英语听力:听电影学英语-男人百分百 14(在线收听

  [00:03.42]Well, you know, boys and girls think very differently about sex. 你知道,男孩子和女孩子 对性的想法是不同的
  [00:05.42]My hunch is girls just want guys to like 'em and hang out with 'em. 女孩子喜欢一个孩 就想要经常和他在一起
  [00:09.26]Whereas guys... And not all guys, all right? 但男孩子,不是所有的男生
  [00:11.86]But most guys, they pretty much just wanna have sex. 但大部分的男生 一般只是想和你做爱而已
  [00:19.82]Okay, I'm... What I'm trying to say here is, 好吧,我想要说的是
  [00:22.02]I don't want you to feel pressured... 我不希望你会因为自己的男朋友
  [00:25.22]- because your boyfriend's older. - Please. Save it. - 比较大就有压力 - 别再说了
  [00:25.50]Mom had this talk with me when I was, like, 11. 妈妈在我十一岁时就和我谈过这个了
  [00:28.78]You're supposed to have sex when you're in love and it's special. 我知道要在彼此相爱 和很特殊的时候才该做爱
  [00:32.22]I know everything. 我什么都知道
  [00:34.22]And Mom knows me for real and knows my friends and Cameron, 妈妈才真正了解我 她也了解我的朋友和康米
  [00:36.82]so let's leave the parental talks up to her, okay? 就让她来处理这些事情吧
  [00:39.82]- I promised Cameron I'd do it. - Oh, jeez. - 再说,我已经像康米保证给他的 - 哦,天那
  [00:43.78]And also, let's not make me part of this Nick makeover... 还有,不要把我卷进你现在的
  [00:46.38]or whatever this new thing you're into is, okay? 这个什么新形像转变计划中 A在说什么?
  [00:48.54]- What new thing? - What new thing? - 说什么? - 什么新形象?
  [00:50.90]This ridiculous new guy you're trying to be. 你想要装的这个新人
  [00:54.62]Clowning around with me? Asking if we can make a salad? 忽然间你开始围着我转了 问我否可一起做东西吃?
  [00:57.70]Watch Friends together? 一起去看朋友?
  [01:01.46]I mean, it's nuts after 15 years of no relating. 我是说,我们15年都没有 什么关系,这太奇怪了吧
  [01:02.46]I mean, come on. 我是说,来吧
  [01:06.22]Who are you to talk about relationships anyway? 你到底想要干什么?
  [01:08.46]You never had a real relationship with anyone in your entire life. 你这辈子都没有和谁有过 真正的系
  [01:11.62]Look, I'm supposed to meet my friends. 听着,我要去找我的朋友了
  [01:13.98]- So I'm gonna go, okay? - Sure. - 我走了 - 好吧
  [01:18.58]Thanks for the dress. 多谢你陪我出来买衣服
  [01:22.42]She didn't even finish her lunch. 她还吃不完她的午饭
  [01:24.42]Johnny-come-lately, giving her advice? 他以为这么容易就能 买通女儿的心吗?
  [01:26.82]- Oh, teenagers. - I think the talk worked. - 小孩子 - 我觉得他的话说得不错
  [01:29.10]- She's totally right. - Move on, dude. It's over. - 她今天很好 - 往前看吧,笨蛋说什么都没用了
  [01:30.90]Please. 来吧
  [01:36.74]Now you've seen how the cake is assembled. 现你们看到了 蛋糕是怎么做成的
  [01:40.34]The next time you admire a wedding cake, you'll be able to appreciate... 下次你再看到一个婚礼蛋糕,你会很羡慕
  [01:44.42]Wow. It looks so gorgeous. 我总是超重
  [01:47.86]- Fit, vibrant hair. - Oh. 总希望自己能够变得曲条些
  [01:54.46]I hated being overweight. I always wanted to be thin and pretty... 希望自己能够穿进那些
  [01:54.74]and wear cute little clothes. 漂亮的衣服
  [01:56.62]It built and it built, and my health deteriorated. 但我的脂肪不断的增加
  [02:01.82]And I couldn't walk and I couldn't stand... 后来我连走路都不方便
  [02:04.22]to even stand up at the park for ten minutes while my kids played. 最后,我连十分钟都站不住
  [02:06.38]I tried sitting on the swings, and the chains cut my hips and it hurt. 我感觉到有车子向我开来
  [02:09.06]And I couldn't... I couldn't run and I couldn't move. 我却一动都不能动
  [02:13.22]And I was tired and I wanted to be a good mom. 我真的累了 我想要做个好妈妈
  [02:17.82]What the hell's wrong with me? 我到底怎么了?
