英语听力:听电影学英语-怪兽大战外星人 10(在线收听

  [00:01.38]one of the best I've been to since I got out of prison. 是我出狱之后遇到最好的派对之一了
  [00:03.74]I must have been at a different party, 我肯定去了另一个派对了
  [00:04.62]'cause that's not how I interpreted it at all. 因为我的确不这么觉得
  [00:10.34]I don't think your parents liked me, and that JELL-O gave me a fake phone number. 我觉得你爸妈不喜欢我 而且那果冻给我的电话号码是假的
  [00:14.02]Well, at least the garbage was free. You know? I mean... 至少那些垃圾是免费的 知道吗?我是说...
  [00:18.30]Ah, who are we kidding? We could save every city on the planet, 我们骗谁呢? 我们能拯救这星球上的每一座城市
  [00:20.46]and they'd still treat us the same way they've always treated us... 而他们还是像以往一样当我们是...
  [00:26.02]...like monsters. ...怪物
  [00:29.42]Right. Monsters. 是啊,怪物
  [00:32.46]Anyway, how is Derek? 不论如何,德里克好吗?
  [00:41.26]Derek is a selfish jerk. 德里克是一个自私的混蛋
  [00:42.94]- No! - Yes. - 不! - 对!
  [00:47.10]All that talk about "us." "I'm so proud of us." 他口中的“我们” “我太为我们骄傲了”
  [00:48.18]"Us just got a job in Fresno." There's no "us." “我们在弗雷斯诺找到工作了” 根本就不是“我们”
  [00:54.38]There was only Derek. Why did I have to get hit by a meteor to see that? 他口中只有德里克,为什么我要 在被陨石击中之后才能看清
  [00:57.34]I was such an idiot! 我真是个傻瓜
  [01:02.62]Why did I ever think life with Derek would be so great, anyway? 我到底为什么会以为 和德里克一起生活会很棒?
  [01:06.26]I mean, look at all the stuff I've done without him. 我是说,看看没有他的时候我做的事情
  [01:13.26]And that was amazing! Meeting you guys? Amazing. 而且那真棒!遇见你们?同样很棒
  [01:17.02]Dr. Oockroach, you can crawl up walls 蟑螂博士,你能爬墙
  [01:21.30]and build a supercomputer out of a pizza box, two cans of hairspray, and... 还能造出个超级电脑来,只需要 一个比萨饼盒,两罐发胶,还有...
  [01:24.70]- A paper clip! - Amazing! - 一个纸夹! - 棒极了!
  [01:28.06]And you! You hardly need an introduction. You're the Missing Link! 还有你,你简直不用说了 你就是丢失之环!
  [01:30.06]You personally carried 250 co-eds off of Oocoa Beach, 你一个人就把可可海滩上的 250个女孩子赶跑了
  [01:33.10]and still had strength to fight off the National Guard! 而且还有力气击退国民警卫队的人
  [01:36.42]And the Ooast Guard and, also, the lifeguard. 还有海岸警卫队的,还有救生员
  [01:38.90]Amazing! 太棒了!
  [01:39.70]B.O. B! Who else could fall 鲍勃,还能有谁...
  [01:41.98]from unimaginable heights and end up without a single scratch? ...从无法想象的高度坠落 还能完好无损?
  [01:47.26]- Link? - You. - 林克? - 是你
  [01:48.22]Amazing! 太棒了!
  [01:53.70]Good point, Insecto! Susan, don't short-change yourself! 说得好,虫虫 苏珊,不要亏待了自己
  [01:56.78]Oh, I'm not going to short-change myself ever again! 我不会亏待我自己了,永远不会
  [02:00.94]- Testify! - Yeah. - 我们见证! - 对!
  [02:04.14]Oh, yes. 没错
  [02:10.30]Susan! 苏珊!
  [02:19.22]Way to go, Insecto! 干得好,虫虫!
  [02:34.14]Insecto, look out! 虫虫,小心!
  [02:42.30]Insectosaurus! No! 虫虫怪!不!
  [02:51.94]You're gonna make it. 你能做到的
  [02:53.06]It's going to be all right. Look at me. 你会好起来的,看着我
  [02:57.34]Don't you close those eyes. Don't you dare close those eyes. 你不能闭上眼睛 你千万不能闭上眼睛
  [03:00.58]You can't... 你不能...
  [03:41.14]You must be terrified. 你一定被吓坏了
  [03:45.42]You wake up in a strange place, wearing strange clothes, 在一个奇怪的地方醒来 穿着奇怪衣服
  [03:49.10]imprisoned by a strange being floating on a strange hovering device. 被一个飘在奇怪的嗡嗡响的机器上的 奇怪生物囚禁着
  [03:55.06]Strange, isn't it? 奇怪,不是吗?
  [03:57.18]Hardly. It's not the first time. 一点也不,这可不是第一次了
  [03:58.02]Wow. You really get around. 哇,你适应的真快
  [04:02.14]To the extraction chamber! 到释放室去吧
  [04:03.62]Look. What is it that you want from me? 听着,你想从我这里得到什么?
  [04:06.82]You have stolen what is rightfully mine! 你偷了一个本属于我的东西
  [04:10.06]I didn't steal anything from you. 我没有从你这偷过任何东西
  [04:11.66]Your enormous, grotesque body contains Quantonium, 你这巨大,古怪的身体里 拥有着量子核
  [04:16.74]the most powerful substance in the universe. 这宇宙中最强大的物质
  [04:19.82]Did you really think you could keep it from me? 你真的以为你能永远拥有吗?
  [04:26.02]That's what this is all about? 这就是这一切的原因吗?
  [04:27.06]You destroyed San Francisco, you terrified millions of people... 你把旧金山摧毁了 你使几百万人进入恐慌
  [04:31.38]...you killed my friend, just to get to me? 你杀了我的朋友 就只是为了得到我?
  [04:35.54]Silence! Your voice is grating on my ear nubs. 安静!你的声音让我的耳瘤嗡嗡响
  [04:40.98]It's a shame you won't be around to see what the power of Quantonium 真是可惜,你不能留下来看到...
  [04:45.58]can do in the tentacles of someone who knows how to use it! ...在懂得如何使用它的人的触须里 量子核到底有什么威力
  [04:51.54]I know how to use itjust fine! 我知道怎么好好地使用它了!
  [04:54.02]Don't bother. That force field is impenetrab... 没用的,这个力场是无法穿透...
