听电影学英语-别惹蚂蚁 08(在线收听

  [00:00.73]This is the Chamber of the Ages. 这是历史纪念馆
  [00:05.32]What are these? 这些是什么?
  [00:09.68]They tell the story of our colony, our history. 他们讲述了我们族群的故事和历史
  [00:12.48]These are pretty cool. 真棒
  [00:25.20]This is the image of the Ant Mother. 这是蚂蚁之母的画像
  [00:32.44]lt is said that one day she will return... 据说有一天她会回来...
  [00:36.52]...and honeydew will pour from the sky like rain. 蜜露会象雨滴一样从天空落下
  [00:40.64]Then we will never go hungry again. 那时我们就再也不会挨饿
  [00:42.80]So you actually want warm poop to fall from the sky? 那么你们真心希望 天上降下热腾腾的便便
  [00:45.16]Yes. That would be a blessed day. 对 那将是福日
  [00:49.56]l'm sorry, it's just so beautiful. 抱歉 只是太美好了
  [00:53.80]Hey, what's that one? 嘿 那个是什么?
  [00:56.12]lt's the evil one. 那是邪恶的一方
  [00:59.72]The Cloudbreather. 吐雾怪
  [00:59.96]lt is ancient, drawn before our time. 是先人在我们出生前画的
  [01:04.04]No one knows for sure what it is, except that death is said to follow it. 除了传说它带来死亡之外 没人确定那是什么
  [01:08.32]l think it's just a story used to scare naughty pupas into behaving. 但我想那只是用来吓唬 那些淘气的蛹宝宝乖乖听话的故事
  [01:14.32]No, the exterminator. 不 是那个除虫的人
  [01:16.96]l-- l gotta cancel him. 我 我要辞了他
  [01:19.80]l gotta go home now. 我要立刻回家
  [01:20.24]But you're not an ant yet. 但你还没成为一只蚂蚁
  [01:21.28]-Just a quick visit. -No way, Two Legs. - 只要去一下 - 不可能的 两条腿儿
  [01:23.96]The humans' nest is strictly forbidden. 我们是严格禁止踏入人类巢穴的
  [01:27.24]Well... 那么...
  [01:30.28]Food? 食物?
  [01:30.32]...the colony needs food, right? 族群需要食物 对吗?
  [01:34.08]Yeah, sweet rocks. My house is filled with them. 对 糖果石 我家里都装满了
  [01:36.96]-ln assorted colors and flavors. -Assorted flavors? - 有各种颜色和口味 - 各种口味?
  [01:39.52]Even the greenies? 有绿色的吗?
  [01:42.24]Well, you'll be needing a scout. 那好 你会需要一个侦查员的
  [01:44.04]No. There is no way you're gonna get me-- 不可能 你绝不可能让我...
  [01:46.32]-l'm in. -Come on. - 我加入 - 快来
  [01:48.60]Better be some red ones. 最好是红色的那种
  [01:56.96]Wow, this is a big nest. 哇 这个巢真大
  [01:57.56]Must have taken thousands of humans to build this. 一定要数千人才能盖起来
  [02:00.32]-What's that? -lt's just the door. - 那是什么? - 只不过门
  [02:03.80]A door? Fantastic. 门? 妙极了
  [02:06.40]Do all of your guests pass under this door? 你们的客人都是从门下进屋的吗?
  [02:07.00]Well, actually, you guys are the first friends l've had over. 实际上 你们是第一批来拜访我的朋友
  [02:11.04]We are the first ones? 我们是第一批?
  [02:15.64]Kreela, we're the first ones to pass under the door. Kreela  我们是第一批从门下通过的客人
  [02:18.24]-Great. -And to think... - 很好 - 再想想...
  [02:18.44]...all of this is made from your own poop. ...这些都是用你的便便做的
  [02:24.40]Nice. 真好
  [02:25.28]Oh, why did Mom have to get shag carpet? 妈妈干吗要铺厚粗绒地毯?
  [02:30.56]lt'll take days to get to the kitchen. 现在到厨房要花上几天的时间
  [02:33.16]Oh, gee, that is too bad. 哎呀 那太遭了
  [02:35.84]l guess now we'll have to go home before we all get in trouble. 我想在有麻烦之前 我们得立刻回家
  [02:43.20]No. 不
  [02:43.84]Wait. 等等
  [02:49.44]Come on. 快来
  [02:52.20]This is called hang-gliding. 这叫悬挂式滑翔
  [02:56.92]Have you ever done this, actually? 说真的 你先前有这样干过吗?
  [02:57.20]l played the video game. 我玩过电视游戏
  [02:59.84]Now, when l give the word, everybody jump. 现在 听我口令 所有人就跳
  [03:05.80]Now. 就是现在
  [03:12.48]Oh, sorry, was that the word? 哦 抱歉 那就是口令?
  [03:12.96]-Coming. -Hey, hey, look out. - 就来 - 嘿 嘿 当心
  [03:16.28]For queen and colony. 为了女王和族群
  [03:20.08]Oh, God. 哦 上帝
  [03:26.12]-Showoff. -Awesome. Yeah. - 卖弄 - 太惊人了 好啊
  [03:33.08]This is Hawaii. We went there last summer. 这是夏威夷 是去年暑假去的
  [03:36.44]lt's got volcanoes and hula dancers and Don Ho and surfboards. 那儿有火山 草裙舞者  Don Ho(演唱家) 还有冲浪
  [03:38.44]And l caught a fish. 我还抓到一条鱼
  [03:41.32]And these are the pyramids. Well, not the real pyramids. 这些是金字塔 当然 不是真的
  [03:43.80]The real ones are lots bigger. Mommo says aliens built them. 真的要大得多 奶奶说那是外星人造的
  [03:46.80]She's my grandma. 她是我祖母
  [03:57.84]Oh, are these your nest mates? 哦 这些是你巢居的同伴吗?
  [04:00.80]Yeah, that's my family. 是 是我的家人
  [04:02.36]Which one's the queen? 女王是哪个?
  [04:04.56]My sister thinks she is. 我姐姐自认为是
  [04:07.48]What's wrong? 怎么了?
  [04:10.36]Nothing. lt's just, well.... 没事 只是...
  [04:13.40]l should have told my mom goodbye. That's all. 我应该跟妈妈道别的 只是如此
  [04:19.08]l can be a real jerk sometimes. 有时我真是个混蛋
  [04:21.76]-Lucas, your face is leaking. -Leaking? - Lucas 你脸在撒尿 - 撒尿?
  [04:23.44]Oh, no, it's okay. 哦 不 没事的
  [04:26.56]ls that what humans do when they're sad? 人类悲伤的时候 就会这样吗?
  [04:30.32]They leak from the face? 脸上会撒尿?
  [04:32.44]When ants are sad, we do this: 蚂蚁如果悲伤 就会这样
  [04:54.00]Oh, Lucas, it's-- lt's-- 哦 Lucas 这...这...
  [04:57.68]lt's beautiful! 太美妙了
