听电影学英语-好运之人 03(在线收听

  [00:06.06]You must be a good dancer, huh? 你跳舞一定跳得很好 嗯?
  [00:08.66]Oh, no. My wife's a good dancer. 噢 不是 我太太跳得很好
  [00:12.14]I just try to keep up. 我只是尽量配合
  [00:14.06]She loves all those Latin dances. 她喜欢所有的拉丁舞
  [00:19.02]Samba, merengue, tango. 桑巴 梅伦格舞 探戈
  [00:20.78]She's a looker, huh? 她很有魅力 不是吗?
  [00:22.78]- Yes, she is.  - Yeah. - 没错 是的  - 恩
  [00:25.26]What she's doing with someone like me, 她想要和我 或者谁做什么事
  [00:29.38]I'll never know, and I'm not gonna ask. 我无法预知 而且我也不会问
  [00:31.42]We're lucky ones, aren't we? 我们都是幸运的人 不是吗?
  [00:35.14]We made it through in one piece. 我们都挺过来了
  [00:36.82]I got shot in the leg, but all I gotta do is put some goo on it, so... 我腿中枪了 但我要做的只是敷些药膏而已 所以...
  [00:41.50]Did you get shot... Sarnt? 你中过枪吗... 中士?
  [00:43.46]No. I caught a piece of shrapnel. 没 我挨过榴散弹的碎片
  [00:49.86]Where? 哪里?
  [00:50.90]Outside of Najaf. 纳贾夫城外
  [00:52.22]No. I mean where on your body. 不是 我说的是你身上哪里
  [00:56.18]Thigh. 大腿
  [00:57.26]Upper thigh. 大腿根部
  [01:00.30]How about you, Sarnt? 你呢 中士?
  [01:00.94]I had back surgery. Three crushed vertebrae. 我背部动了手术 三根椎骨变形了
  [01:04.74]What happened? 怎么回事?
  [01:08.54]Porto John fell on me. 波尔图的厕所压到了我
  [01:08.62]What? 什么?
  [01:10.42]Was it full? 那是满的嘛?
  [01:12.62]No. It was... 不是 它...
  [01:13.98]It was brand-spanking-new. 它还是全新的
  [01:16.70]It was completely sanitary. 很干净
  [01:16.98]We were setting up a camp outside of Bandar, 我们在海港外搭帐篷
  [01:21.42]and it fell off a forklift. 然后它从铲车上落下来了
  [01:23.26]Well, don't tell the ladies that. 这个 可别跟女士们这么说
  [01:23.94]You gotta find something better than that. 你必须得找个更好的说法
  [01:24.70]You kidding? 你开什么玩笑?
  [01:27.98]I love that Porto John. 我喜欢波尔图的厕所
  [01:30.66]Best thing that ever happened to me. 它是我遇到过的最好的事了
  [01:32.58]got shot to pieces. 全被炸成了碎片
  [01:32.78]A week later, my unit shipped off to Mosul, 一个礼拜之后 我的部队被派往摩苏尔(伊拉克北部城市)
  [01:35.74]The shitter saved my life. 屎救了我的命
  [01:37.82]Wish I could've brought it home, set up a shrine. 我恨不能把它带回家 供起来
  [01:45.10]If I have another kid, I'm gonna name him Porto John. 如果我再有个小孩 我就给他取名叫Porto John
  [01:45.78]That's... 那就是...
  [01:49.46]Porto John Cheaver. Porto John Cheaver
  [02:01.18]They all look so good. 他们看上去都很好吃
  [02:02.58]I don't know what to order. 我不知道要点哪个
  [02:04.06]What can I get for you? 你们要点些什么?
  [02:06.54]Give me the Number 8, the Number 9, and the Number 10. 我要8号 9号和10号套餐
  [02:08.74]Coffee, orange juice, and milk. 咖啡 橙汁 和牛奶
  [02:15.54]Good, huh? 好吃吧?
  [02:23.14]She's got plans for us. 她为我们将来做好了打算
  [02:23.26]I tell you, this woman's smart. 我跟你们说 那个女人很聪明
  [02:25.26]You... can't... She's dying to get married 你... 不能... 她极其渴望结婚
  [02:27.62]'cause I'm her ticket to the top. 因为我是她往上爬的门票
  [02:30.06]How are you her ticket to the top? 你怎么就是她往上爬的门票了?
  [02:32.34]She's a lieutenant. She outranks you. 她可是个陆军中尉 军衔比你高
  [02:34.78]No. Right now she does. 不 现在她的确是这样
  [02:34.90]I mean, she's got the connections, 我的意思是 她是有些关系
  [02:36.58]but I got the juice. 但是我有精力
  [02:36.98]I mean, it's like a merger between us. 我是说 这就像是我们两个组成了联合体
  [02:41.26]You know? She's gonna get me into Officer Candidate School. 你知道吗? 她会把我弄进军官预备学校
  [02:43.34]I'm gonna move up the ranks. 我的级别就会提升
  [02:44.42]Then I'm gonna run for office. 然后我就会竞选公职
  [02:46.14]And you have to have a good head of hair to run for office, 而你得有个很好的头脑才能竞选公职
  [02:49.22]and I have a good head of hair. 而刚好我就有个很好的头脑
  [02:51.02]So your fiancée is meeting you in Vegas? 那么你未婚妻是要在维加斯跟你会面了?
