白领美丽英文诵典365 -083 It Is All Up to You(在线收听

It is all up to you

Sometimes work really can get on your nerves. Figure out what is bothering you and work to solve the problem.

Are you dissatisfied with the kind of work you do? Would you rather be doing something totally different with your life? Whatever is the issue, it is your responsibility to yourself to analyze the situation and figure out an acceptable solution to whatever the problem is. It is your life and you are in charge. Be tenacious and work on the problem until it is solved, in whatever way you choose.

If the situation is a matter of job burnout, then pry your work-addicted self away for a week and do anything but think of the job as you relax. Do something stimulating and fun while vacation, it will rejuvenate your energy and mind.

Eating sugar, drinking too much coffee and having a negative attitude can weigh you down and make the day feel endless. So go easy on the junk food, try more nutritious meals like salads, fruit or baked chicken. That always works for me. Sure, we all like something sweet now and then, but not all the time. Too much sugar can make the mood plummet later on. Be conscious of what you eat during the day.

In general, do whatever it takes to keep your mood and motivation up, and negativity down. If your job is truly not to your liking, then consider a change. Remember, you are the boss of you. The boss at work controls you if you want him to. You choose to work the job. Or, you choose not to. It is all up to you. Be true to yourself. Live it to the fullest by pursuing whatever gives you passion and satisfaction.
