AP 2011-08-08(在线收听

 1. A tense day on the campus of Virginia Tech. It was put under a lockdown this morning after three children attending a summer camp in the campus, reported seeing a man holding something that looked like a gun.

2. Meat giant Cargill is recalling 36 million pound of turkey as the government hunts for the source of a deadly salmonella outbreak. The government says it is one of the largest meat recalls ever.
3. Lawyers for the New York man accused of kidnapping and killing an 8-year-old boy say they'll conduct their own psychiatric evaluation of him to determine whether to pursue an insanity defense. They say an exam that was ordered by a judge has found Levi Aron competent to stand trial.
4. An emperor penguin found on a beach in New Zealand is now ready to return to the wild. He was found six weeks ago and needed care after he began eating sand. Officials say he now appears healthy enough to be returned to the ocean.