英语播客EnglishPod 561(在线收听

Daily Life - Finding the perfect present (C0178)
A: Bill. Bill! You gotta help me!
B: What’s wrong? Slow down or you are gonna give
yourself a heart attack.
A: Tomorrow is Christmas and I haven’t bought my
mom anything! I’m such a bad son!
B: Take it easy! Let’s go tothe mall, window shop a
little and see if there is anything she might like.
A: That’s just it! I don’t know what to get her! Last
year I got her a ring that was two sizes too big
and a pair of shoes five sizes too small! I suck at
getting presents for people.
B: That’s where you’re making a big mistake! You
can’tjustguesspeoples’likesorsizes! Especially
with clothes or jewelry. On top of that, I think that
you should get your mom something that shows
how much you love her. Atthe same time you
should show her that you took the time and effort
tolook for something that she would really like!
A: Yeah you’re right. When it comes down to it, I can
be pretty tacky.

B: Yeah tell me about it. I know! Your mom is trying
to learn Spanish right? Why don’t you get her a
gift certificate for this great website I saw called
A: Now that’s a great idea!
