天籁音乐:Forget About ...(在线收听

Forget About ...

Sibylle Baier,来自德国的民谣女歌手,她只发行过一张专辑,是她自己在家里录的,她的儿子将这张Color Green的唱片寄给唱片公司,随后才得以发行。她的声音不算特别,是民谣歌手中典型的温婉舒缓,但是我们总是免不了被这样的声音感动。

You made me forget about
have, want and exert
and all of a sudden I feel proud
for being without saying a word
you made me forget about
past and pain
time you washed out
like a soft sudden summer rain

you do me good
you do me
so good you made me forget about

You made me forget about
have, want and exert
an all of a sudden I found out
oh it's beautiful the way you wear your shirt
you do me good you made me forget about
