
  WEEKLY ADDRESS: “It’s Time Washington  Acted as Responsibly as Our Families Do”
  WASHINGTON  – President Obama used his weekly address to preview his budget saying that  it will help the government live within its means, while still investing in  the future.  In addition to stripping  out waste, his budget includes a freeze on annual domestic spending over the  next five years—even for programs he cares deeply about—which will reduce the  deficit by more than $400 billion over the next decade.  And, it will make investments in the  future, by supporting what will do the most to grow the economy in the years  to come.  This means investing in  things like infrastructure, research, and education.
  A  few months ago, I received a letter from a woman named Brenda Breece.  I wanted to share her story because it  speaks to what a lot of families are going through – and it offers a good  example of the kind of responsibility that’s needed in Washington right now.
  Brenda  is a mom and a special-ed teacher from Missouri.  Her husband, David, was employed at the  local Chrysler plant for nearly four decades.   They’ve worked hard their whole lives.   But like a lot of folks, they’ve taken some hits over the past few  years.  When the Chrysler plant closed,  David had to take early retirement.   His pension helps, but it’s half of what he earned before.  Meanwhile, because of budget cuts, Brenda  has had to buy school supplies for her students out of her own pocket –  because it’s her job and she cares about those kids.
  Money  has been tight, but they are doing the best they can.  And like so many families, they are sacrificing  what they don’t need so they can afford what really matters.  This is what Brenda told me.  “I feel my family is frugal,” she  said.  “We go to the movies…once a  month, but usually we just wait for them to come out on TV… I watch the food  budget… We combine trips into town [and] use coupons … and we trim each  other’s hair when we need a haircut.”
  So  Brenda and her husband know what they can do without.  But they also know what investments are too  important to sacrifice.  Their  daughter, Rachel, is a sophomore in college with a 4.0 grade point  average.  The tuition is a big  expense.  But it’s worth it, because it  will give her the chance to achieve her dreams.  In fact, Brenda is looking for a second job  to ensure, as she told me, “the money is there to help Rachel with her  future.”
  Families  across this country understand what it takes to manage a budget.  They understand what it takes to make ends  meet without forgoing important investments like education.  Well, it’s time Washington acted as  responsibly as our families do.  And on  Monday, I’m proposing a new budget that will help us live within our means  while investing in our future.
  My  budget freezes annual domestic spending for the next five years – even on  programs I care deeply about – which will reduce the deficit by more than  $400 billion over the next decade.   This freeze will bring this type of spending to its lowest level as a  share of the economy since Dwight Eisenhower was president.  We’ve stripped down the budget by getting  rid of waste.  For example, we’re  getting rid of thousands of government-owned buildings that sit empty because  they aren’t needed.  I’ve also proposed  freezing salaries for hardworking government employees, because everyone has  to do their part.  And I’m going to  make sure politics doesn’t add to our deficit, by vetoing any bill that  contains earmarks.
  And  yet, just as the Breece family is making difficult sacrifices while still  investing in the future – by helping their daughter pay her tuition – my  budget does the same.  I’m proposing  that we invest in what will do the most to grow the economy in the years to  come.  This means job-creating  investments in roads, high-speed speed trains, and broadband. This means  cutting-edge research that holds the promise of creating countless jobs and  whole new industries, like clean energy and biotechnology.  And it means improving our schools and  making college more affordable – to give every young person the chance to  fulfill his or her potential, and receive the job training they need to  succeed.  Because it would be a mistake  to balance the budget by sacrificing our children’s education.
  So,  after a decade of rising deficits, this budget asks Washington to live within  its means, while at the same time investing in our future.  It cuts what we can’t afford to pay for what  we cannot do without.   That’s what families do in hard times. And that’s what our country has  to do too.
  Thank  you.