  [02:24.10]- Hello? - What am I doing? - 喂? - 我在干什么?
  [02:25.54]Darcy? 朵义?
  [02:27.38]How did you know it was me? I didn't say anything. 你怎知是我?我连声都没出
  [02:32.26]I, uh, just sensed it. 我感觉到了
  [02:34.82]Shit. I'm such an idiot. I didn't think he'd be there. 可恶,我真是个笨蛋 我没想到他会在家的
  [02:35.58]- Excuse me? - I didn't mean to really call you. - 你有事吗? - 我不是想要打电话给你的
  [02:40.38]I had your number here, and I was thinking of you. 我拿着你的电话号码 我是在想着你
  [02:45.38]Thinking of calling you. 想着要打电话给你
  [02:48.34]Obviously, I did call you. 不过我已经打给你了
  [02:50.90]Oh, no, that's all right. I, uh... 哦,没关系
  [02:51.78]I was thinking about you too. 我也正在想你呢
  [03:07.90]I could show the world how to smile 我会让大家明白怎么去微笑
  [03:13.66]Well, here's to another great idea. 希望我们能继续有好主意
  [03:17.14]- What, "Let's meet for a drink"? - Yes. 你是说我们该庆祝一下吗
  [03:20.06]- Yeah? - Exactly what I wanted to say. 是的,这正是我想要说的
  [03:23.74]Sometimes I think you're a bit of a mind reader. 有时我觉得你像是个人 能读人心思的人
  [03:24.58]But I don't have to be a mind reader with you. 但是我根本不必读你的心思
  [03:28.02]- Hmm. - You always say what you think. 因为你总是直言直语
  [03:30.06]- I know. It's a curse. - What... - 我知,这是对我的诅咒 - 什么?
  [03:33.78]- Are you kidding? It's a relief... an enormous relief. 你不是开玩笑吧 这是一种最轻松的生活方式
  [03:34.78]Do you know how rare that is to actually say what you think? 你知没几个人可这么做的
  [03:36.74]Do you have any idea how rare it is for someone to actually like that? 你知也没几个人会喜欢 我这么直言直语的
  [03:42.42]Trust me, this has not been a great thing in my life. 相信我,这并不是我的生活中的
  [03:47.46]My ex-husband didn't love me. Let's just put it that way. 起码,我前夫并不喜欢我这样
  [03:51.46]He didn't love you? 他不爱你?
  [03:53.86]Did I just say that? 我那样说了吗?
  [03:55.86]Oh, God! 哦,天那
  [03:57.90]Um, I meant to say "it." He didn't love it... 我是说他不喜欢那个
  [04:00.62]that I spoke my mind. 不喜欢我直言直语
  [04:05.18]If you wanna know the truth, I'm not sure he did really love me. 你想听实话的话 我觉得他从来没真正爱过我
  [04:07.18]- Ooh. - There's a conversation starter. 这真是个好极了的话题
  [04:10.06]God. A smart person would just get so very drunk now. 上帝,我定是已醉得 胡说八道了
  [04:15.50]How long were you married? 你们结婚多久?
  [04:17.50]A little less than a year. 还不到一年
  [04:19.66]I've been divorced about nine months now. We worked together. 我们已离婚9个月了 我们在一起工作
  [04:20.90]- You know that, right? - Oh, yeah. I knew that. - 这个你该知道的 - 是啊,我知道
  [04:23.06]- I heard it. - Hmm. 我听说了
  [04:26.06]- What was that like? - It was great in the beginning. - 到底怎回事? - 开始时一切都很好
  [04:30.62]But it changed. It became competitive. 然后就开始变了 变成了竞争对手
  [04:35.10]Suddenly, the better I did, the worse we did. 忽然间,主意越多 我们间的关系越差
  [04:40.58]I know that now. No, truly. 我知道,真的
  [04:41.34]The price I pay for being me. 这就是我为直爽而付的代价
  [04:42.86]- Oh. - No, no, it's true. 不,不,我说的是真的
  [04:49.30]Do you wanna know all this about me? 你真的想知我的这些琐事吗?
  [04:51.30]Keep going. 继续说吧
  [04:55.86]Well, that's why I needed to get out there on my own, 所以我才需要离开那里 自己出来做事
  [04:58.74]as scary as it was. 真的很紧张
  [04:59.74]I mean, not scary, but, um... 我不是说紧张
