听电影学英语-八月迷情 01(在线收听

  [00:15.92]Listen. 听
  [00:20.88]Can you hear it? 你能听到么
  [00:24.40]The music. 那音乐
  [00:29.36]I can hear it everywhere. 我觉得到处都是音乐
  [00:33.72]In the wind... 在风里
  [00:35.32]....in the air... 在空气里
  [00:39.08]....in the light. 在阳光里
  [00:48.24]It's all around us. 将我们围绕
  [01:00.04]All you have to do is open yourself up. 你只要敞开你的心扉
  [01:14.76]All you have to do... 你只要…
  [01:18.16]....is listen. …用心去听
  [02:08.52]Hello, Porky. Where's your little friend? 胖子,你的小朋友呢
  [02:12.64]- I don't know, Mr. Mannix. - Go find him or your big butt's mine. - 我不知道,曼尼克斯先生 - 不想挨揍就快去把他找过来
  [02:17.12]Where I've grown up... 在我长大的地方
  [02:19.00](纽约 沃尔登县 男孩之家)
  [02:19.60]Evan! 埃文!
  [02:22.04]Evan! 埃文!
  [02:23.84]- They tried to stop me from hearing the music. - 人们总是不让我去听这音乐
  [02:30.20]But when I'm alone... 而当我独处之时
  [02:35.52]....it builds up from inside me. 音乐就会在我脑海中聚积
  [02:39.48]And I think if I could learn how to play it... 于是我想 要是我能学会把它弹奏出来
  [02:47.32]....they might hear me. 他们也许就能听到我了
  [02:50.12]They would know I was theirs... 他们就会知道我是他们的孩子
  [02:55.96]....and find me. 并且找到我
  [02:59.28]Knock, knock. 咚,咚
  [03:01.96]- Knock, knock. - Knock, knock. - 咚,咚 - 咚,咚
  [03:02.04]- Knock, knock. - Wake up. - 咚,咚 - 起床了
  [03:04.24]Who's there? Who's there? 谁来了?谁来了?
  [03:06.88]Freak. Freak. 怪胎,怪胎
  [03:10.68]- Said, knock, knock, freak. - Who's there? - 快说,咚咚怪胎 - 谁来了?
  [03:15.16]Your long-lost mommy and daddy. 你想念已久的爹地和妈咪来了
  [03:20.64]Can you hear them? 你能听到他们吗
  [03:22.32]Yes. 能
  [03:28.88]No, you can't. 不,你不能
  [03:30.44]I can. 我能听到
  [03:37.00]You don't have no family. 你没有爹娘
  [03:41.60]You can't hear anything. 你什么都听不到
  [03:43.16]Say it. 快说
  [03:45.16]- Say it. - Say it. Say it. - 说啊 - 说啊,说啊
  [03:49.16]- Say it. - Say it. - 说啊 - 说啊
  [03:49.88]- Say it. - Say it. - 说啊 - 说啊
  [03:51.36]Say it. 说啊
  [03:53.44]Yes... 我能
  [03:56.28]....I can. 我能听到
  [03:59.68]He doesn't hear anything. 他什么都听不到
  [04:01.88]Yeah. 没错
  [04:06.72]What is he? 他是个什么?
  [04:08.64]He's a freak. 他是个怪胎
  [04:14.60]- Sweet dreams, freaks. - Sleep tight. - 做个好梦,怪胎 - 一觉到天亮
  [04:16.80]- Good night. - Don't let the bed bugs bite. - 晚安 - 别让臭虫咬了
  [04:25.24]Sometimes the world tries to knock it out of you. 有些时候 这个世界会让你很沮丧
  [04:29.72]But I believe in music... 但是我相信音乐
  [04:32.40]....the way that some people believe in fairy tales. 就像有些人相信童话故事一样
  [04:49.48]I like to imagine that what I hear came from my mother and father. 我总是觉得我听到的东西 都来自我的父母