  [02:54.18]No. She's stationed at Fort Dix. 不 她还驻守在迪克斯堡(位于新泽西州)
  [02:57.54]I'm gonna meet her there afterwards. 我稍后去那见她
  [02:59.74]Oh, I get it. 噢 我明白了
  [03:00.06]First, a little fun at the tittie bars. 要先去姐妹吧寻欢作乐一番
  [03:01.94]No. I got business to take care of. 不 我有生意要照顾
  [03:06.10]You paying back a gambling debt? 你要去偿还赌债?
  [03:06.60]Wrong again. 又错
  [03:08.60]Randy had a gambling debt. Randy欠了赌债
  [03:13.78]That's why he had to rob Lucky Jim's. 这就是他为什么要抢劫Lucky Jim的原因
  [03:14.46]Yep. 没错
  [03:17.42]He stole $50,000 so he could pay back the loan sharks. 他偷了50,000美金 这样他就能去还高利贷了
  [03:20.10]But then of course, the cops got on his tail, and... 但是当然 稍后警察就盯上他了 然后...
  [03:22.58]and that's when he enlisted. 在那个时候他就被征召入伍了
  [03:25.82]You know, he just went... 你知道 他正好...
  [03:25.98]went right into the Army and disappeared. 去了军队然后就消失了
  [03:26.50]It was the perfect getaway. 真是完美的逃亡
  [03:29.26]See, that's exactly what the Army doesn't want. 听着 那绝对是军队所不想要的
  [03:34.22]The Army's got standards. 军队是有标准的
  [03:36.06]Like, it... it means something. 就像 它... 它是有意义的
  [03:36.34]It's not like lowlifes and gangbangers. 不是说 卑劣的人和问题青少年都能进的
  [03:38.34]What? 什么?
  [03:39.90]The last thing we need is trash like your pal Randy. 我们最不需要的 就是你朋友Randy那样的垃圾
  [03:43.22]- They don't want...  - Fuck you! Fuck you! - 他们不想要...  - 操! 操!
  [03:44.46]- Whoa!  - What the fuck is wrong with you? - 哇哦!  - 你他妈的是怎么回事?
  [03:46.74]He pulled me outta that truck when I got shot! 我中枪的时候是他把我拉出了卡车!
  [03:47.30]That "trash" saved my fucking life! 你说的"垃圾" 救了我的命!
  [03:49.94]And he took a fucking bullet in the fucking head! 然后他头上就中了那颗该死的子弹!
  [03:54.82]All I got left is his fucking guitar! 我能留下的所有东西 就是他该死的吉他!
  [04:01.98]Get back in the car. 回车上来
  [04:02.78]Get back in the car! 回车上来!
  [04:03.94]I ought to kick your ass! 我应该踹你才对!
  [04:06.66]Oh, you're gonna kick my ass. 噢 你要踹我
  [04:09.02]Yeah. I could do it, too. 没错 我还可以那样做
  [04:09.22]I'd just push you down a flight of stairs, 我可以把你从楼梯上推下去
  [04:12.02]punch you in the kidney. 踢你的腰子
  [04:14.90]You'd better have eyes in the back of your head. 你最好后脑勺长上眼睛
  [04:16.38]This is not... We don't have time for ass-kicking stops. 现在不是... 我们没时间停下来踢架
  [04:17.10]You just say you're sorry, and let's get going. 你只要说声抱歉 然后让我们上路
  [04:19.26]- I'm not sorry!  - I'm not talking to you. - 我没有错!  - 我没在跟你说话
  [04:21.54]- Say you're sorry.  - No. I'm not gonna say I'm sorry. - 说你很抱歉  - 不 我不会道歉
  [04:24.86]That's like saying I'm sorry that the sky's blue. 那就好像 我在为天是蓝的而感到抱歉
  [04:28.54]Come on, man. You just... 好了 伙计 你只是...
  [04:28.70]You just insulted her dead friend. Huh? 你刚侮辱了她死去的朋友 嗯?
  [04:30.82]Come on. Suck it up. 来吧 让它过去吧
  [04:31.90]Say you're sorry. Let's go. 说声抱歉 我们走
  [04:34.10]I'm sorry that you got so upset. 我很抱歉让你不舒服了
  [04:37.78]Okay? 听到了?
  [04:38.78]No. That's not an apology. 不 那不是道歉
  [04:39.86]But it's pretty close. 但差不多了
  [04:42.22]Come on, let's go. 快点 我们走
  [04:43.86]That's not an apology. 那算不上道歉
  [04:44.60]Come on. Let me in. 好了 让我进去
  [04:48.86]Dude, let me in. 伙计 让我进去
  [04:49.86]I can't. 我做不到
  [04:54.18]Just press the key thing, man. 只要插入钥匙就好了 老兄
  [04:56.18]The keys are in the car. 钥匙在车里
