AP 2011-04-17(在线收听

1. Congress is set to vote today on last week's budget deal which last until September. Next, lawmakers will start the budget battle for 2012, which maybe a tougher fight than this fight that almost shut down the government. Republican and White House proposals are dramatically different.


2. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton is in Berlin for talks on the crisis in Libya. Clinton is meeting with other NATO officials to discuss military operations. US officials say she will press the allies for vows on protecting civilians.


3. A new Associated Press-GFK poll suggests that most Americans are just fine with their tax rates, ahead of Monday's filing deadline. The poll finds that 54% believe their taxes are "fair" or "very fair", 46% say their taxes are "unfair".


4. A gunman's ramblings. Two days before he walked into his former school in Brazil and shot 12 students to death. The 23-year-old man discussed his plans to attack against (quote) "cruel and cowardly people". Police are still combing through material found in his home to determine the motive.
