音乐咖啡厅:Bosson - You Opened My Eyes(在线收听

音乐咖啡厅:Bosson - You Opened My Eyes

相关介绍:Bosson是瑞典流行天王,他的歌迷遍及世界各地,尤其在俄罗斯,乌克兰等东欧地区更是人气火到一塌糊涂。那首地球人都广为皆知的"One In A Million"将Bosson迅速提至瑞典国宝级地位。在中国Bosson的魅力依然强大,无数少男少女被他像着了魔的音域所折服,用KC的话形容,Bosson的嗓音就像一种无形的双手,穿过灵魂抚摸每个听歌者的神经。是的,Bosson就是这样不可夺多得的歌手,他的声音妩媚销魂,在仿佛类似女性声线间游走,让人一时忘记他是个男人,一个可以拥有女人都嫉妒的声线,可见Bosson有多么独一无二。很多时候我都在想,如果迈克尔杰克逊不属于这个世界,那么Bosson绝对可以替代他的地位,成为地球至尊流行歌王!当然这是我的一厢幻想,不过在我的心中,Bosson早已经深入我身体每处角落,就这样,无可自拔地着迷着他,他的音乐,和他的一切。


Song:You Opened My Eyes

You opened my eyes
you make me believe
that there is a chance for a guy like me.
You opened my eyes
to a whole new world for me.

Baby don’t you know
that all I wanted was to be by your side
to find a way to the light through the dark.
You saw the man that I was deep inside... ah huh...
There’s a voice,
that was screamin' inside of my head
but I was quiet and peaceful instead.
Yes I have learnt from the things that you said... ah huh...

You opened my eyes
you make me believe
that there is a chance for a guy like me.
you opened my eyes,
you showed me someone that no one else can see.
You opened my eyes
you bring me the sun.
you make me believe I am someone.
you opened my eyes
to a whole new world for me.

I was lost,
I was scared I was losing my mind.
Running away from myself all the time,
coz there was something I was waiting to find... ah huh...
There you were, coz God has sent me an angel from above.
You gave me strength, and you showed me how to love,
for that, I'm thankful for the rest of my life... ah huh...

You opened my eyes
you make me believe
that there is a chance for a guy like me.
you opened my eyes,
you showed me someone that no one else can see.
you opened my eyes
you bring me the sun,
you make me believe I am someone.
you opened my eyes,
to a whole new world for me.

Now you’re gone
and though it hurts to know you’re with someone new,
you know I always wanted the best for you.
You deserve to get the best in life too,
I'm grateful for the time with you...

You opened my eyes
you make me believe
that there is a chance for a guy like me.
you opened my eyes
You showed me someone that no one else can see.
you opened my eyes
you bring me the sun,
you make me believe I am someone.
You opened my eyes
to a whole new world for me.
you opened my eyes...
you opened my eyes...
you opened my eyes...
you opened my eyes...
