英语听力:听电影学英语-美味情缘 03(在线收听

  [00:02.94]Did you try the saffron sauce? 你尝了番红花酱汁吗?
  [00:06.10]And, I'm sorry, what's so bad about moving in together? 抱歉,同居有什么不好?
  [00:09.98]He asked me to give up my apartment. 他叫我退掉我的公寓
  [00:13.26]Why would I wanna do that? 我干嘛要那么做?
  [00:15.26]I'd move out, we'd get a place together... 我搬出去跟他住
  [00:18.10]...he'd eventually leave, then where would I be? 当他甩掉我时,我要住在哪里?
  [00:21.50]My God. 我的天啊
  [00:22.50]- The sauce is so good. - Thank you. - 酱汁超好吃的 - 谢谢夸奖
  [00:30.66]- Where's my lobster for table 12? - Plating, chef. - 12桌点的龙虾呢? - 在摆盘了,主厨
  [00:36.06]I'm an actress and I don't do naked bondage movies. 我是个演员,不演色情片
  [00:40.14]The world is so full of pervs. That guy at table 10 is the worst. 世上有很多变态佬,10桌客人每周
  [00:43.90]Every week a new bimbo. 都带新的波霸
  [00:45.50]I swear, he leers at my tits one more time, he's gonna regret it. 他敢再偷瞄我咪咪,我肯定叫他后悔
  [00:50.26]Damn it, Carlos! Watch where you're going. 卡洛,走路要看好
  [00:53.06]- Pay attention, everybody. - Sorry, chef. 小心点,大伙儿
  [00:55.22]Fire two lobsters right away. Hold the nine. 再烤两条龙虾,9桌先别上菜
  [00:57.34]- I'm really sorry about that. - Just don't let it happen again. - 真的很抱歉 - 下次不要再犯
  [01:01.54]Now you're gonna run out of lobster right after I leave. 我一走龙虾就会被你们用完
  [01:04.18]Kate, we're not gonna run out of anything, we're fine. Hydrate. 不会啦,龙虾够,放心,多喝水
  [01:07.46]You're a mom already. 你快要当妈妈了
  [01:11.26]Well, I've gotta practice while I can, right? 我得先多练习,对吧?
  [01:12.14]- Thanks. - Thank you. - 谢了 - 谢谢
  [01:18.82]Someone get the phone. 找个人去接电话
  [01:22.58]- Kitchen. - Lf it's my sister, tell her she said 9... - 厨房 - 如果是我姐,跟她说9点整
  [01:25.06]...can't make it any sooner. 没有办法再快了
  [01:28.18]- It's for you. - Take a message. - 你的电话 - 帮我留言
  [01:29.74]Kate... 凯特
  [01:32.26]...I think you better take this. 我想你最好接电话
  [01:38.42]- Hello. - One's done. - 喂? - 有一只烤好了
  [01:41.10]Speaking. 我就是
  [02:21.38]Ms. Armstrong? I'm Dr. Burton. We spoke on the phone. 艾小姐?我是白医师,我们通过电话
  [02:25.14]Zoe's doing great. She's gonna be fine. 柔儿情况稳定,不会有事
  [02:29.90]Has anyone told her yet? 有人告诉她了吗?
  [02:30.54]We thought it would be best for her to hear it from someone in the family. 我们觉得最好让家人告诉她
  [02:37.18]Do you know how we can reach Zoe's father? 你知道要怎么通知她父亲吗?
  [02:38.10]He's never been... 他从来没有…
  [02:42.58]I don't even know his name. 我连他的名字都不知道
  [02:43.14]<i>Dr. Burton to Emergency, please. Paging Dr. Burton...</i> 白医师请至急诊室…
  [02:47.34]I'm so sorry. 很遗憾
  [02:49.82]I have to go, but I'll be back to check on her in just a little bit, okay? 我得走了,不过待会儿会再来
  [03:19.66]Hello, Zoe. 哈啰,柔儿
  [03:22.78]Where's Mom? 妈妈呢?
  [03:27.02]Is she dead? 她死了吗?
  [03:31.62]She is, isn't she? 她死了,对吧?
  [03:36.34]Yes. 对
  [04:03.62]<i>You have one new message.</i> 您有一通新留言
  [04:06.50]<i>- Hi, it's me. - And me!</i> - 嗨,是我 - 还有我
  [04:09.70]<i>We just wanted you to know we're running late.</i> 我们会有点迟到
  [04:13.18]<i>Traffic's insane. We'll get there eventually. Bye.</i> 大塞车,不过一定会到,拜啰
  [04:16.94]<i>End of messages.</i> 留言结束
  [04:27.22]Now, this is a beautiful 2002 Dolcetto. 这是2002年分的多姿桃红酒
  [04:30.26]Any idea where it might be from? 谁知道产地是哪里吗?
  [04:31.74]- Probably Piedmont. - South Australia. Adelaide Hills. - 大概是皮埃蒙特 - 南奥,阿德雷德丘
  [04:36.06]If Kate doesn't find a replacement soon, I'll have this baby behind the stove. 凯特再不找人代班,我会在厨房生喔
  [04:41.02]I think that would be a health-code violation. 我想那违反卫生法
  [04:42.42]Bernadette. Look at the color of this wine. It's absolutely beautiful. 班妮黛,你看酒的色泽,真美
  [04:45.90]And it's ready to drink... 而且可以喝了…
  [04:56.02]Give me three words to describe this wine. Three words. 用三个字形容,三个字
  [04:58.94]Did you know she was coming in? 你们知道她会来吗?
