英语听力:听电影学英语-大鱼 03(在线收听

  [00:01.82]You shouldn't swear. There's ladies present. 别乱骂人,这里有女生
  [00:02.42]- Shit. - Damn. -赛啦 -去死
  [00:05.02]Screw. 靠
  [00:06.98]Turn off your flashlights. She'll see you! 快关掉手电筒,她会看到的!
  [00:07.06]Yet of all the witches in Alabama... 然而阿拉巴马所有的女巫之中…
  [00:12.26]...there was one who was said to be the most feared. 有一位是最令人害怕的
  [00:12.54]For she had one glass eye which was said to contain mystical powers. 她有一颗玻璃眼珠 据说有神秘的力量
  [00:17.62]I heard if you look right at it, you'll see how you're gonna die. 听说你如果盯着它看 就能看到自己是怎么死的
  [00:21.78]That's bull-S-H-l-T, that is. She's not even a real witch. 这根本是胡…扯 她根本不是真正的女巫
  [00:25.26]If you're so sure, go get that eye. 你这么确定,就去拿眼珠过来
  [00:28.18]I heard she keeps it in a box on her night table. Or are you too scared? 听说它是放在床头柜上 还是你吓到挫赛了?
  [00:32.26]I'll go in right now and get that eye. 我马上去把眼珠拿来
  [00:35.74]- Then do it. - Fine, I will. -那就去啊 -好,我会
  [00:38.70]- Fine, you do it. - Fine, I'm doing it. -好,去啊 -好,我要去了
  [00:42.26]Edward, don't! 爱德华,不要!
  [00:42.98]She'll make soap out of you. That's what she does. 她会把你做成肥皂的 她就是会这样
  [00:47.42]She makes soap out of people. 拿人做肥皂
  [01:41.34]Ma'am, my name is Edward Bloom... 女士,我叫爱德华布鲁…
  [01:42.34]...and there's some folks like to see your eye. 有人想看看你的眼珠
  [01:57.62]- You get The Eye? - I brought it. -你拿到眼珠了? -我把它带来了
  [02:00.14]Let's see it. 让我们看看
  [02:06.26]Whoa, help! 哇,救命啊!
  [02:20.38]I saw how I was gonna die. I was old and I fell. 我看到我死时的样子 我老迈摔跤而死
  [02:25.38]I wasn't old at all. 我死时并不老
  [02:34.50]I was thinking about death and all. About seeing how you're gonna die. 我本来想着死亡 想知道你会怎么死
  [02:38.10]I mean, on one hand, if dying was all you thought about... 从某方面来说,想着死亡…
  [02:41.34]...it could kind of screw you up. 这可能会害惨自己
  [02:42.94]But it could kind of help you, couldn't it? 但也可能会很有用,对吧?
  [02:46.54]Because, everything else, you'd know you could survive. 因为你知道别的事都害不死你
  [02:53.18]I guess I'm saying I'd like to know. 我想我是说 我想知道
  [03:10.18]That's how I go. 原来我是这样死的
  [03:32.74]Hi, Mom. 妈
  [03:40.90]- Is that Dr. Bennett's car? - Yes. He's up with your father now. -那是班奈医生的车吗? -对,他正在楼上看你爸
  [03:47.46]- And how is he? - Well... No, I got it. -他怎样了? -不,我来
  [03:50.14]He's impossible. He won't eat. Because he doesn't eat, he's weaker. 他很难搞,他不肯吃 因为他不吃,就变虚弱
  [03:55.06]Because he's weak, he doesn't want to eat. 因为他虚弱,他更没法吃
  [03:55.14]- How much time does he have left? - You don't talk about that. -他还有多少日子? -别谈这个
  [04:00.98]Not yet. 现在还不要
  [04:04.78]Will. 威尔
  [04:06.18]Dr. Bennett. Oh, it's good to see you. 班奈医生,真高兴见到你
  [04:09.86]My wife, Josephine. 我老婆,乔瑟芬
  [04:14.34]A pleasure. 幸会
  [04:16.78]- You're seven months. - To the day! -7个月了吧 -今天刚满
  [04:21.46]It's a boy. 是个男孩
  [04:25.46]Try to get him to drink one of these. He won't, but go ahead and try. 设法让他喝下这个 他不会喝,但你试试
