听电影学英语-姐姐的守护者 20(在线收听

  [00:02.64]The best. 最好的
  [00:13.28]Remember that summer when l went away to camp? 还记得我去露营的那个夏天吗
  [00:17.04]And l was so scared that l'd miss you guys. 我很担心我会想你们
  [00:22.68]- Yeah. - Before l got on the bus... - 记得 - 在我上车之前
  [00:23.08]...you told me to take a seat on the left side... 你告诉我坐左侧
  [00:26.76]...right next to the window... 临窗的座位
  [00:28.24]...so l'd be able to look back and see you there. 我可以向后看到你
  [00:37.20]l remember. 我记得
  [00:42.20]l get the same seat now. 我现在就是在一样的位子上
  [00:47.44]lt's gonna be okay. 不会有事的
  [00:57.08]...lt's gonna be okay. Mom. 不会有事的,妈妈
  [01:00.76]l promise. 我保证
  [01:18.48]ANNA: My sister died that night. 我姐姐当晚死了
  [01:22.96]l wish l could say that she made some miracle recovery... 我很想说她奇迹般的恢复了
  [01:25.92]...but she didn't. 但是没有
  [01:27.20]She iust stopped breathing. 她仅仅是停止呼吸
  [01:39.52](MUTED DIALOGUE)
  [02:04.00]And l wish l could tell you that there was some good that came out of it... 我希望我可以告诉你Kate死了,而我们继续生存
  [02:06.48]...that through Kate's death we could all go on living. 这件事带来了一些好处
  [02:11.92]Or even that her life had some special meaning... 或者她的生命有什么特殊意义
  [02:14.44]...like they named a park after her. or a street... 比如一个公园或街道以她命名
  [02:18.20]...or that the Supreme Court changed a law because of her. 或者最高法院因为她修改法律
  [02:23.08]But none of that happened. 但是无一发生
  [02:25.28]She's iust gone... 她仅仅是成为了
  [02:27.44]...a little piece of blue shy now. 苍天的一小块
  [02:32.40]And we all have to move on. 这是我们所有人的归宿
  [02:46.44]A few days later. l got a surprise visitor. 几天后,有个意外的访客
  [02:52.72]Hi. 嗨
  [02:54.68]Somebody here wants to see you. 有人要见你
  [03:00.16]ANNA: Hey. Judge. 嘿,Judge
  [03:03.04]Hello. 你好
  [03:09.32]l brought this for you. 我给你带了这个
  [03:23.24]We won. 我们赢了
  [03:28.08]You still have to do your homework and go to bed when your parents tell you to... 你依然得做作业,按你父母的要求上床睡觉
  [03:30.04]...but you're now officially medically emancipated. 但是你已经正式地从医学上解放了
  [03:36.44]Ninety-percent success rate. right? 90%成功率,对吧
  [03:39.44]Ninety-one. 91%
  [03:47.08]Well... 好吧
  [03:51.52]...l suppose l should go. 我想我得走了
  [04:05.96]Thanks for stopping by. Mr. A. It was really good to see you. 谢谢你的拜访,A先生,看到你高兴
  [04:08.72]You too. 我也是
  [04:18.68]...you know? 你知道吧?
  [04:21.24]Okay. 好的
  [04:23.24]Judge. Judge
  [04:49.88]ANNA: Life is different now. 生活现在不同了
  [04:53.40]A lot has changed in the last few years. 接下来几年改变了很多
  [04:57.88]Mom went back to work. rebuilt her practice... 妈妈回去工作,重建了她的事业
  [05:00.56]...and is now making a very nice living. 现在干的很不错
  [05:05.52]0ad took an early pension... 爸爸提早退休了
  [05:06.20]...and now spends time counseling troubled inner-city youths. 现在把时间花在了教化市中心的问题少年身上
  [05:11.56]And Jesse's doing best of all. Jesse是我们中最有出息的
  [05:16.96]After Kate died. he turned his life around. Kate死后,他改变了他的生活
  [05:19.80]He went bach to school... 他回到学校
  [05:20.72]...and got himself a scholarship to a fancy art academy in New York. 拿到了纽约一家高等艺术学院的奖学金
  [05:30.76]And even though we've grown up and moved away... 甚至在我们成人搬走之后
  [05:34.04]...every year. on Kate's birthday. we all take a vacation together... 每年,在Kate的生日,我们会在一起休假
  [05:38.28]...and it's always to the same place. 在同样的地方
  [06:14.36]l'll never understand why Kate had to die and we all got to live. 我从未理解为什么Kate得死而我们都活着
  [06:21.56]There's no reason for it. l guess. 这没有原因,我猜
  [06:24.16]Death's iust death. nobody understands it. 死亡仅仅是死亡 没人理解它
  [07:14.76]Once upon a time... 从前
  [07:17.32]...l thought l was put on Earth to save my sister. 我以为我降生到地球上是为了拯救我的姐姐
  [07:21.00]And in the end. l couldn't do it. 但最终,我没有做到
  [07:26.48]l reali2e now... 我认识到
  [07:26.96]...that wasn't the point. 这无关紧要

  [07:28.16]The point was. l had a sister. 重要的是,我有一个姐姐
  [07:32.60]She was fantastic. 她很了不起
  [07:36.96]One day. l'm sure l'll see her again. 有一天,我会再见到她
  [07:39.64]But until then... 但是在此之前
  [07:42.28]...our relationship continues. 我们的羁绊依旧
