
straight from the horse's mouth直接来自当事人
look a gift horse in the mouth吹毛求疵
win in a canter(以慢跑取胜)轻易取胜
注:赛马中马速分五种 walk常步 amble慢步 trot小跑 canter慢跑 gallop疾驰
back to the wrong horse(赌马时押错了马)估计错误
hold your horses不要急,镇定
change horses in midstream临阵换将,中途改变策略
trojan horse暗藏的敌人或危险
dark horse黑马
be on the high horse趾高气扬,盛气凌人
come off the high horse放下架子
horse of another/different color截然不同,风马牛不相及的事,两码事
flog a dead horse重提已经解决的问题
put the cart before the horse本末倒置
eat like a horse狼吞虎咽
buy a white horse(喻)浪费金钱
to shut the stable door after the horse is stolen为时已晚
work like a horse勤奋工作
