AP 2011-08-01(在线收听

 1. The FBI says bomb-making materials were found in the motel room of an AWOL Fort Campbell Kentucky soldier arrested near Fort Hood, Texas. The 21-year-old Muslim infantry soldier had been granted conscientious objector status earlier this year, saying his religious beliefs would prevent him from fighting in any war.

2. The vote is expected shortly on Speaker John Boehner's deficit cutting plan, should it pass the House. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid said it will quickly fail in the Senate. Reid is offering his own plan to raise the debt ceiling and it has enough in common with Boehner's that Reid has hinted of a possible compromise.
3. A spokesman for New Jersey Governor Chris Christie says he is fine and in charge but remains in a hospital. Christie was taken to Somerset Hospital today after he had difficulty breathing. He suffers from asthma.
4. Alex Trebek is scheduled for surgery tomorrow to fix the Achilles tendon he snapped while running after a woman he says stole money and other items from his hotel room in San Francisco. Trebek says he found the woman in his room and chased her, injuring himself on the way.