听电影学英语-当风吹起的时候 07(在线收听

  [00:08.74]HILDA: The cake will be be burned! 蛋糕会烧起来的!
  [00:38.90]HILDA: The cake will be burned! 蛋糕会烧起来的!
  [02:14.74](Glass smashes) (玻璃粉碎声)
  [02:20.78]JIM: Blimey! 哎呀,老天爷!
  [02:22.94](Hilda sighs) (Hilda叹息)
  [02:25.10]JIM: Blimey! - Well I never! 哎呀,老天爷!哦,我从没!
  [02:31.22]Well, I... I suppose... that was it. 我..我想这就是了。
  [02:34.26]I should think so. 我想也是。
  [02:37.26]Blimey! 老天爷!
  [02:41.22]You all right, dear? 你还好吗,亲爱的?
  [02:43.38]Yes, thanks, love. 是的,还好,亲爱的。
  [02:45.30]Oh, dear. 噢,亲爱的。
  [02:50.02]I do feel all shaky. 我觉得一切都在摇晃。
  [02:52.18]Never mind, ducks. 别担心,宝贝儿。
  [02:54.34]We're... We're still in one piece, eh? 我们...我们还在同一个地方吧,嗯?
  [02:56.42]Yes, I think so. 是,我想是的。
  [02:59.94]- Wasn't it light? - Yes. -是变亮了一些么? -是的。
  [03:02.10]Terrific. 真可怕。
  [03:04.26]You get terrific light with these bombs. 炸弹让我看了可怕的光。
  [03:06.82]- The heat! - I know. -热度! -我知道。
  [03:12.34]Phew! 唷!
  [03:13.42]It's still hot now. 现在还是热的呢。
  [03:17.86]I wonder how far we are away from the epicentre. 我想知道我们距离爆炸中心有多远。
  [03:18.82]Or was it the hypocentre? 或者这儿就是轻度中心?
  [03:22.98]I can't remember. 我不记得了。
  [03:26.38]What's that, dear? 那是什么,亲爱的?
  [03:27.26]Well, it's the centre of it all. You know, the er... the bull's-eye, sort of. 嗯,那就是爆炸的中心。呃..像是攻击的靶心。
  [03:32.30]Bang in the middle. Or... Or middle of the bang, rather. 在中心爆炸,或者..或者是爆炸的中心。
  [03:35.94]I should think we were bang in the middle, dear. 我认为我们是在中心爆炸了,亲爱的。
  [03:39.90]A direct hit. 准确的一击。
  [03:43.54]HILDA: Oh, just look at all that glass. 哦,快看那些玻璃。
  [03:46.18]JIM: No, no, it couldn't have been a direct hit, dear. 不,不,这不可能是准确的一击,亲爱的。
  [03:49.34]We would have sustained greater damage and suffered greater casualties. 我们将会迎来持续的、更厉害的破坏和更惨重的伤亡。
  [03:51.30]Don't talk to me about damage. Just look at those curtains! 别跟我说破坏程度,只要看看那些窗帘就可以了!
  [03:57.70]Yes, but it would have been much worse at the epi-hypo thing, dear. 是啊,在更外层的东西上更可怕,亲爱的。
  [04:00.74]I don't see how it could have been much worse. 我不知道还有什么比这个更坏。
  [04:05.02]I'll never get them clean. 我再也无法洗干净它们了。
  [04:06.30]I'll give them a good soak tonight. Blessed Germans! 今晚我得好好地浸泡它们,上帝保佑德国人民!
  [04:12.18]Russkies, dear. 是俄罗斯人,亲爱的。
  [04:14.26]Mm! The shelter stood up well, didn't it? 唔!隐蔽处依然屹立不倒,看见没?
  [04:19.34]I constructed it in compliance with governmental specifications. 我是按照政府的说明书来建造的。
  [04:20.98]- I hope the cushions aren't spoiled. - I think some of them blew off in the blast. -我希望那些垫子没被毁坏。 -也许有一些在冲击波来时被吹掉了吧。
  [04:26.90]I do like nice cushions. 我可喜欢那些漂亮垫子了。
  [04:29.22]Yes, but there's more important things at the moment, ducks. 是,但是现在有更重要的事情,宝贝儿。
  [04:31.74]And curtains. Cushions and curtains. 还有窗帘。垫子和窗帘。
  [04:36.38]I'd better get out and put them in soak now. 我最好现在就出去把它们泡起来。
  [04:37.62]- Stay in! Er... dear. - Don't you shout at me, James. -留在这儿!呃..亲爱的。 -你怎么不朝我吼了,James。
  [04:42.10]But it's the whole point, dearest. 我最亲爱的,把你留在这儿才是关键。
  [04:45.70]This is what the shelter's for. 这就是我为何要建造一个隐蔽处的原因。
  [04:45.98]But the blessed bomb has gone off already. 可是那些该死的炸弹已经走了啊。
  [04:49.42]Yes, but the fallout is falling out now. See? 是的,但是你没看到原子尘仍然在飘散吗?
  [04:52.78]No, I don't see. 没,我没看到。
  [04:57.02]I can't see any soppy fallout. 我根本看不见任何原子尘。
  [04:59.86]I'm getting out. 我要出去了。
  [05:00.10]- Just look at all that mess! - No. No! -看看那些脏东西! -不!不!
