听歌学英语:Forever Friends(在线收听

听歌学英语:Forever Friends

今天我们要学习的Forever Friends来自93年的日剧《烟花》,一支木吉他作伴奏,音色却清纯饱满,动人的女生吐字清晰,演绎出极度迷人的乐章,这是典型的 Remedios 风格。 这首歌也是韩国节目情书的插曲。

[00:05.84]Listen and Share
[00:23.69]Forever Friends
[00:40.86]Hold me like a friend
[00:43.71]Kiss me like a friend
[00:46.73]Say we'll never end
[00:49.69]Searching for the colors of the rainbow
[00:55.83]Melody never say good-bye
[01:00.33]I'll be near you
[01:04.88]Hold me like a friend
[01:07.91]Kiss me like a friend
[01:10.87]Say we'll never end
[01:13.91]Searching for the colors of the rainbow
[01:19.99]Melody never say good-bye
[01:24.55]I'll be near you
[01:29.50]Some people handle love and never try
[01:34.73]I can almost fly with your wings to set me higher
[01:41.61]Some day we'll see the world
[01:43.90]And through the grey have faith in our hands
[01:53.32]Hold me like a friend
[01:56.30]Kiss me like a friend
[01:59.33]Say we'll never end
[02:02.29]Searching for the colors of the rainbow
[02:08.40]Melody never say good-bye
[02:11.18]We'll always be forever friends
[02:29.76]Hold me like a friend
[02:32.59]Kiss me like a friend
[02:35.55]Say we'll never end
[02:38.53]Searching for the colors of the rainbow
[02:44.66]Melody never say good-bye
[02:49.24]I'll believe you
[02:54.56]When the river flows
[02:57.57]Off to part us both
[03:00.61]Only heaven knows
[03:03.58]I'll be a boat to sail around you
[03:09.62]Melody never say good-bye
[03:14.17]I'll be near you
[03:19.24]Some people handle love and never try
[03:24.52]I can almost fly with your wings to set me higher
[03:31.37]One day we'll see the world
[03:33.63]And through the grey have faith in our hands
[03:40.06]Till the river ends...
[04:09.24]Hold me like a friend
[04:11.23]Kiss me like a friend
[04:13.41]Say we'll never end
[04:15.35]Searching for the colors of the rainbow
[04:26.69]search for  搜寻,寻觅
[04:31.43]He searched for work at the various stores.
[04:47.93]Melody never say good-bye
[04:50.33]I'll be near you
[04:56.68]melody  悦耳的音调,美妙的旋律
[05:16.21]Some people handle love and never try
[05:19.29]I can almost fly with your wings to set me higher
[05:31.86]fly with wings
[05:36.88]The birds fly with wings.
[05:53.22]Some day we'll see the world
[05:55.24]And through the grey have faith in our hands
[06:04.45]some day
[06:10.76]Your wishes will come true some day.
[06:16.53]through the grey
[06:18.31]go through the grey
[06:44.41]When the river flows
[06:46.04]Off to part us both
[06:48.26]Only heaven knows
[06:49.87]I'll be a boat to sail around you
[07:01.06]part  分开,分离
[07:04.54]off to part us
[07:07.00]to part us off
[07:12.00]only heaven knows
[07:14.27]only God knows
[07:38.57]One day we'll see the world
[07:40.57]And through the grey have faith in our hands
[07:43.77]Till the river ends...
[07:52.88]one day
[07:58.83]One day he got an e-mail from Canada.
[08:04.88]one day
[08:08.56]some day
[08:13.11]We are going to visit the museum one day next week.
