时光陪她 - 听着,姐们
  [01:31.32]...(INAUDIBLE DIALOGUE)
  [01:42.40]KELLY: l did it. 我做了这个
  [01:46.20]They look wonderful. Don't touch them. 他们看起来好极了,别碰
  [01:47.72]l gotta go. Going to work. 我得走了,去工作
  [01:50.20]- Bye. - Bye. l'll be back. - 拜 - 拜,我会回来的
  [02:34.12]KATE: Hey. Mom? 嘿,妈妈?
  [02:35.92]Do you know that Minnesota is known as The Land of Ten Thousand Lakes? 你知道明尼苏达以万湖之州而闻名吗?
  [02:39.80]Well. Montana's got. like. a million times that. 好啦,蒙大拿的湖,差不多,有(明尼苏达的)百万倍吧
  [02:41.36]No. l didn't know that. 哦,我还不知道这个呢
  [02:48.84]Hi. 嗨
  [02:50.00]Hello. 你好
  [02:55.92]What are you here for? 你为什么来这儿?
  [02:58.64]The free cocktails. 免费的鸡尾酒
  [03:01.96]KATE: Right. Happy hour. 对啊,欢乐时光
  [03:04.56]l'm Taylor. AML. 我是Taylor,急性骨髓系白血病
  [03:09.92]Kate. APL. Kate,急性早幼粒细胞白血病
  [03:12.00]- A rarity. - Yeah. right? - 很罕见 - 是啊,对吧?
  [03:13.96]TAYLOR: You're in remission? KATE: Today. anyway. - 情况不错? - 今天是吧,不管怎么样
  [03:17.68]- Chemo? - Yeah. - 化疗? - 是
  [03:25.12]So. what do you do when you're not here at the hospital? 你不在这个医院时干什么呢?
  [03:31.48]KATE: Nothing. 什么都不干
  [03:33.36]Just wait for something that makes me come back. 仅仅是等着什么时候把我送回来
  [03:38.64]Well. then maybe we could hang together sometime? 好吧,我们是否可以聚聚?
  [03:42.80]Yeah. 好啊
  [03:44.52]Okay. 好的
  [03:46.36]Can l get your phone number? 给我你的电话
  [03:50.24]Okay. 好啊
  [04:07.04]Thanks. 多谢
  [04:09.96]Thanks. Mom. 多谢,妈妈
  [04:12.80]l'm Taylor. by the way. 顺便说一下,我叫Taylor
  [04:13.72]Sara Fitzgerald. Nice to meet you. Sara Fitzgerald,很高兴见到你
  [04:19.52]ALICE: Okay. Taylor. You're out of here. 好了,Taylor 你得走了
  [04:23.96]555... 555...
  [04:28.16]...0173. ...0173
  [04:37.16]Well. l gotta go. 好的,我得走了
  [04:40.36]l'll call you. Kate. 我会给你打电话,Kate
  [04:49.32]KATE: So. what do you think? - Girl. that boy is fine. - 嗯,你觉得怎么样? - 孩子,这男孩不错
  [04:51.08]l know. right? So do you think he'll call? 我就知道,是吧?你认为他会打电话给我吗?
  [04:54.40]l don't know. baby. l.... 我不知道,孩子,我...
  [04:55.36]...(PHONE RINGING)
