Faith口语课堂 第12课“Get”的活用(2)(在线收听


4.Get + into + 名词,表示有机会,有能力进入某个组织,场合等
I can't get into the room, it's already too crowded.  我进不去,人太多了。
She easily gets into the company.她很容易就被那家公司录取了。
You have to apply first to get into our English club.你先得申请才能加入我们的英语俱乐部。
We can't get into the building right now, it's not open yet. 我们现在还进不去这座大楼,还没开门,

5.Get + 形容词或副词
Don't get angry at me.不要生我的气
She gets happy again.她又高兴起来。
Let's get fast.让我们快点。
They get mad at us.他们对我们有些恼怒。

6.Get (back) to somebody/somewhere  回到某人那里,去某人那里,给某人回
I'll try to get to my office by 10 this morning. 我今早要尽量10点钟以前赶到办公室。
Susan got to Beijing pretty late last night.    苏姗昨晚很晚才到达北京。
Thanks for your call; I'll get back to you soon.  谢谢你的来电,我会尽快给你回电。
After I finish my work, I'll get back to the school immediately. 工作一完成,我马上回到学校。

那么,"get"的用法就讲这么多了,课后欢迎登陆Faith英语电台网站, 与其它听众一起互动学习本课内容,把你所知道的"get"的用法与我们分享,我也会亲自参与大家的学习和讨论,并提供帮助。让我们一起学好英语吧!这里是Faith口语课堂-天天学,我是Faith老师,是不是想听歌了,Basia的歌:Cruising for bruising, enjoy!

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