音乐咖啡厅:Marc Anthony - When I Dream At Night(在线收听

音乐咖啡厅:Marc Anthony - When I Dream At Night

相关介绍:Marc Anthony的首张英文同名专辑,网罗了包括Michael Jackson, Whitney Houston,Mariah Carey,Celine Dion,Jennifer Lopez…等流行、R&B、拉丁乐界天王天后钟爱的超级制作人操刀制作,名单包括了 Rodney Jerkins,Walter Afanasieff,Ric Wake,Cory Rooney,Dan Shea ,Emilio Estefan等,其被重视程度于此可见一斑,而Marc个人亦参与多首歌曲的创作,展现其另一面的音乐才华。专辑中的作品,除了收录有充满热带拉丁节拍的首支单曲「I Need To Know」,以及已率先为茱丽亚罗勃兹与李察吉尔的最新合作巨片“落跑新娘”重用为谢幕曲的第二主打单曲「You Sang To Me」…等12首英文歌曲外,亦超值收录3首西班牙文版歌曲。专辑一上市,即登上了Billboard专辑排行第8名的位置,单曲I need To Know也在流行单曲排行前10名上停留了11个星期之久。同时,I Need To know的西班牙版本单曲Dimelo,亦直奔拉丁排行冠军的位置,单曲You Sang To Me也成人抒情榜上拿下冠军,这样的好成绩,为他在当年的葛莱美音乐奖上赢得最佳拉丁歌手的大奖。随着此拥有黄金制作及演出阵容的专辑发行,Marc Anthony这位领导拉丁文艺复兴的音乐骑士,除了将顺利地将其音乐触角戏剧性地跨界至全球流行/抒情音乐领域外,亦势必将急速大幅扩张其音乐势力版图.


Song:When I dream At Night
Artist:Marc Anthony

I have been in love and been alone
I have traveled over many miles to find a home
There's that little place inside of me
That I never thought could take control of everything
But now I just spend all my time
with anyone who makes me feel the way she does
Cause I only feel alive when I dream at night
Even though she's not real it's all right
Cause I only feel alive when I dream at night
Every move she makes holds my eyes
and I fall for her every time
I've so many things I want to say
I'll be ready when the perfect moment comes my way
I had never known what's right for me
Till the night she opened up my heart and set it free
But now I just spend all my time
with anyone who makes me feel the way she does
Cause I only feel alive when I dream at night
Even though she's not real it's all right
Cause I only feel alive when I dream at night
Every move she makes holds my eyes
and I fall for her every time

Now I just spend all my time
with anyone who makes me feel the way she does
Cause I only feel alive when I dream at night
Even though she's not real it's all right
Cause I only feel alive when I dream at night
Every move she makes holds my eyes
