
  [01:12.97]so as to
  [01:15.74]pass away
  [01:18.70]the same as
  [01:22.15]The sun rises in the east and sets in the west.
  [01:28.02]In his special season,snake always appears in the grass.
  [01:34.75]She sells seashells on the seashore.The seashells she sells are seashells she is sure.
  [03:01.94]in existence
  [03:05.00]easy does it
  [03:07.38]by means of
  [03:10.22]for example
  [03:13.00]at ease
  [03:15.55]They are the easiest to follow.For example,BBC English broadcasts programmers for China with explanations in Chinese.
  [03:27.54]The packing zone  is near the zoo.
  [03:33.01]Lizzie's dizzy lizard did not litter at Lizzie's lot.
  [04:55.88]run short of
  [04:58.73]show around
  [05:01.57]be anxious for
  [05:04.63]under the pressure of
  [05:08.74]The shop is selling a new kind of shoes.
  [05:13.67]I am not sure whether she will arrive on time as usual.
  [05:19.90]I'm not accustomed to that kind of social occasion.
  [05:25.73]The fashionable styles in summer dresses are on show.
  [05:33.22]I wish to wish the wish to wish ,but if you wish the wish the witch wishes,I won't wish you wish to wish.
  [06:35.71]as usual
  [06:38.63]with pleasure
  [06:41.11]make decision
  [06:43.96]I usually watch television at night.
  [06:49.07]The loss of the explosion which completely destoryed the garage can't be measured.
  [06:56.70]I usually spend my leisure time driving around.
  [07:02.39]Eat at pleasure,drink with measure.
  [08:18.71]out of berath
  [08:21.91]think over
  [08:24.83]get through
  [08:27.53]thank a thousand times
  [08:31.31]throw away
  [08:34.84]Think twice before you do an important thing.
  [08:40.52]She always throws away her old clothes after she get new ones.
  [08:47.33]I have called you a thousand times but I coundn't get through.
  [08:55.32]I thought a thought.But the thoughtI thought wasn't the thought I thought I thought.If the thought I thought I thought had been the thought I thought,I wouldn't have thought so much.
  [08:30.32]the other
  [08:29.32]in this method
  [08:28.32]rather than
  [08:27.32]worthy of
  [08:26.32]My brother would rather sleep than eat.
  [08:25.32]My father together with my mother went through thick and thin,
  [08:24.32]This film is more interesting than the others.
  [08:23.32]I would rather lather father than father lather me,when father lathers,he lathers rather free.
  [07:53.32]laugh at
  [07:52.32]make friends
  [07:51.32]go fishing
  [07:50.32]far from
  [07:49.32]a few of
  [07:48.32]I often meet my professor near the post office at five o'clock.
  [07:47.32]That  fellow followed me for a long time.
  [07:46.32]He made his efforts to finish his work but he failed,that was his first time after all.
  [07:45.32]A Finish fisher named Fisher failed to fish any fish one Friday afternoon and finally found a big fisssurre in his fishingnet.
  [07:29.32]1.Do you like it here?
  [07:28.32]2.Would you go with me?
  [07:27.32]3.Which one would you like,the red one or the yellow one?
  [07:26.32]4.Hello,Mr.Li.Glad to meet you.
  [07:25.32]5.John is your brother,isn't he?
