AP 2011-06-05(在线收听

1. President Barack Obama spent part of his day talking with House republicans. The meeting at the White House did not bridge partisan divides, but officials say it was still beneficial to sit down and talk in a non-confrontational environment.


2. Officials say former Bosnian Serb military commander Ratko Mladic was extremely cooperative when he was taken into UN custody. He's been held at The Hague on 11 war crimes charges including genocide. Mladic is due to appear in court on Friday.


3. The violence is intensifying in Yemen. At least 41 people have been killed in street fighting that has plagued the capital. Meanwhile Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton says nothing will be accomplished until the president of Yemen steps down.


4. Attorneys for Lance Armstrong are demanding an on-air apology from "60 Minutes". They say the story accusing Armstrong of doping was shoddy, reckless and unprofessional.
