听电影学英语-街舞少年 11(在线收听

  [00:02.42]Don't bother. 不劳你大驾了
  [00:06.78]My favorite color's green, asshole. 我最喜欢的颜色是绿色 混球
  [00:16.74]T-H-E-T-A! T-H-E-T-A!
  [00:36.10]All right, stop. Stop! 好了 停 停!
  [00:38.78]Please, put some heart into what you're doing, fellas. 拜托 多花点心思到这上面 小伙子们
  [00:42.94]Better than anyone l know. 有问题就好
  [00:43.30]Can l ask a stupid question? 我能问个愚蠢的问题吗
  [00:47.26]What? 什么?
  [00:49.86]l just wanted to know why we're stepping in an empty pool. 我只是想知道为什么 我们要在一个空水池里跳
  [00:51.94]Well, it was so we could keep our moves a secret. 这是为了能使我们的舞步保密
  [00:57.90]But who would want them? 但是谁会想要看呢?
  [00:58.46]Let's pick this back up tomorrow at 8. 明天8点我们再回来训练
  [00:59.78]-Eight? -Eight? -八点? -八点?
  [01:02.86]You got a problem with 8? 8点有问题吗?
  [01:04.42]Let's make it 7. 那我们7点开始
  [01:07.30]-What? -Oh, man. -什么? -哦 大哥
  [01:12.86]l'm out of here. 我要闪人了
  [02:18.90]Are they putting this in the show? 他们要把这段加入表演里面吗?
  [02:20.58]l don't think so. You know Sylvester. 我不这么认为 你了解Sylvester
  [02:24.34]He doesn't like anything street in his routines. 他不喜欢任何事情破坏他的程序
  [02:28.62]Good. 很好
  [02:31.62]For us. 对我们来说
  [02:51.58]-Hey. -Hey. -嘿 -嘿.
  [02:54.98]What's wrong? 怎么了?
  [03:02.22]l broke up with him. 我和他分手了
  [03:08.98]You okay? 你还好吧?
  [03:09.58]l haven't slept all night. 我整晚没睡
  [03:16.74]What have you been doing? 那你都干嘛了?
  [03:19.14]Thinking. 思考
  [03:25.22]What are you thinking? 都思考些什么?
  [03:36.74]l think l wanna come in. 我想要走进你的生活
  [03:43.26]Come on. 进来吧
  [03:56.82]Don't forget. We gotta practice on those new steps later on today. 不要忘了 我们今天晚些时候 要练习那些新舞步
  [04:04.34]Check this out. 看这个
  [04:08.34]Nice ride. 好车
  [04:24.42]l'll see you guys later. 回头见
  [04:56.66]We'll pick it up first thing in the morning. 明天早上我们 再复习一遍
  [04:56.86]lf any of you have any conflicts with your class schedules... 如果你们谁的课程 有冲突的话...
