AP 2011-08-04(在线收听

 1. A prosecutor says investigators searching for an 11-year-old New Hampshire girl missing for almost a week have found a female's body. The body was found near a hydroelectric dam close to Celina Cass's home. Investigators haven't identified it yet. 

2. A big expansion of coverage for women's preventive care under President Barack Obama's healthcare law. The administration says health insurance plans will have to cover birth control and that mean no co-pays.
3. Casey Anthony may have to show up this week in central Florida. The judge who sentenced her last year for fraudulent check writing has signed a corrected version of her probation offer. It makes clear that she's supposed to start the one-year probation after her release from jail.
4. Delta says it will refund the ticket taxes charged for travel during the shutdown of the Federal Aviation Administration. The refunds will apply to people who bought their ticket before the shutdown began but traveled after that day. Most airlines raise fares by the amount of the taxes.