英语听力:听电影学英语-男人百分百 01(在线收听

  [01:01.04]Do you know the expression "a man's man"? 人们总是说的那种大男人
  [01:07.52]A man's man is the leader of the pack. 就是一群男人中的中心
  [01:08.20]The kind of man other men look up to, admire and emulate. 男人们尊敬他,羡慕他
  [01:15.68]A man's man is the kind of man who... 大男人,就是那种
  [01:17.24]just doesn't get what women are about. 永远都不明白女人在想什么的人
  [01:22.64]Nick, my ex-husband, is the ultimate man's man. 尼克是我的前夫 他是个最典型的大男人
  [01:26.52]I probably never should have married him. 也许我根本就不该嫁给他
  [01:28.52]I don't think he understood a thing about me. 我觉得他一点也不了解我
  [01:30.96]So, this is Nick Marshall's office. Wanna peek? 这就是尼克.马朔的办公室 进来看看吧
  [01:35.16]Don't worry. He never gets in before 10:00. 别担心,他从来不会 在10点来上班的
  [01:37.16]He'll send you on more errands than anyone in the entire company... 他是整间公司最懒散的人
  [01:39.76]'cause he can't do anything for himself. 他自己什么都不会做 典型的单身汉
  [01:41.80]He's the least politically correct guy in the universe. 是世界上最粗心的男人
  [01:45.92]He's the king of all the T & A ads we do. 他是公司T&A的头
  [01:49.28]You want babes in bikinis? He's your man. 你想要比基利和美女 找他就没错了
  [01:49.36]My dad? How can I best describe him? 我爸爸? 我真不知道该怎样形容他
  [01:54.76]He's always been... like an uncle to me. 他总是,总是忙忙碌碌的
  [01:58.12]Although, Nick was a charmer. 但是,尼克是个聪明人
  [01:58.20]Yeah, Uncle Dad. 对了,就是那种名议父亲
  [02:02.20]Completely irresistible at first, 总是让人无法拒绝
  [02:06.16]which feeds into the whole "man's man" thing. 这正是大男人的特点
  [02:09.48]You know about Nick's mother, right? 你知道尼克的妈妈,对吧
  [02:12.52]Because once you understand about Nick's mother, 因为,只要你明白尼克的妈妈
  [02:15.72]you understand Nick. 你就了解了尼克
  [02:22.36]Nick was actually born and raised in Las Vegas. 尼克是从小在拉斯维加斯长大的
  [02:25.88]Nick's mother was a real, honest-to-God Las Vegas showgirl. 尼克的妈妈是个名符其实的 拉斯维加斯舞女
  [02:31.32]When other boys were outside riding their bikes and playing ball, 其他男孩子在外面 打球骑单车的时候
  [02:35.68]Nick was backstage hanging with the girls. 尼克是在后台和女孩子们玩耍
  [02:41.28]He was their mascot, their little pet. 他是她们的小男人,人人都爱他
  [02:44.24]They couldn't get enough of those baby blues. 他那对蓝色的大眼晴 总是让人看不够
  [02:48.24]Bang! Bang! 碰!
  [02:52.92]If you ask me, I'd say Nick's motherjust about killed it... 如果你问我的话,他妈妈
  [02:57.16]for every woman Nick would ever meet. 是个很厉害的女人
  [02:57.64]She had a lot of sugar daddies in her life, 她一辈子有过很多干爹
  [03:01.32]but only one true love... 但是只有一个是她的真爱
  [03:03.64]the boy with the family jewels. 那就是她的心肝宝贝儿子
  [03:08.20]17, 18, 19, 20. Let me see that, kid. 17,18,19,20. 让我看看,孩子
  [03:10.16]And since Nick didn't have a father, 因为尼克没有父亲
  [03:12.16]his mom made sure he was always surrounded by strong role models. 他妈妈总让他和很有手段 的男人在一起
  [03:18.72]Come here, huh? 来这?
  [03:20.72]- Men her boy could look up to. - Now you're ready, huh? - 那种可以给他儿子做榜样的人 - 准备好了吗?
  [03:25.68]Keep countin', kid. 继续
  [03:27.80]There was nothing normal about the way Nick Marshall was raised. 尼克.马朔的童年和常人截然不同
  [03:29.64]So, what can you expect? 所以你能拿他怎么办呢?
  [03:34.16]You don't have to be Freud to figure out... 你一定能分析出
  [03:34.52]this was one cockeyed way to enter the world. 来到这世界是多么愚蠢
  [03:40.12]Something 某些东西
  [03:42.92]Really got to give 真正得到的
  [04:11.92]Oh! 哦
  [04:14.32]Don't you ever knock? 你难道不会敲门吗?
  [04:16.68]It's almost 10:00. You gotta go to work, and I gotta vacuum in here. 已经快10点了,你该去上班了 我也得把这里收拾收拾了
  [04:20.16]And don't forget... Another one who wears vanilla perfume. 别告诉我又有女人把香水瓶碰倒
  [04:22.48]Don't you know any women who don't want to smell like candy? 你难道你就不认识 正经一点的女人吗?
  [04:26.16]- Toss me my lighter, babe? - Babe? - 把打火机递给我好吗? - 宝贝
  [04:30.92]I don't have time to make you no onion bagel, 我告诉你,我无时间给你做早餐
  [04:33.72]so please do not start to beg, okay? 所以,别再和我唠叨什么早餐
  [04:35.76]And for the record, I don't like finding these things in your sofa. 还有一件事,我不喜欢沙发上有那些
  [04:38.28]What kind of woman wears underwear like this? 某种女人穿的
  [04:42.16]Hey, my mother wore underwear like that. 嘿,我妈妈就穿这种底裤
  [04:42.52]Just put them somewhere, will you, babe? 随便放在那里就好了
  [04:45.20]Well, "babe" is gonna put it in the trash where it belongs. 我只会把它放在垃圾桶里
  [04:48.60]So, your mother should excuse me. 对不起你妈妈了
  [04:50.60]Did you ever consider dating a woman who wears real underwear? 你就没想过要找个 穿真正底裤的女人吗
  [04:53.68]The kind that covers the entire bottom the way it's supposed to? 那种可不把整个臂部包起来的
  [04:55.68]- No. But if I do, should I call? - Oh! - 没想过,如果我改了主意会打电话给你的 - 哦
  [04:60.12]I'm gonna go clean the kitchen. 我要去收拾厨房了
