Food poisoning claims 10 lives in Nigeria(在线收听

     KATSINA, Nigeria May 31 (Xinhua) -- At least 10 secondary school teachers are reported to have died of food poisoning, and several others hospitalized in northern Nigeria's Katsina State, the News Agency of Nigeria reported on Tuesday.

    The incident occurred at the weekend at a workshop organiZed by the state Ministry of Education for some 650 teachers at Government Day Secondary School (GDSS), Kofar Yan'daka, Katsina.
    The report said soon after taking their lunch, supplied by a popular corporate caterer on the fateful day, some of the teachers were vomiting and afflicted by diarrhoea, as a result of which they were rushed to the Federal Medical Center, Katsina and the Police Clinic for medication.
    Ten of the affected teachers were said to have died as a result of the infection.State police spokesperson Abubakar Ibrahim confirmed the incident to reporters.
    He said only one teacher died, while 19 others were hospitalized.
    He said 12 of the affected teachers had already been discharged from the hospitals, while seven others were still on admission at the Federal Medical Center and Katsina Police Clinic.
    He said the police had already collected sample of the food supplied by the caterer for clinical analysis.(本文由在线英语听力室整理编辑)