考研听力基本功4 Passage6(在线收听

Before the 1930's ,workers were only paid as long as they were "smart
[00:05.69]If they were smart enough not to be ill,they were pai
[00:10.06]If they were smart enough not to by injured,they were pai
[00:13.66]And if they were very smart,they would find strength to work every day until they die
[00:19.44]When people were not this"smart",they looked for hel
[00:23.04]Their families,private charities,and churches did what they coul
[00:28.03]All of these groups helped when the economy was health
[00:31.79]When the Depression hit,families,charities,and churches were weakene
[00:37.22]And there was more need of them than ever befor
[00:40.62]Pat Cauley,a construction worker,kept a diar
[00:44.46]Here is an entry from 1932:"Went to church.I said the family needed something to keep goin
[00:52.90]Got a nice sermon.Came home,pockets empty
[00:57.10]Cauley's story was told by millions of other
[00:59.79]Even when charities did help,people were not completely happ
[01:04.21]People on soup lines did not starv
[01:07.03]But their pride went hungry.
