AP 2011-06-01(在线收听

1. President Barack Obama has toured a devastated neighborhood in Joplin, Missouri, one week after a tornado struck. The president promised residents they'll get the help they need, saying "We are going to be here long after the cameras leave".


2. There are now 40 people who remain unaccounted for in Joplin, more than 130 people have been reported killed. Tallying and identifying the dead and the missing has proven a complex process.


3. Former Alaska governor Sarah Palin is starting her East Coast bus tour on a motorcycle. She arrived at the Pentagon on the back of a motorcycle as thousands of bikers from across the country gathered for Rolling Thunder.


4. And Space Shuttle Endeavor is wrapping up its final space voyage. Sunday morning the crews said goodbye then closed the hatch. It's scheduled to return to Florida Wednesday.
